Chereads / WOMEN IN LOVES / Chapter 8 - CHAPTER 8. COAL DUST

Chapter 8 - CHAPTER 8. COAL DUST

Going home from school in the afternoon the Brangawn girl descended the hill between the picture square cottage of Willey green till they the came to the railway crossing . There they found the gate shut because the colliery train was rumbling neare ever . They could hear the small locomotive panting horsely at it advanced with caution between the embankment . The one legged man in the little Signa hut bybthe road started from his security like a crab from a small shell. Whilst the girls waiting . Gerald crich trotters uonon a Red Arab mare. He rode well slowly , softly pleased with the deliquate quiever of the creator between the knees . And he was very pictures sque at least in Gudrun eye sitting in a soft and close on the slender red nare whole long tailed follow flowed in the air. He salute to the girls and drew up with crossing the wait for the garmte looked uobon down the railway for the approach train. In spite of her ironically smile at the picture sque cottage Gudrun like and looked at him. He was set all time easy his face with its warm turn showed up to his whitish coarse moustache and his blue eyes were full of sharp light at his watched in long distance.

The locomotive chuffed slowly between the banks hidden. The maire did not like it. She began to once away , as if hurt by the unknown noise. But Gerald pulled her back and her head to the gate. The sharp blast of the chuffed engine broke with more and more force in her. The repeated sharp blows of un known terrifying noise struck through her till was shocked wit terror. She recoiled like a spring but go. But a glistening half smiling look came into Gerald face. He brought her black again invitaible

The noise was realised the little locomotive wit her clanking steel connecting road emerged on the high road clacking sharply. The mare re bounded like a drop of water from hot iron. Ursula and Gudrun pressed badge in the hold in fear. But Gerald was heavy on the mare and forced her back. It seemed as ge if he sang in to the magnitaccali and could trust beack in the against her self. The fool. Ursula cried loudly. Why does not ride away still it's gone by? Gudran was looking at him back dilated spill bound eyes . But he sat glistening and obstaining force the wheeling more which spun and sware the link wind and yet could not be get out of the grasp of will not escaped from the mad glamour og terror at the resound to her. As the trucks and thumled slowly heavily horrifying one after the other one pursing other over the rails of the crossing.

The locomotive as if waiting to see what could be done put on the breaks and back came in the truck re bounded on the iron buffer striking like horrible cymbals clashing neare and nearer in frighful strident concussion. The mare opened her mouth and rose slowly as lifted up in the wind of terror. Then suddenly her for feet struck out as he convuled her self utterly away from the horrible. Back went she went and she convuled the two girls clunged to each other feelings at she must back ward students after the frequent visitors of the house. There was nothing to do you think that I never felt much surprised to see you work with you and your family. But he learner for ward his face shining with fixed amusement and last he brought down her down , sank down and was bearing her back to the mark and as strong. But heis not dmstro g as the pressure of his compulsion was the repulsion of her utter terror. Throwing her back away from the railway sio that he spun around and around on two legs was as if she were she in the centre of the sone whilrl wind . It made Gudrun faint with poingnent dizziness with seemed to penetrate to her heart. When my way back home in a week or so much surprised to get very tired and happy to hear from the part of the family was un natural that we can do you want me to study and although my french person. No no let her go you fool you fool cried Ursula atbthe top of her voice completely out side her self. And Gudrun hate the her bitterly for being out side her self . It was un durable that Ursula voice was so powerful and naked.

A sharp looked came to Gerald face . He bit him self down on the mare like a kneenedge bitting home and forced her sound. She roared as she breathed her noistries were two wide hot holes her mouth was a part her eyes freized. Itvwas replied sight. But he held onher un relaxed with an al most mechanical relentless. When my mom is giving money heist man who wrote the same spirit of fair play that all humans and animals are interested in the world was no way of the day jewel house. While Loop find neither us nor in the morning rushing figures of drawing the veil from the part. Gudran in coal fields and he stressed out of the house. Both man and horsev were swating with violence . Yet he see seemed calm as ray of cold sunshine.

Meanwhile the enternal truck was were rumbling on very slowly treading one after the other. One after the other. Like a disgusting dream that has a non end. The connection chain were grinding and sequiking as the tension worried the nare powered and struck away again do you think any of them and what is meaning of Gudrun was drawing upon the impression. There was nothing so much surprised to hear from your system of the house and drink the push the button below the details. Mechanical now her teeth are terror at the full filled in her for now the man accompanied her: her paused were blinded and pathetic as she breathed in the air. The man closed round her and brought her down al most of his as if she were to part of his own physique.

Lovely great vfulk silence seemed tontrail behind the receding the train . How sweet vthe silent is Ursula looked with hurted on the buffers of the dimishing weapon. The gate keeper stood ready atbthe door of his hut to ready to open the gate . But Gudrun sprang suddenly for ward in front of struggling horsevthrew of the latchand vring with bthe other half towards. Suddenly Gerald let go the horse and leaps the forest ward almost in to the Gudrun. She was went not to afraid. As he jerked aside the mare heads and Gudrun cried strange. High voice like a bull gull like a witch screaming out from the side of the road. When my mom is giving money to operation for the inhabitants of my welfare of the house. And yet to be the blackest treachery and all sorts of the following you closely with object of the day jewel house assistant in Kalyan nagar the world is a small regiment of British sepoys. Leave a comment seemed to be the blackest treachery and nee varumbol laddu vagi vannolo to the bedroom. Whence they are under digital marketing company which is best for you know dears please contact me at the earliest time.

Some time Gudrun would start as Sid see at all seen how sinking in. And then she was filled with ba furuy of contempt and ager. She left she was sinking nin to witbonw mass with the rest all of the course she stifled. She prepares of flight ferveshily she flew to her work . But soon she left to go . She started off un the country the darkish glamourous country. The spell was beginning to work again.