Chereads / Herobrine in Marvel...again / Chapter 55 - 44 Marriage 2 Archangels and Demons

Chapter 55 - 44 Marriage 2 Archangels and Demons

The grand festivities of Atum and Amaunet's wedding had brought together an absurd mix of divine beings, and somehow, the Archangels had found themselves entangled with Herobrine's 'Seven' Deadly Sins.

Well... at the moment, there were only three of them.

On one side of the room, two nearly identical blondes stood face to face, arms crossed, golden eyes filled with contempt and superiority. One had elegant, white feathered wings, and the other had bat-like demonic wings, but aside from that? Indistinguishable.

"You are quite full of yourself for a cheap imitation," Lucifer, the Archangel, scoffed, flicking her golden hair.

Luceris, the Sin of Pride, smirked back. "Cheap imitation? Funny. You are the one downgraded angel. How is the humility training going, huh?"

Michael, the strongest of the Archangels, stood at a distance, watching the confrontation with the weariness of a babysitter overseeing two spoiled brats.

"Should I stop them?" Sariel asked, watching the tension rise.

Michael sighed. "Nah, let them figure out which one is the most arrogant. If they implode, even better."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Gabriel, the ever-zealous Archangel of purity and virtue, had cornered Leviathan, the Sin of Envy.

"Just look at this! Look at how depraved society has become!" Gabriel cried, pointing dramatically at a young couple holding hands in the distance.

Leviathan, who had been peacefully sipping from a glass of divine wine, raised an eyebrow. "...What about it?"

Gabriel gasped in horror, pressing a hand against her chest like she had just witnessed an apocalyptic sin.

"They're holding hands before marriage! Do you not see the corruption of morals?!"

Leviathan slowly blinked. "...Girl. Please tell me you are joking."

Gabriel shook her head furiously. "This is serious, Levi! First, they hold hands. Then, they whisper sweet nothings. Next thing you know, they're making eye contact before engagement!"

Leviathan took another sip of her drink. "...Yeah, I'm done with this conversation."

In the coziest corner of the hall, Belphegor, the Sin of Sloth, had curled up on a luxurious sofa, looking like she had melded into the furniture itself.

Sariel, known for her gentle and motherly nature, had somehow been entranced by the sleepy demoness, sitting beside her and casually petting her head like she was some kind of divine house cat.

"…Mmm… this is nice…" Belphegor murmured, snuggling deeper into the cushions.

Sariel nodded in agreement, absentmindedly running her fingers through the demon's soft hair. "You know, I was supposed to be watching over the event, but this feels... peaceful."

Belphegor yawned. "Exactly… all that holy smiting stuff sounds exhausting. Have you ever considered... just sleeping instead?"

Sariel paused, looking genuinely thoughtful.

And just like that, one of Heaven's most diligent warriors had fallen to the ways of sloth.

Michael Facepalms (Again)

Watching this chaos unfold, Michael let out a deep, tired sigh.

Lucifer and Luceris were still locked in a battle of egos.

Gabriel was having a religious meltdown over hand-holding.

Sariel was one head-pat away from defecting to the demons.

"...I should have let Raphael handle this," she muttered.

Just as the tension between the Archangels and Sins reached a boiling point, the atmosphere suddenly shifted. A presence so commanding, so smug, so utterly shameless made itself known.

Herobrine had entered the chat.

With a cocky smirk and a confidence that could bend reality itself, he strode into the chaos as if he owned the place—which, he technically did.

His eyes glowed mischievously as they landed on Michael, the ever-composed warrior of Heaven.

"Well, well," Herobrine said, stepping closer, invading Michael's personal space like a heat-seeking missile. "If it isn't my favorite Seraph~"

Michael, who had faced entire legions of demons without flinching, suddenly found herself frozen, her usually stern expression cracking like shattered glass.

"W-What are you doing here?" she stammered, stepping back slightly, her face turning red at an alarming rate.

Herobrine only grinned, leaning in closer, his voice a low, teasing whisper.

"You look so tense, Michael~ Are you sure you don't need a little… relaxation?"

Michael's mind short-circuited.

Lucifer suddenly felt a wave of irritation bubble up inside her. She didn't know why, but seeing Herobrine flirt with Michael like that made her feel…

Annoyed. Irritated.

Unreasonably, irrationally jealous.

But, being the Tsundere Queen of Heaven, she couldn't just admit it.

So instead, she crossed her arms, huffed, and turned away with a scowl. "Tch. Who cares? It's not like I wanted his attention or anything," she muttered, but the way her eyes kept darting back toward them betrayed her true feelings.

Herobrine, of course, immediately picked up on it.

Smirking, he turned toward Lucifer, his voice dripping with amusement.

"Lucifer, you are not jealous, are you?" he teased, raising an eyebrow.

Lucifer's face turned slightly pink, but she scoffed, flicking her hair. "As if! I wouldn't care if you drowned in a pit of holy water, you shameless pervert!"

"Aw, that's cute," Herobrine chuckled. "You totally care~"


And just when the situation couldn't get any messier…

Luceris, the Sin of Pride, decided it was time to up the ante.

With a sultry smirk, she casually strutted forward, sat herself down right onto Herobrine's lap, and leaned back against his chest as if she belonged there.

Herobrine blinked in mild surprise. "Well, hello there~"

Luceris traced a delicate finger along his chest, her voice practically dripping with seduction. "You know, Lord Herobrine, if you wanted to have a real Pride by your side, you could have just asked~"

The room went dead silent.



Michael immediately drew her sword, her flustered expression now replaced by righteous fury. "GET OFF OF HIM, YOU DEMONIC HARLOT!"

Lucifer roared violently, her jealousy reaching a critical mass, but she still refused to admit it. "Y-Yeah! That seat is reserved, you— you fake Pride!"

Luceris pouted mockingly, snuggling even closer to Herobrine. "Oh? Why don't you both admit it? You are just mad because I got here first~"


And thus, a divine catfight broke out.

Meanwhile, Herobrine, the ultimate instigator of chaos, simply leaned back, arms behind his head, watching the madness unfold with pure amusement.

"Ahhh," he sighed, completely unbothered as angelic and demonic energy exploded around him. "Now this is entertainment."

As the divine catfight raged on, with Michael swinging her sword, Lucifer yelling insults, and Luceris giggling smugly, another presence suddenly made itself known—


With a deep pout on her face and her arms crossed, the blonde little Archangel stomped toward Herobrine, her massive angelic wings fluttering behind her.

"You!" she huffed, pointing an accusing finger at him. "Herobrine, you are being lewd. Again!"

Herobrine blinked, tilting his head innocently. "Lewd? Me?" He dramatically placed a hand over his chest, feigning offense. "Gabby, my dear, I would never do such a thing~"

Gabriel puffed out her cheeks. "Lies! You were touching Luceris before marriage!"

Herobrine barely suppressed a grin. "Before marriage, huh? So you are saying if I was married, it would be fine?"

Gabriel's eyes widened, her face turning pink as her brain scrambled for a response. "T-That's not what I meant!"

Herobrine smirked. "So… are you saying you would be fine with marrying me?"

Gabriel's entire system crashed.

"Wh—?!" she froze, steam practically rising from her head. "W-Wait, no! That's not—! You can't just—! Aaaahhh!!"

Herobrine casually leaned in, his voice dropping to a low, teasing whisper. "You're so cute when you're flustered, Gabby~"

Gabriel completely malfunctioned, she let out a very un-Archangel-like squeak before turning on her heel and running away.


Meanwhile, Herobrine, absolutely reveling in the chaos, turned back with a victorious grin—

Only to find Leviathan glaring at him.

The Sin of Envy's emerald-green eyes were glowing ominously, her tail flicking behind her like an angry cat.

She hated seeing him tease other women, she hated seeing him smile at someone else.

And she especially hated how flustered Gabriel looked when he did it, with a low growl, Leviathan marched up to him, arms crossed.

"You're enjoying this too much, Lord" she grumbled.

Herobrine smirked, leaning in. "What's wrong, Levi? Jealous?"

Leviathan immediately turned her head away, huffing. "As if! I just think you should stop corrupting innocent angels, that's all!"

Herobrine chuckled. "You are cute when you're jealous, you know~"

Leviathan twitched violently.


From the background, Michael (still in the middle of her brawl with Lucifer) shouted.


Herobrine leaned back lazily, checking his watch. With a smirk, he muttered,

"It's about time. Amaunet should be arriving any moment now."

Except… there was a small problem.

Or rather, a soft, curvy, and very comfortable problem.

Suddenly, Blephegor was sprawled across his lap, completely content, her heavy chest pressing against him as she let out a long yawn.

"Mmm… your lap is the best, Lord Herobrine~" she purred, shifting slightly, making her already dangerously low-cut dress slip a little further.

Herobrine raised an eyebrow. "You know, I should be standing to welcome my future daughter-in-law, but you are making that difficult."

Blephegor blinked sleepily up at him, tilting her head. "Hmm? But isn't a king's lap meant for his most loyal servants?" She shifted again, now snuggling into his chest. "Besides… I'm sooooo comfy."

Herobrine sighed, but the smirk on his face betrayed him.

"…You just don't want to move, do you?"

Blephegor grinned lazily. "Mmmhmm~"

Before Herobrine could pry her off, however—

Sariel appeared.

Unlike the usual calm and composed angel, she was walking with purpose, her golden eyes filled with dangerous intent.


Herobrine turned his head, immediately noticing the mischievous glint in her eyes. He knew that look. That was the look Sariel had when she was about to say something scandalous.

Sariel walked up to him, her pure white robes flowing gracefully as she leaned in close.

"Seeing you like this…" she gestured toward Blephegor happily lounging in his lap, Lucifer and Michael still squabbling over him in the background, and Leviathan glaring at him jealously, then to the outside the palace.

"…makes me certain."

Herobrine raised an eyebrow. "Certain about what, exactly?"

Sariel's lips curled into a teasing smile.

"That our children will also have such a grand marriage one day." Silence.

For the first time in a long while, Herobrine actually choked.

"—PFFT! Excuse me?!"

Sariel simply giggled, satisfied with his reaction.

Blephegor, still resting on his lap, hummed in amusement. "Ara, ara~ Looks like I have competition~"

Lucifer and Michael (who were still mid-catfight) froze.

Gabriel (who had barely recovered from her previous embarrassment) short-circuited again.

Meanwhile, in the background, Yahweh just sighed deeply, rubbing his temples.

"I should have expected this…" Regretting not bringing Zadkeil, Azrael and Raphael.