Chereads / Odyssey To Dominion / Chapter 59 - 59. Research 101: EP usage

Chapter 59 - 59. Research 101: EP usage

In the research room, the research team get to work. Clone1 is trying to figure out why they got detected the moment they used EP, while the rest focus on innovation and development. Clone1 stands in an open place with stone dummies before her, "There has to be something I'm missing. The monsters here can detect EP even when I'm stealthy, how do they notice." She raises her hands towards a stone dummy, "I'll make a fireball and observe it, maybe the EP for fireball is too much." Runes appear before her hand. It breaks and a fireball appears as it fires at the dummy. "Everything feels the same...right I can do that. CLAIRVOYANCE."

Clone1's vision switches to third person as she's able to see her own body, "This is really weird, but I should be able to observe things better. Now another fireball." Rune appear on her hand as a fireball appears and flies to the dummy. "Still nothing, the fireball is the same no matter how I look at it so what's wrong?" she rubs her chin then an idea pops in her head. "What if I use MAR VISION? It's always active but I can tune it to align with my ENERGY GENERATION skill. This way I'll see how EP moves to make the fireball. Okay fireball." Clone1 sees EP move quickly to make the fireball and fire it but notices something strange.

"No way, after firing the fireball EP still clings to the air." Residual EP use to make the fireball remains. "This must be why they detect me. The EP left behind sticks together making chunks, but why does it attract them. I'll just use fireball over and over until I notice something odd." She keeps firing the fireball at the dummy until the area around her hand has a darker EP. "I've seen this kind of mist before. I think Information Magic called it Miasma. It's caused when EP is not circulated in the environment...This makes no sense. I'll continue." She keeps firing the fireball over and over until the miasma becomes thick and heavy as it falls on the ground.

Clone1 Stares at the miasma on the floor. "APPRAISAL."


NOTICE: Miasma > Negative Energy.

Clone1: Negative EP? What's that?

NOTICE: Negative EP is EP drawn to the ground, it's heavy and stagnant energy. High concentration of Miasma can be used to alter the genes of a target and give FALSE LIFE to it, mutation. High concentration of Miasma can be used to make undead. Extreme concentration can force negative emotions to surface which alters the environment.

Clone1: Noted, Miasma is made when EP is stagnant. If I force it to move faster it just speeds up the spell. Still doesn't answer why they detect me…hold up. Miasma is stagnant EP, didn't I use all the EP for the spell? Unless… Information magic, observe how EP moves from creation of the fire to it firing.

Information magic: Acknowledged.


"Okay, this time I'll check the EP use to make the fireball." She stands before the next target to let the miasma dissipate. Runes appear before her hands and fire. "INFORMATION MAGIC how did it go?"


NOTICE: Total EP for fireball, 30EP. 5EP is use to make runes and ignite fire. Next 10 is use to mold fire and last 15 is use to aim and shoot.

Clone1: What EP causes the Miasma?

NOTICE: 15EP is left behind from the spell.

Clone1: So in all only 15EP is necessary while the 15EP use to make and mold the fire is left behind. So why does a simple fireball need 30EP when 15EP can fire it?

NOTICE: The concept of recycling EP has never been considered.

Clone1: Then I'll try it. Using EP that has already been used should open a new possibility for me. Help me out here.


Clone1 raises her hand to the dummy, runes appear again to make a fireball but it falls apart. "I used too little EP, but this just proves that I don't need the set EP for a spell or skill. Now I just have to control it to activate the skill using as little EP as possible." Runes appear around her hand again but this time it moves slowly, dims and makes a fireball just like the previous ones but a lot weaker.

"I managed to make the fireball with 7EP but at this point it's like throwing a hot towel at someone's face. The runes dimmed showing it had too little EP but it works, so I'll just watch the runes and use enough EP to make it bright but no more." Runes appear around her hand again, this time the runes are as bright as normal ones and has the same strength as normal fireball.

Clone1 jumps with joy, "YAAAYY!!! After 54 tries it works. SIMULATION is really great. Now with skills also, I'll try to make a golem." She points the dummy as circuits appear around it, this time only the circuits have EP as the body of the dummy is still stone. The dummy moves just as any golem. "This is awesome! I used less EP than usual to make the golem, no EP was wasted. I'll send the results to the DATA LAKE for the other Me's to try it if we can avoid detection." Clone1 closes her eyes as her memories and thoughts floats into the DATA LAKE.

On the Survival Team, Clone13 is picking fruits from a tree about 1.2 kilometers high in the sky covered by leaves and branches. The fruits are spiky but seems to be juicy, there is a 6 armed big cat monster by the fruits sleeping and Clone13 has a stick…..a log, she is using the leaves as cover. She is sneaking close to the sleeping monster when she notices the new info in the DATA LAKE. Clone13's thoughts, "Cool, perfect time to try it. Use only the necessary amount of EP to harden this branch in my hands." EP leaves CLome13's hand like a thread into the branch as it hardens.

The monster didn't notice it at all. "Success, I'll report it to the guys. Time for diner." She sneaks closely to the sleeping monster to get a clear view of it. It has 6 arms but has 3 fingers on each hand and feet. Clone13 shakes her head. "Sorry body, you slept at the wrong place at the wrong time. I just hope I can get out of here before it attacks." She raises the log above her head, uses little EP just enough to activate a berserk skill. Her muscles tenses and broadens as she grips the log harder. With a swift motion

*BANG!* The monster wakes *BANG* It slips trying to hold on to the branch *BANG* its head is stuck in the branch and takes it out *BANG* The monster feels numb as it fell from the branch.

Clone13 quickly reaches her hands to pick the fruits and stuff them in a bag made from leaves. "This should be enough, gotta ghost before the thing come back…..or not…. Huh" she continues to pick the fruits but this time more gently. The monster didn't come back because it fell in the mouth of a yawning monster below, free food.

"Time to try this new discovery on storage space. I hope nothing notices it." She uses little EP to make the storage space open but nothing detects her, she couldn't hide the grin on her face. "More food then!" she starts tossing all that she gathered into the storage space until not a single fruit is left. "30 fruits as big as me. What a haul. I should use the old way of using skills to see the reaction of the monsters if I can notice why I was detected. A fireball up that one's ass should do the trick"

Clone13 points her hands at another big cat monsters but as she makes a fireball. Time moves slowly as she observes her hand, the runes appear, make the ball of fire and shot it. The residual EP left behind clings to each other like tiny particle clumping together, it gains mass, solidifying although gaseous. When the residual EP gains form the monsters noticed Clone13 and the fireball hit the monkey's butt. "YAAAGGHHH!!!!!! GRRRRR" it growls at Clone13 as she smiles and waves at it.

"Guys did you see that." Clone13 speaks into the DATA LAKE as the research Clone1 sees everything.

Clone1 concludes, "They detect EP when it gains mass, you used too little EP so none was left to make mass. Good job me."

Clone13 smirks as she drops from the branch skydiving. "That's all for research, gotta lose them. WINGED FLIGHT." Wings appear from her back as she dives down while being chased by a swarm of monsters.

"Nothing like good old murder. ARMORED SHELL > GREAT AXE." She's covered in armor as a giant axe appears in her hand. She stops mid-air abruptly and swings around as a big cat is decapitated. She throws the axe as it struck 3 monkey monsters killing them. She spreads her hands out as abyss fire sprays from it burning the monsters and blocking them. She spreads her wings and flies away.