It seemed my yell was enough to snap Phoebe out of her moment of shock.
However, it was too late for her to move away for safety as the bomb exploded, sending smoke and wooden shards everywhere.
Luckily for her, I caught her before she could get hit by the blast and ran out of its radius, landing a few meters away from it with her underneath me.
I slowly opened my eyes, my gaze landing on her breasts underneath her wedding gown which were now both popping out invitingly.
Before I could get too carried away, Phoebe opened her eyes as well, breathing heavily.
"T– Thank you, Negan." She stuttered, her eyelids fluttering.
I took that as a signal to reluctantly get off her body, controlling myself before my little soldier could stand up.
Now wasn't the time for that.
I stretched my hand to Phoebe, helping her get up before trying to peer through the smoke to get a view of what was happening.