Chereads / I Reincarnated Twice in The Dragon Ball Universe?!?! / Chapter 1 - Forevermore, The Dream

I Reincarnated Twice in The Dragon Ball Universe?!?!

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Chapter 1 - Forevermore, The Dream

When you live through the years you see a lot… people doing stupid things, people saying stupid things, and people demonizing other people.

All for what? For gain that is only momentarily? And can be quickly taken away?

Well, not this time, not for him; he's a reasoner, or at least he wants to be.

[Planet Vegeta Age: ???]

"Another great battle! No doubt training has increased your gain!" A male saiyan, with a scarred face spoke with a smirk towards another one of his kind, female taller than him smirked bandaging her wounds.

"Tch, damn, even training you never hold back do you?" She grunted out, a whistle of pain escaping through her gritted teeth as she rolled her neck.

"Hey! I need to, you're always a hundred or nothing, seriously I feel like your trying to kill me when we're sparing!" The male protested heatedly, he wasn't trying to pick another fight with her, especially with winning due to a cheap shot.

Not that he'd ever admit.

"That means shit Cilano!" The female Saiyan cursed out as she frowned at Umpkin's words.

"H-hey now, no need to get heated" Cilano sweated a little at her attitude quickly hearing up again.

"Fuck that! What was that Ki attack?! Splitting off into multiple other beams?!… Cheap shot" she gritted out the last two words between her teeth.

"L-Luffa, there's no reason to get so heated besides I needed to think outside the box! Especially when you've a 1,000 more on me" Cilano reasoned with widened eyes.

"Power levels mean shit when it comes to actual skill!" Luffa yelled out with a frown "besides shouldn't you be more prideful finally beating your wife?" Luffa said with a teasing smirk.

"A-ah… don't say it like that, I don't need people thinking I beat my wife…" Cilano sweatdropped as he was more concerned about how others think about what she just said.

"Ha! Whatever, ever since my pregnancy I've been wanting to fight you and since you beat me… well… that deserves a reward no?" Luffa's lips turned into a dangerous smile.

"Ah… we-we'll you see?" How could he tell his own wife that he has a meeting with no one in the district of fuck all about a whole load of nothing?

"I'm joking, after giving birth with that crotch goblin I've been running rampant looking after him, so sparing with you was a good enough of a reward for your good work" Luffa shook her head with a smirk.

Cilano immediately let out a breath of relief, last thing he needed was telling his captain he couldn't make it to his mission because his wife wanted to mate.

"How is he by the way?" Cilano glanced around the damaged landscape around them. Fallen rock faces, divots, ravines, and craters only spoke of the legendary battle that took place in this now wasteland.

"Hrm, good, he's finally went from crawling to flying, he completely skipped over walking and running to downright sprinting… catching that little critter when he's so small is a challenge in itself" Luffa huffed placing her hands on either side of her hips.

"Eheh… u-um so, do-" Cilano was cut off by a punch to his face mu Luffa. Admittedly it came out of nowhere but it had more speed than power and only served to make him shut up and slightly push his head back.

"Shut it! I don't care, you've been gone long enough… besides you're mission isn't until tomorrow no?" Luffa crossed her arms underneath her bust with a cocked eyebrow.

"Y-yeah, but Captain Leeku wants us-" he was cut off again, this time by Luffa's words.

"So tell me which one holds more power a Saiyan Commander or a Saiyan Captain?" Luffa's eyes only promised pain if he didn't answer truthfully.


"Then stop trying to get out of this and come back home with me!" She sneered out as she stared down at him.

"Yes ma'am" Cilano nodded his head with a little sweat.

"Good" Liffa smirked as she started to walk away.

Admittedly the only reason Cilano only won against his superior opponent wasn't because of his gimmicks… but because his wife Luffa got weaker because she not only gave birth but because she took her own power and her own time to train or spare in the backseat compared to their son… if she had kept up with her training…

Cilano would had no chance to even hit her.

Watching his wife walk away, he only let a smile come across his face, not only at the view but at the face he'd see his son and have his wife by his side… who wouldn't ever want that?

Quickly walking to her side he spoke up "so has the Queen or King ask for you to come back?"

"No, they understand my absolute priority of my son's growth and how much of a troublemaker he is… they had no objections for me receding from the frontlines." Luffa spoke as she scratched her head her wild, spikey, waist long hair moving spratticly due to it's sudden disturbance.

He only let out a chuckle "so… paperwork?" He smirked.

"Paperwork" this word alone that came out of Luffa's mouth spoke like she was meeting her long time rival again.

"No lost love for it" Cilano shook his head.

"Never, not with this life at least" Luffa merely shook her head.

Cilano new that his wife had taken a keen hatred to paperwork of the Saiyan kingdom… mainly because royalty would never do it, not out of laziness but out of fear of what it is.

Cilano looked ahead to his and his wife's house, a mere Saiyan abode means nothing… but for him it's everything, for it houses the two thing that are irreplaceable to the Saiyan.

Walking in he was met with a healing pod in the middle of a large room with to the left a table and a coubyer that houses cookibg utenils and the such with a circular window lwtting the gazes of both inside and outside beings to look out of; to his right was everytging he ever wished for. A small saiyan sat infront of a small saibamen the Saiayn just merly tugging and pulling the Saibamen around as if it was a mere dog if the Saibamen wasnt do the same thing.

A ear to ear smile came to Cilano's lips as he crossed his arms looking down at the two, he never had this… the beauty of child innocence was never his or his wife's. But this child? All his, for as long as he's have it, until it was time… he's let his child have such innocence.

"Not even you eh?" Luffa's voice dropped to a whisper as she dangled an arm onto his shoulder her heavier weight leaned onto him but didn't allow him to move.

"Me what?" Cilano voice dropped to match his wife's

"Him… his… innocence, not even you can't help but admire" Luffa's gaze was kept onto her son and the Saibamen's playing around with a bunch of sounds from both of the beings which often left the child Saiyan onto his back but quickly back into his butt to continue on.

"He's fighting" Cilano whispered.

"Sadly… no matter what we do, it's just in our nature as Saiyan's" Luffa's voice became damaged almost hurt, as much as she didn't want to admit it, but she hated how much she was a Saiyan… but her Saiyan pride wouldn't let her admit it nor ever go against her Saiyan instincts.

"…how… long do we have?" Cilano voice was hurt even more, for he knew that it was almost time to the unthinkable for both of them but it's something that they both have no say in.

"Today" Luffa's answer hurt Cilano more than any of the battles, trauma, and wars he fought in. For the Saiyan's traditions are set in stone and soon their son would go to a different planet to fight for his survival.

"That's why you want me here" Luffa didn't answer as Cilano merely stepped forwards and scooped up his struggling son from the Saibamen. That's when he saw his son and burnt his face into his memory.

A small chubby face thanks to baby fat, bright beady brown eyes, freckles that dotted his cheeks , and his spiky wild hair that he inherited from his mother that had four large spikes go to the back of his head and two that go to his front; acting like bands over his forehead.

"Son" Cilano voice was one that filled with hope and a dream, he never wanted to let go of this face that he knew would never be the same again.

But for the son it was different.

'W-what?' The child through as he looked at a screen only he could see.


[Power Level: 178,00]

[Title: Bringers' Doom - you're actions never leave you, always leaving you with a forelonging of guilt that'll never leave you. Effects : ???]

'Not as strong as mom… but…' the child Saiyan sweated as the screen flashed away as Cilano brought the Saiyan into his arms as he stood back up.

"So you done gawking?" Luffa's voice cut through them both as Cilano eyes went to his smirking wide knowing damn well she caught him in his thoughts.

"Quiet you!" Cilano immediately went to try and preserve his dignity as he carried his son, which only led to his wife laughing at him.

Luffa eventually shook her head a her husband merely stared at her with a frown bowing damn well his pride had been nicked at her words.


[Power Level: 179,000]

[Title: Legendary Warrior - due to your feats within war you've been granted elevated status and a power seeks you wishing to witness your great power. Effect ???]

'Somethings aren't fair' The Saiyan child through tin sadness as the screen flickered away, ever since gaining sentience he's been bombarded with an existential crisis like none other.

The husband and wife chatted and bickered lively unknown to the child's plight from within his mind. The child despite his known problems didn't want to be disregarded neither did his tracing partner as the Saibmen climbed up onto a table and launched itself towards the child within his fathers' arm.

"Kweeeh!" The saibamen yelled out with glee as the child gasped out as the Saibamen's foot slammed into the child's jaw.

"Pffft" Luffa tried he best she really did, anyone who claimed otherwise would die.

"Now that's a cheap shot" the father in this situation chimed in as he whipped his head at the dancing Saibamen who clearly was happy with it's mere victory.

"Well… I'm happier knowing he can take a hit" the sole woman in the house spoke as she noticed her son squirming within the father's hands futiliy no doubt wanting revenge against the Saibamen for it's transgression of a no doubt cheap shot.

"Now, now, it's not like you can do much in this situation" Cilano spoke to his squirming son who grunted and thrashed around within his hands.

Luffa seeing this merely sighed and gave an extremely lazy kick to the saibamen who in turn flew across the room and in real time seemingly floated down to hit it's head to the ground before the healing Pod

"Kwweeeegghhh~" the Saibamen gave out a defeated sound as it laid before the healing pod.

"Good job I guess" Cilano merely shrugged as he held his son.

"Ha, I always do a good job after all I'm me" Luffa smirked devilishly at her husband.

"Argula begs to differ" hearing her rivals name exit her husband's mouth immediately made her drop her confidence as only a sneer remained on her face.

For Argula and Luffa was not only rivals in terms of power but in the terms of love, for they both wished to mate with the same man, however Luffa was only able to get on top of Argula because she didn't go about it in a roundabout way, and just straight up told him what she wanted from him… for her husband was a dense motherfucker.

Which sometimes she was both hateful and graceful for.

"We've got to go… you know?" Luffa adopted a face of indifference as she knew they couldn't stall for more time.

"…I know" those words exiting Cilano mouth took a lot more effort than he'd ever want to admit. Activating his scouter he brought his son outside as he punched in some commands.

"Where you sending him?" His wife asked.

"I… I don't know" Cilano forced out, he never really planned this, he never really did want to do this if he'd had his way his son would be a scholar, but he'd never let his son live a life ful of disrespect and be trampled on by everyone like he or Luffa was during their youth.

"Then allow me" Luffa extended her hand out towards her husband as a Saiyan pod landed before them, it's robust nature only spoke volumes of how much it was used.

Cilano in merely nodded as he took off the scouter and handed it to the taller woman she placed it onto her left eye and punched some numbers in. She could put it into the pod itself however she herself found it easier to simply transfer the cords to the pod itself.

"Do… do you think we'll ever see him again?" Cilano in spoke heavily as he placed his son into the pod.

"Yes" Luffa spoke with such confidence and with such speed it'll even make even their royalty pause.

"I don't believe our son will even fall in battle he… he has something in him, something that no one in our lives ever have… something that isn't Saiyan, and with that, I'm sure he'd never fail at anything he put his mind to" Luffa spoke as she took off the scouter and placed it into the pod before she gave her child a kiss on the forehead.

"Are you saying that to comfort me or is what your saying true?" Cilano asked.

"Tell me what you think" his wife merely challenged his question.

"…he'll survive, he will, no… he'll thrive" Cilano nodded.

Luffa smirked at her husbands words, she'd never admit it, but when he was confident his attractiveness went through the roof.

"Son… wherever your mother sent you… thrive, fight, win, come back… come back to us" Cilano spoke as the pod closed and started to fly off sealing the fate of their decision.

"Where they sending you?" Luffa asked this question only to distract them both of their son flying away.

"Some planet called Namek, shouldn't be that hard, said it's only occupied by two races" Cilano spoke emptily.


"Their regulars and their albinos but for some reason they're separated"

Silence reigned mercilessly between the two as they stared up at the distance visage of their son's pod.

"If I had chosen to be a scholar… would things be different?" Cilano asked his words only meant to distract him.

"…maybe… it's hard to tell, but I can only thank you for becoming a warrior" Leffa's voice gained it's life again near the end.


"Because it meant I met you"

Those words only brought a smile to his face as he looked at his wife, sure, becoming a scholar wouldn't mean his son would be sent to a 50/50 death sentence but it would also meant that he'd never had a son… for scholars are forbidden to mate.

"Come… let's train again before we sleep" Cilano smirked, he wanted to distract himself.