"So what do you think about Nyssa momma?" I asked
"I like her she's smart and you have fun with her so that's all I could ever ask."
Momma replied "you're growing well Theresa already at six and a half feet tall if I had to say you'll probably reach eight or nine by the time you're fully grown."
"Aren't you taller than that?"
"I am but I'm not exactly a normal dragon a normal dragon in human form is about seven normally me and you aren't normal dragons now stand up we should probably head back to the manor Nyssa is probably waiting." Momma said standing up from her usual spot by the lake.
"Me and Nyssa need to revisit here soon I wanna play again."
"I would love for that to happen but the path that has been forced upon her and you choosing to follow her down that path will not allow that."
"You'll understand as you grow." She said patting my head her wings sprouting "come let's start heading back." Following her lead I released my wings and we began flying back towards the Flamecrest manor over the enormous capital city of Ignia the north and south gates so far away from the other you could still have daylight on one side while it was it was night on the other. Once we arrived to the manor we entered and began heading to the training hall where we could here metal clashing as we passed the training hall I could see Nyssa and dread sparring I stopped staring at the elegant yet violent dance they were engaged in I felt momma tap me.
"It is entertaining to watch them spar I agree with you there but we have our own things we need to focus on." Momma said
"I know I know they're matches are just so pretty." I replied taking momma's hand as she led me to the field behind the manor as we entered the massive field she turned to me.
"Why are we in the courtyard I thought you said we needed to train more?" I asked
"You're right we do need to train more we've been practicing martial arts for three years you're nearly six now but we've never gone over what makes you truly special Theresa." Momma replied
"I don't understand."
I stood there puzzled at what momma could mean so as she said I watched I saw the familiar tinge of blue lightning in her eyes then wrap around her body as she transformed into her dragon form she didn't go full size she stayed her normal size something I had seen a thousand times.
"Theresa we will begin teaching you how to enter your dragon form."
My face lit up hearing what she said I was jumping up and down with excitement my excitement quickly ended when I remembered that I had never once been able to even harness the power of a dragon much less transform into one.
"I can see the doubt in your face it's not a good look you forget you're my daughter and I'm the original dragon there is no doubt in my mind you can achieve the transformation."
"You say that but even dragon magic I haven't been able to use."
"Who said that you've been using dragon magic this whole time that lightning that wraps itself around you when you get excited or when you're fighting is draconic lightning it's not normal lightning you're doing it subconsciously so once again I have no doubt."
"I've… been using it this whole time?" I asked looking down at my hands I could see the familiar purple lightning arcing between my fingers as I grew more excited.
"Yes you have once you learn to control it dragon form won't be very hard to achieve controlling your lightning is like using magic except it doesn't use mana your body naturally generates it and you already have experience using gravity magic so I imagine this will be easy for you." Momma said blue lightning wrapping around her as she entered her human form again in her hand holding a ball of blue lightning. "It's very simple the same way you will your mana into gravity magic just will your body into creating lightning." She said increasing the intensity of the ball of lightning in her hand I held out my hand in hopes of replicating it and just like I'd use gravity magic I willed myself to create lightning and there it was a small ball of purple lightning. I played with it tossing it into the air running around with it and trying to make it bigger I wasn't flawless with controlling it but that didn't matter I accomplished something momma always said be proud of your accomplishments and now I understood why.
"Now that you know how to use your lightning wrap yourself in it and you'll enter dragon form."
"Ok!" I began wrapping myself in lightning just as momma instructed I could feel my body wanting to change as I fully encased myself I could feel it trying to shift the power inside me amplifying but it felt as if sometimes was blocking it preventing me from fully changing.
"I can't I can feel it I can feel my body trying but it's like something is blocking me."
"Blocking you intresting I've never seen that happen before I can help you give you a boost maybe see if that helps go ahead and try again I'll see if me helping fixes it." Momma said grabbing my hand nodding at me to try again I began wrapping myself in lightning and began feeling a cold feeling eminating from my hand and wrapping around me as well I could feel my body responding attempting to change my wings sprouted and began growing when suddenly they stopped and retracted I stopped and the cold sensation disappeared.
"It helped a little but it still didn't work also I felt a cold sensation coming from the hand you were holding did you feel it."
"Well duh it was me my lightning is cold I swear I've told you this."
"No you haven't and you and your cold lightning didn't help I still couldn't enter dragon form."
"I know which is problematic we can try and have Mei look into it she's smarter than me maybe she can figure it out."
"I hope so It looks so cool also I wanna experience flying like that."
"You Will darling for now we can just work on your lightning control while in combat."
"Can we go inside and see Nyssa instead?"
"We could but there would be no point her and dread will not be done sparring for a long while especially with how fast Nyssa is learning I wouldn't doubt if she's moved past the sword today or tomorrow."
"And I still haven't fully learned martial arts yet." I said looking at the ground
"Don't compare yourself to Nyssa you two are drastically different in both fighting and personality trust me there is things you will be better than her at no one is perfect not even her." Momma said lifting my head up "You may not be able to turn to a dragon yet but that doesn't mean we can't help you learn to control your lightning in combat so why don't we head inside and get started."