Creed rubbed his temples, feeling the dull throb of an incoming headache. Why was this his life?
Why was he, a proud and powerful warrior, reduced to a referee between two incredibly dangerous but ridiculously childish Succubi?
He sighed heavily, glancing between Lilith, who was still sparking with residual lightning, and Tierra, who stood there with her usual calm but smug aura.
The air was still tense, the hostility between them palpable, and it didn't seem like they were going to stop glaring at each other anytime soon.
His mind spiraled with absurd thoughts.
Should he be grateful that two incredibly beautiful, voluptuous women were fighting over him?
On paper, that sounded like a dream come true for any man with a functioning brain. But in reality? It was a disaster waiting to happen.
If he didn't put a stop to this rivalry now, who knew what kind of chaos they would bring in the future?