"Use protection? He really believes we are like that?" Eun-Seong says wrapping his arm around her sleeved one.
She lets out a breathy chuckle as he spouts random crap he can think off of the top of his mind as she unlocks her dorm room door.
Inside was a cozy yellow with a green carpet under a white bed base with majestic mountains purple curtains and bedding.
"We should go for coffee and sandwiches." He suggests with a cheery tune. "That or a tiramisu place. You know what, I just want some coffee something."
He pauses his speech as he is awe struck by the vastness of the room.
"For damn shame that I am an avid coffee hater. I despise the taste, I'm a tea person." Ah-Reum states taking off her shoes at the door.
"I have never seen a dorm this big, not even Eun-Ji's was this big. Did she ever come here?"
"Nope." She says folding her arms so that they rest under her breasts.
"Are you rich, Ah-Reum-ya?"
Without missing a beat she squints and the with an annoying girlish voice says, "I got in due to a scholarship. Do you think my mom has the money for this sh!t?"
Eun-Seong frowns.
"Besides this was the only room available." She says in her normal voice.
Ah-Reum begins taking off her clothes as she heads into the bathroom leaving Eun-Seong watching as she strips bare.
After a quick shuffling he is in the bathroom with her.
The tub was a lovely jade green and the walls dark green. His eyes shining like stars as he revels in the beauty of the room cooing loudly in delight.
She steps into the shower the golden head sending a shower of water trickling down her face and body. Eyes closed shut as she listens to the rushing of water as she bathes.
"I want to help." Eun-Seong's petulant voice rings out.
She turns only to find Eun-Seong in his naked glory carefully stepping into the shower right behind her.
His arms wrap themselves around her as he closes the distance between them he lies his head on her back.
She feels hands massaging her body and bubbles rise up into the air around her.
When she turns around to face him his lips brush against hers.
"What are we?" She asks voice soft and raw with emotion of temptation as she struggles to keep a moan down as he massages her folds.
"What do you want, alpha?" Eun-Seong asks pulling her in for a kiss as his other hand goes to massage her back.
The sensations were driving her up the wall and it didn't help that her rut was coming up soon.
She moans into his mouth languidly, she was giving in.
Pressing him up against the glass of the shower she pulls him against her new forming length as she bites the inside of her lip trying to regain control.
'No. Not now.' She instructs herself.
She feels faint as she leans back against the wall releasing Eun-Seong. Her cock a beautiful shade of violet. She puts a hand to her head.
"Maybe the heat is getting to me, need to get a grip."
A warm sensation envelopes her nether regions as she feels a light suction pull her straight out of her thoughts.
"What the fvck?" She blinks, dazed.
And just as she expected Eun-Seong was helping himself.
Sucking and slurping he made all the hair on her arm stand up, pleasure coursing through her body.
"Eun-Seong, what are you doing?"
"Seeing something." He smiles cheekily, licking his lips.
Taking a shower together was unexpected and messing around in the bathroom was beyond what Ah-Reum was expecting today.
Soap and water streams down the drain as the two of them bring the shower to a stop.
Stumbling out of the shower wet and kissing they make their way to the full size bed.
Ah-Reum picks up the smaller man separating them as she puts him on the bed.
"Are you always this horny?" She asks folding her arms.
"No," He says rolling his eyes. "Come on alpha, don't think."
"You don't want me to not think." She warns.
"Just do what your body wants. That erection looks painful. When was even the last time you had sex? Don't you get frustrated?" Eun-Seong coaxes laying on his back with his legs bent as he parts them reveling his bare sex.
"I—" She starts, her body was frozen to the spot. "We shouldn't be doing this your parents don't know and I don't know what you are expecting but this ends right now. Put on some clothes on, now!" She orders.
"Ah-Reum," He growls her name like a small kitten as he sits up. "I. Want. It. Now!" He spells out for her pounding his fists on the bed.
"Listen here," She says grabbing his chin, "Stop being a brat."
He smiles mischief written all over his face.
Eun-Seong grasps her faster than she was prepared for and pulls her into a kiss.
"Ah-Reum, stop being that way."
"What way?" She questions.
"So stubborn and selfish, it isn't doing you any favors right now is it. This is a first. Be more open and stop being a prude." He says grasping her d!ck.
"Me, stubborn and selfish?" She asks folding her arms. "What about you? A spoiled rotten prick."
"Well, excuse me. That is all you see? What happened to Eun-Seong's the handsomest thing that walked the planet?"
"From when we were children? Eun-Seong you're a literal fvcking idiot."
"The teach me! Teach me how to be. I want to know what makes you tick, every moment I want to feel your skin on mine. Do you know how hard it is wanting something you can have!"
If it were a while back Ah-Reum would have given him anything when he asked. She drew the line at her life, if Eun-Seong told her to jump she would ask how high.
"You really are…" Her sunburst eyes well up with tears. "You know nothing about longing."
Eun-Seong's petulant demeanor drops as he stares at Ah-Reum crying.
She hasn't cried since she was a little girl.
The first day she has seen Eun-Seong it was like something clicked in her heart.
Her mother and mama had wanted to transfer her to a bigger school hoping she would finally break out of her shell and she would show the world how intelligent she really is.
She passed the entrance exams and got into the prestigious primary school, the first thing that she saw at that school as she was there for transfer day was a boy with fluffy black hair and a rounded face surrounded by several boys and girls while they stand on something that made them tower over the others.
Three other boys stood there, one with white hair and the other two with dark hair who had similar looks. But they were not comparable to the one standing the tallest.
"We are all going to become omega's that is what the doctor's said." The dark haired look-alike ones proudly stated.
The white haired boy stared at her so of course she would stare back. It was only right.
He smiles at her as she gets close to the commotion only to see his bright blue eyes flash just as she takes her eyes off of him and looks at the boy in the middle.
She was short shorter than most standing at 111cm. She pushes her way to the front with her skinny body. She didn't have much meat on her as if she didn't eat and her skin was a pale brown then, color still developing.
She set her golden sunset eyes on the main boy who stared down at her.
The tall boy kneels down petting her dark red hair.
"How old are you kid? Oh, I am seven!" He chirps holding out his fingers.
"I am six." She says with a sweet voice showing hers awkwardly.
"And you're here for the transfer event?" The boy with fluffy hair says.
"Yes." She smiles. Her mint green dress flows in the wind as the bright yellow osmanthus flowers in her hair giving her an interesting smell of cinnamon milk and gentle florals.
"Where is your parents?" He asks.
She points past the crowd.
"Go to them. I will be right there." He says taking her hand and parting the crowd.
When she makes it back to her mother she points to the boy.
"When I grow up. That boy is gonna be my husband she says with a smile."
The tall 190cm tall woman lets out a chuckle, bright red hair caressing her pale skin.
A pale hand with bright red nails envelopes her hand.
The boy didn't come to her side, seemingly stuck in the crowd of kids.
"Looks like you will have to see him another time."
"But…" Tears budding.
"Ah-Reum, we must get you into school, now be a big girl and put on a brave face for Mom okay?" The tall woman says crouching. She stands once again and leads Ah-Reum away to attend the tour.
She steps into the fresh scented office the scent of coffee is strong and the smell of whiskey battles for dominance.
Her great-grandfather sits at his desk.
"Now who could be trying to enter my room this time? It can't be Cha-Cha, is it Sang-Sang?" The older man says in a playful, but stern voice.
"Hmm. Perhaps it is little Red?" He asks.
She pulls herself from the door way and giggles.
"Now I saw your red hair Ah-Reum. Come here and stop hiding, I know that spiced milk smell from anywhere from the normal milk scent of normal pups."
The beta stares at her with cold blue eyes and dark black hair slicked back on his head. Despite being in his late sixties he still looked as if thirty. His fancy glasses sat on his nose bridge.
The Seol family lineage was run by a beta, it was no secret his favorite children with his omega wife was his first daughter and last daughter. The first being an omega and the last an alpha. They were the apples of his eye and their children never disappointed him. His one and only son and middle child refused the family line as he was a proud alpha, but visited once and a while to show off his grandchild. His daughter and grandson are the only good he has brought to the lineage.
He is a high beta. A highly rare beta type that can at times even rival the strongest alpha. Being able to identify smells was one of the main ways he could identify his family as he chose a nameless omega instead of a beta woman, much to his parent's dismay.
He the reasons he married said omega was unsure, but perhaps it has something to do with her bright red and stark white halo of hair. Despite marrying against his parents wishes he continued on amassing a mysterious wealth.
So much so that none of the alpha's who led the world could understand as it was far beyond the scope of just making money. He was good at what he did, so good that he himself took over every dynamic by storm.
"Why do alphas have to rule if we can be just as powerful and successful as them and have a submissive wife?" The betas ask.
The alphas in power soon grew afraid that their control over society was coming to an end. So they arranged a hit on the beta Seol Beom-Gyu.
Just as Ah-Reum sat on his lap he heard a sound and ran out of the room just as a mazeltov glass flies through the window attached to a bomb.
The massive manor is engulfed in flames as the entire family makes it out.
That is when the shots rang out. Several shots came out causing them to run back into the burning building.
"If this is how it ends. I want you all to know that I care about you all very much." Beom-Gyu says wrapping his arms around his family.
His wife Chae-Yin pulls into his warmth and they are all engulfed in his strength.
Then her grand-uncle and a sixty year old looking man with dark hair enters the house.
"Mr. Kim, you must stop this at once." Beom-Gyu sternly says looking down at the two who entered. "By- Byung-gu? What were you thinking?Killing your blood won't do you any good." He turns to Mr. Kim, fury in his eyes. "You took my son to be on your side?"
"You are strong. So I had to hit you at your weakest for you to finally be taken down."
"By attacking my family?"
Ah-Reum is then passed over to her great-grandmother. Looking into her sunset colored eyes. She could see her omega rage peeking through.
Ah-Reum turns her attention back to her great-grandfather.
"Don't make it sound so… morally disgusting. I am just ensuring what my father before should have done so that my son doesn't have any competition, this, and I am taking your son as my own. Don't you worry, your bloodline will live on… Through your least favored child!" He cackles as he walks out of the door and drops a bomb.
Then the memory grows fuzzy.
ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧
She wakes up in a house. Her grandmother Beom-Ya stroking her hair. Which was now a vivid red color.
Rocking back and forth to sooth herself from something that happened. Something that she can't quite remember or can't bring herself to remember.
The Seol family has fallen.
The news reports say so, The news then shows the breaking news that several betas working in packs came out and started an all out war with the alphas.
Using the Moon family's technology they teleport and destroy alpha owned businesses and statues depicting alphas. It was a blood bath.
"The red tiger has awoken in you."
But in the end the beta's were triumphant.
Society as it was known has been shattered forever.
When it was time for her to go back to school. The school only allowed children of alphas and omegas, the world has definitely changed.
And the boy she met, was only there flitting around like the social butterfly he was, always surrounded.
She never had the confidence to speak to him again.
And as it would seem… he forgot all about her.
"I can't teach you."
'The Kim's I forgot. If he is at this school he is either rich. Or he belongs to that family.'
She spares a glance at the dark haired man and tries to remember the face of his parents if they looked similar to that man.
She can't recall. But she knows he would be eighty something by now, that or dead.
'Good riddance if he is.' She thinks letting her eyes go to a slit.
"Hey, alpha, what are you thinking about?"
"Tell me about your lineage." She says choosing her words carefully.
"Lineage?" Eun-Seong asks sitting up.
"What? Are you one of those people? Didn't you ask Eun-Ji about this?" He raises an eyebrow before he kicks out his leg caressing hers with his foot and speaking with a sultry voice. "Now get in this bed with me and have some fun."
"I never asked." 'Because Kim is such a common last name. But now things are different.' She has a certain pull away. 'If mama knew he was a Kim from that family line that destroyed ours, she would have never suggested to knot and marry him.'
She sighs and sits at the edge of the bed.
"If we fvck, will you tell me?"
Eun-Seong's eyes light up, a baby yellow color sheens over the surface of his black colored eyes.
"I swear." He says sticking out his pinky. "And you?"
"There isn't anything important about me. Forget about it." She says. "We do it on my terms and my terms alone, do you understand?"
"Y-yes!" Eun-Seong squeaks.
She walks over to her closet and pulls out a box and sets it down on the white wooden bedside table.
"Condoms? But I thought— You know I am clean right and I am on anti-pregnancy pills?"
"Probably, but I never do it without one because I can't be raising any kids right now not even by accident." She states.
"Oh," He says softly. "Do you have any lube?"
She opens the drawer and pulls out a lovely box and opens it to off a strange set with a miniature phallic object and a remote and a baby mint green bottle with pink writing that says strawberry flavored lubricant.
Ah-Reum flips him over tenderly onto his belly letting him stick his small butt high into the air she puts a condom on herself, then lathering the lubricant on her fingers and takes her middle finger to massage his insides.
He moans loudly when she hits something soft inside.
Unlike female omegas, male omegas didn't have a separate entrance for sex, just one, like a cloaca of some sort. The womb is located at the front so missionary wouldn't work on them unless your piece curves upwards or you're just good at angling your junk.
Fortunately, Ah-Reum's piece is tentacle-like so it functions more like the arms of an octopus. Perfect for getting into those hard to reach places, and the most optimal piece for impregnating.
Massaging herself, lubricant dripping down her fingers as she makes her way down her length.
She swipes the head against his plush tush and climbs up onto the bed setting him on his back.
Giving a whine in protest he stops as she slowly breaches his tight muscle.
"Ah-Reum, just be done with it." He breathes, breathlessly.
"Why would I go at your pace. Enjoy this thoroughly, as this won't happen again." She whispers into his ear.
"Who said?" Eun-Seong sasses.
"I said." Ah-Reum grips his waist and rocks back and forth urging herself deeper into him.
Listening to his breaths she times it pushing in as he breaths in and rocking out a slight bit when he breathes out until she is fully sheathed.
His eyes widen as she moves her tentacle exploring the new cavern.
"What the fvck?" He sputters. "You can move that sh!t around?" He asks.
Smirking she gives a witty response:
"Well it is technically a muscle, I just have better control on the articulation." She kisses him on the lips and sucks his bottom lip till it is red and puffy pumping herself inside to his breaths, relishing as she knocks the breath out of him.
With each stroke she feels her grip fading. Eyes rolling back as she appreciates how he squeezes down tight around her.
He isn't as tight as some of the girls she has been with, yet it feels nice, Eun-Seong lets out a long moan as she pulls out so slowly that even she felt her brain tingle.
"Faster!" He wails, tears streaming from his eyes.
"You, sure?" When she sees his face she gives in and starts pounding his hole.
A tiny poke at her belly she notes continuing at her bruising pace.
Hands grab at her arms.
Ah-Reum's eyes widen when she feels a particular entrance squish at the tip of her member.
"Crap," She mutters pulling out, leaving Eun-Seong groaning and whining. "That could be bad."
The tip of the condom was caught.
Inspecting her tool she catches sign of a wearing hole due to the flexing of her member. She promptly replaces it.
"Eun-Seong?" She lays on his chest.
"Put it back in. I didn't cum yet." Eun-Seong demands with a pout, wrapping his arms around her neck and pulling her in close.
Ah-Reum, rolling her eyes, she smiles anyway kissing him deeply.
After a few more thrusts Eun-Seong finishes, a pleased look on his face.
"Good?" She asks breathing deeply.
Eun-Seong's face fills with flush.
Ah-Reum watches as he turns his head away.
"Next time don't pull out." Eun-Seong coaxes her down to a kiss.
"I had to, the condom was going to break."
"Let it, I'm safe for this month." Eun-Seong says pushing Ah-Reum from planking on top of him to on her back.
"No omega has ever been safe, even when not on heat. I can't risk it." She huffs when on her back.
Eun-Seong lays his head down on her chest and she feels a hand glide over her abs.
"You have a lot of muscle." He says while prodding her belly.
"Well,this isn't the first strenuous activity I participated in."
"You say that like you're a sex junkie or some sh!t." Eun-Seong teases rolling over from his back and lightly punching her shoulder once he faces her.
She smiles.
"You probably wouldn't believe me if I said I had sex with fifty different girls and only remember like five of them." She says. "Most were older girls from the classes above me."
"What the fvck?" Eun-Seong sputters. "Who are the ones you remember then?"
"Hmm, the first girl I dated was Chen Soo-Jin. She was nice until she got an alpha boyfriend. Then there was Sun Nabi we went on and off too much, I told her I couldn't stand her cheating and leaving me. Then there is Kang Mi-Young who left me for a male alpha, Then your sister Eun-ji; she had me beg her to go on a date for years, that was part of the reason I started dating other people. When Eun-Ji grew bored of me Hye-Rim, her best friend asked me out. She usually calls me for sex. That's usually the reason they come back to me. I turned to random woman seeking something, only to not find it."
He puts his head on her chest, Ah-Reum's eyes widen as the dark eyes sparkle a soft baby yellow once again.
"I am sorry to hear that." Genuine sorrow in Eun-Seong's eyes melted her heart a slight bit.
"Tell me about your family." Ah-Reum starts slowly.
He blinks and bites his lip.
"Does it really matter? What? You want money or something?" He frowns sitting up and folding his arms under his head laying on her chest again.
Ah-Reum sighs and organizes her thoughts.
"I don't want your money Eun-Seong." She begins with. "I just want to know about your family."
'So smart Ah-Reum.'
"Um, I am a Kim, we run hotels and resorts, my father is Kim Eun-Tae and my dad is Choi Ji-Seong. I don't know much about my grandparents as they never made much effort to talk to my parents or me for that matter."
"So I take it you don't know about your great-grandparents or other family either?" She asks.
"Last I checked my father was an only child and my dad came from a small town family and has eleven sisters and he's the middle child. Happy?" Eun-Seong explains.
"It is good to know." She states hand caressing his head.
"Are you going to tell me about your family?" Eun-Seong asks.
"I am part of the Bamsaek family. I am a half foreigner. My mother is a Korean woman. And my mama is a Nigerian woman."
"Then how do you have red hair? Most Koreans have black hair."
"My mama carries the genetics for partial albinism of the hair and my mother carries albinism and the red hair gene. That is how I got these cherry red locks."
"I may not be no expert in genetics, but I am sure even though she carries it you should have been born with white hair."
Ah-Reum takes his hand.
"Albinism genetic plus red equals red."
"And it didn't go to your skin?"
She shakes her head.
"The gene only went to the hair. I got my mothers skin tone at birth and I got darker because for the skin genetics I inherited a mix between my mother and mama's skin tones."
"And what is your mother like?" Eun-Seong tilts his head with the curiousness of a puppy.
"She is strong and she is a very kind woman to Mama and me. She is also way taller than me."
Her fingers wiggle through his hair as she kisses his forehead.
She hears the sound of a phone buzzing and looks at her phone that is on the nightstand.
"Sh!t, I forgot I promised today to help Sang-Won with cleaning his dorm out."
"He's a grown man, why can't he do it himself?" Eun-Seong questions. "Just stay in bed with me."
"Because, he left his girlfriend."
"How exactly does that apply to you and why is this taking from our cuddle time?" Eun-Seong was becoming irate.
"It is family stuff okay, family helps each other."
'I doubt you ever had to help anyone other than yourself.' Is what she would have said but she he didn't want to end off on a bad note with Eun-Seong.
Ah-Reum escorts Eun-Seong out and she heads over to her cousin's room. The Kim family descendants were all alpha males who married and had pups with omega men, it would be hard to assume that that long legacy would end with an omega daughter and an omega son. But the more she thinks about it the more plausible it seems.
[Yeah, right. You're not a man. Remember? We don't care what the government thinks. Everything will go to me.]
Those words linger in her brain. What did he mean by that? But his grandparents never made contact with him.
'Maybe I am over thinking it.'