Chereads / Odyssey To Dominion / Chapter 23 - 23. Abyss Magic Acquired

Chapter 23 - 23. Abyss Magic Acquired

Nytri went around the entire floor planting spears as the snake kept releasing the waves, it stops and sees Nytri still hoping around, "HISS?!" it thought it had gotten Nytri with the waves so it kept on releasing using all its EP hoping to kill her, but not only did it miss her, she had the time to snack on a fish. Nytri didn't care since she thought, "It must be too angry to move, I'll wait for it to calm down." And that led to this situation.

The snake was so enraged that it threw itself to Nytri, it literally swam out of the water into the air and Nytri just dove into the water as the snake was pierced by the funnel-like spears, it didn't care, it wanted a certain bug dead. Nytri starts swimming to another platform with spears, the snake was struggling to get free as the spears had pierced it and it was stuck on the platform, it broke the plat form and saw Nytri climbing to another platform, it assumed Nytri to be tired and tried again. That let it to become a porcupine.

The snake learned its lesson after 4 tries and stopped tossing itself, after it managed to resist Nytri's taunts. "OH you no fun!" she shakes her head, "There're 10 spears on it so far, I think I can take its eye now." She takes a spear and throws it to the serpent and it closes its eye, Nytri throws more spears as she circles around it, when she was close, a ball of poison appeared behind her as it coated her spear.

Nytri starts walking on the back of the snake as it starts tries to shake her off but she was gripping one of the spears, she started to pour poison into the hollow spear which flows into the snake. The snake noticed something wrong and hissed in pain as it open its eyes just on time to see a spear 30centimeters from its eye. *HHIISSSSSSS!* the snake was in pain as its only remaining eye was pierced, Nytri starts to make poison balls and fire them to the spears on the snake, after 10 volleys she climbs onto the walls and moves to the roof, making a ledge to relax as the snake rampages trying to kill the bug around it. When it stops Nytri fires a spear at it making it think she is close while dousing it with poison over and over and over and over and over again leading us to our current situation.



Name: Serpa

Race: Abyssal serpent

Level: 27

Base Stats:

HP: 12/127

EP: 70/151

SP: 3/179

SoP: 15/15

Physical Stats:

Strength: 87

Endurance: 112

Agility: 47

Intelligence: 66

Wisdom: 78


Abyssal Magic (Level: 3) > Abyssal breath (Level: 2), Abyss elements (Level: 2) {Fire (Level:3), Water (Level:4), Earth (Level: 1), Air (Level:2)}, Abyssal drain (Level: 2).

Serpent kin > Maneuverability (Level:4), Body slam (Level: 2), Tail slash (Level: 1) Poison secretion (Level: 4), Under water Respiration (Level: 5)

Condition: Fatigued, Paralyzed, Poisoned.


Nytri watched the snake as it suffered and laid still on the surface of the water, Nytri was staring down at it, "Hah, I know you have SP left, I'm not getting down till it reaches so with your HP, watch this." She makes a web doll her size and drops it onto the snake, when the snake noticed an object on it not a spear, it released the same wave again. "See, just because you're about to die doesn't mean you won't fight." The snake had a relieved expression as it breathed its last, "This is why you blind them. Time to eat, this took longer than I thought." She drops from the roof into the water and uses webs to cover the serpent until she made a cocoon for the snake, "How do I take it to a platform? Meh, I'll bring the platform to me"

She makes a long web to a platform and back to the corpse, she did a lot till 40meters around the corpse was covered with webs, no monster dared come close since she knew that this was the boss and small fires always avoid them. She would take breaks eating parts of the corpse as she worked on building the land of web. In a long time, only skeletons were left of the corpse and Nytri was on the web land with a satisfied smile with a bloated stomach, "Looks like my net caught more fishes, it's not every day I get food like this, if I had a place to store it I would but, *YAWNS* I wonder how I leveled up this time.


Name: Nytri

Race: Human

Level: 33

Base Stats:

HP: 180/180

EP: 221/221

SP: 190/198

SoP: 60/60

Physical Stats:

Strength: 74

Endurance: 87

Agility: 105

Intelligence: 92

Wisdom: 101


- Information magic > Appraisal (Level: 3), Analysis (Level: 4), Predator instinct (Level: 2), Night vision (Level: 3), Speed Data Processing (Level: 2), Simulation (Level: 1)

- Humanoid> Regeneration (Level: 3), Battler (Level: 2), Body enhancement (Strength Level: 2 | Agility Level: 2 | Endurance Level: 1), Stealth (Level: 2)

- Abyssal Magic > Abyssal Wave(Level: 3), Abyss elements (Level: 2) {Fire (Level:3), Water (Level:4), Earth (Level: 1), Air (Level:2)}, Abyssal Void(Level: 3), Abyssal Contract (Level: 3),

Au: Humanoid skills normally wouldn't show but to let you know she got it from humanoid monsters like orcs and such

- Spider Kin> (Poison secretion + Poison Manipulation) Poison Control (Level:4), (Web creation + Web Manipulation + Web armaments) Web control (Level: 3), Wall Traversal (Level: 4)

- Bat Kin > Echolocation (Level 4), Winged Flight (Level 1 NOTE: lacks wings), Shadow blending (Level 3), Maneuverability (Level: 2), Sonic scream (Level: 2)

- Rat, Wolf, Serpent Kin > Bite (Level: 3), Claw strike (Level: 4), Charge (Level: 2), Under water Respiration (Level: 1)


Abyss: 50%

Poison: 30%

Acid: 10%

Pain: 20%

Confusion: 10%

CONDITION: Overeaten.


"I grew up this much, I also hunted fishes so I guess I'm the strongest here. I'll try the Abyssal magic stuff later. Now sleep." She shut her eyes and slept.

After a while, she woke up, "Now I should see what this abyss stuff is about, Abyss elements so FIRE." A ball of fire with dark aura around it formed, "This looks dangerous-" it fired towards the web and it burnt so easily, Nytri had a wry smile, "Why didn't it use this on me? It would have killed me in seconds!" She got on an earth platform since all the webs were burning because they were connected. She stretches her hand over the water, "Abyss ele- do I have to say it every time? What if something hits me before I can finish saying it in my head? Unless…" she imagines a ball of fire before her and a ball of abyss fire does appear, she was happy jumping, "I really don't need to say it to use it. Hurray! Hurray! Then water, ice." She uses abyss magic and moves the water as it flows up to the level of her hand and it turns to ice with just a thought.

 She practices more till she gets the hang off it and starts to hunt fishes underwater since she can now breath. She practices so much that she could stay underwater for a long time and with her echolocation, nothing could get close without her detecting it. "It's fun swimming like this, though it's hard using the abyss magic to move underwater." Yep, she was moving by manipulating water, just like the snake. She practiced by swimming to the bottom where she saw a gold clam, with a pearl in it, she took the pearl and the clam out of the water and laid it before her.

"What's this thing?" she has never seen a clam before, so she was poking it with her hands, "Oh I can eat it." She took a bite but couldn't, "Then Skin harden." Her teeth sunk into the clam like butter, "Tastes sweet." She ate it and the gold pearl. "Hmmm." She sensed her body change and a screen appeared before her.


Name: Nytri

Race: Human

Level: 55

Base Stats:

HP: 327/327

EP: 420/420

SP: 370/370

SoP: 472/472

Physical Stats:

Strength: 223

Endurance: 325

Agility: 378

Intelligence: 401

Wisdom: 411


"Hmmm, was this thing a monster? Oh well, it tasted sweet." It indeed was a monster, a really really really old one. The clam wasn't much of a fighter but it would open and swallow anything that was attracted to the pearl on it. Nytri was attracted but rather than taking the pearl, she took the whole clam, she closed it and ate it thinking the pearl was a form of butter as the image in her head was bread with butter. Poor clam.

She looks towards a hole on the opposite side she came from, "Now time to move on." And with that, she heads to the next floor.



NOTICE: This part of the dungeon is arranged like a flat land,