Author: this is an xenoverse inspired novel
Power levels:
-Arc 1-
Arshi:tempered demon
Nimashi:demon queen
Orck:lesser devil
Snarl:greater demon
Frostbite:frost demon (frizea race)
Frosted:frost demon (frizea race empress)
-Lore- years before the great demon invasion from the demon dimension humans lived in peace with the demons until war broke out as the Saiyans arrived after months of war the Saiyans and humans signed an peace treaty causing the 3 races to live in harmony but the demons grew greedy and after realizing that human blood and souls could empower them they started slaughtering them but both the humans and saiyans started fighting but only the Saiyans were effective at fighting demons as they had ki so in order for the humans to also stand an chance they were taught ki by the only few humans who knew how these humans and saiyans were known as Spirit warriors but from the soul of an ultimate spirit warrior 2 demon queens were born and used their power to merge the demon realm with the human world making it 3x as big and from that point 70% of the world belongs to the demons while 40% belongs to the humans and saiyans it was said that the demon queen nimashi has faced off against the Saiyan Spirit warrior known as garlot but he has defeated but not without severely handicapping the demon queen by using his Spirit separation technique he split her power into 3 energy orbs guarded by 3 different warriors of all 3 races and now In the present the war continues