Chereads / The Umbra Unveiling / Chapter 10 - Getting Stronger

Chapter 10 - Getting Stronger

Two weeks have past since Vesper went on a rampage and killed Henry and his friends. And that kind of thing couldn't be hidden in the city of Larkspur where everybody knew everybody and information spreads fast. And this particular information spread like wildfire.

It has been two weeks since Henry and his gang members were found anywhere around the city of Larkspur which the residents found very strange given how energetic those children were. They always "helped" whenever they could and took advantage of their "help". But two weeks have past and nobody has heard anything from them. Including their parents.

Infact, Ashley, Teddy, Jed and Jeffery's parents where questioning and putting pressure on Henry's parents to tell them where their children where. After all they where last seen at their house, so the only logical reason was to question Henry's parents.

"Where are our children Richard. This is getting out of hand. If this is a sick joke your son is pulling, we are not amused." Jeffery's mother who went by the name of Samantha asked not taking it anymore. After all no reasonable mother would stay calm after their child goes missing for two weeks.

Richard, Henry's dad was looking at the parents of each child not knowing what to do. All of them were right after all, the children were last seen in his resident. He tried to calm them down , but they weren't hearing it, not anymore. It has already been two weeks and the only odd thing was the broken door in Henry's room and a hole in the wall.

He even taught if they were kidnapped but it didn't make any sense. Who would kidnap them in this small city of theirs.

While all this was going on, Ronan was not staying idle. He was in the dump site just having completed his daily task. The heavy piece of metal that he could barely lift before, he could now lift it and but it on his shoulders, doing squats with it.

At the moment, his stats looked like this.

Host Attributes]

Name:Ronan Erebos





Shadow essence:45/45








[Attribute points:0]

Ronan's body was not as slim and malnourished as it was before. He gained some muscles and even added in height a little bit. His hair grew and covered his eyes, almost reaching his shoulders.

If the townspeople where to see Ronan now, most of them wouldn't be able to recognize him.

His cheeks were no longer sunken anymore. His eyes where so dark, one could get lost inside of them if they stared at him too much. He was like a completely different person.

But it wasn't only his stats that he has been improving. Vesper told him that if he used his skill in repetition, it could increase the level of the said skill. And he did just that. Training his body and his skills for two weeks without stop.

[Skills and attributes]

Shadow step:Level 4

Bolt:Level 3

Craving:Level ?????

Shadow heart:Level ?????

Shadow Manifestation:Locked

Shadow Mark:Locked




Bolt increased by two levels, while Shadow step only increased by a level. Vesper explained that it was easier to increase low level skills. He also gave him the idea that using his skills in battle increases them too.

At the moment, Ronan could be said to have a strength of a middle tier novice on par with the bald headed guard, maybe a little bit stronger than the guard, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that he was getting stronger.

(Don't let it get into your head. Your not that strong. Not compared to people outside this town.) Vesper said as if knowing what he was thinking.

"I know. But know I can complete this quest." Ronan said looking at the quest that he received three days ago.



Kill the bald headed guard (Hector).

Rewards: Instant level up, new skill will be unlocked.

Failure: One of your available skills will be locked.

Time limit: 2 weeks.]

Ronan read the quest again sweating having just completed his daily task. He was shirtless his chest and his abs on full display. He was too big for his clothes, his oversized clothes were now too small for him to wear.

Oddly enough, he hadn't eaten these past two weeks but he wasn't hungry at all.

"Hey Vesper, why am I not hungry? It's not making sense or is it because of something you did?" Ronan asked Vesper, already knowing that it's something he did.

(Oh that. Yeah you won't be hungry for a while. And don't worry you'll know very soon, once you complete the quest I mean.) Vesper answered not saying more.

"Do you and the system enjoy being all mysterious and shit." Ronan asked getting tired of the whole secretive shit.

Vesper didn't reply, Ronan only heard him chuckling softly.

'I guess he does find that shit interesting.' Ronan thought with a sigh.

Ronan was preparing on having to face the guard. Both of them were middle tier novices, but the guard had more experience than him, having being an Advanced way longer than him.

Ronan washed himself up with the pipe that was dripping small amounts of clean water. When he thought he was clean enough, he entered the shack and got some clean clothes, or somewhat clean clothes and wore it. He then went to the scrap metal site and picked up a metal pipe which he sharpened himself. Ronan wore his worn out backpack, at this point, all the things Ronan was wearing was worn out. He sighed on looking at what he was wearing. He made a note to steal some clothes, those really fancy ones those rich entitled pricks wore.

On second thought he will settle for something simple so no one can mistake him for those bastards who looked down on him.

He remembered what happened when his sister died. How could he forget. He won't ever forget.

Suddenly, his eyes had a little tiny of red, as his gaze grew colder. They cannot escape the hell that's coming for them.