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The not so legal hero

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Hero? Nah. Villain? Definatley not!.... Vigilante? Maybe...

Chapter 1 - The Not So Legal Hero - Oneshot - Three parts - 1/3

"Aris!" I lift my head up from my desk, looking around I realize that I had just fallen asleep in the middle of class. "If you think you're so smart you can just doze off in the middle of my class, then why don't you come up to the board and answer this question for me."

Crap, I'm in math class right now! Praying for the question to be something at least something I know; I walk up to the board and wait for the teacher to think of and write an equation on the board. She ends up drawing a grid, without numbering them and completely randomly placing dots onto the integer of the lines, she has me finding the coordinates of the dots.

Taking the marker from her hand, I step closer to the board. I number each line, 1 through to 20 on the y axis, then 1 through to 23 on the x axis, I count the x axis first, write down the 6, then counting along to the 5 on the y axis. I go to the next point. x was 6 again, but y was 15, then the last dot had x on the 11th and 15 again on the y axis.

"What sort of triangle is it?" Really? Just because I got through that easy, doesn't mean you can just quiz me! Okay, no, she has the right, I fell asleep in her classā€¦ but seriously! "Uhā€¦ scalene, right angled." Sure, I'm complaining, but that doesn't mean I have to be bad at math to complain about doing it. "Fine, you're off the hookā€¦ but I see you sleeping in my class again and it's detention for you." Oh, thank the lord! I cannot get any detentions!

The rest of the day goes by normally, after that I had to make sure I didn't fall asleep again, the teachers here aren't relatively strict per say, justā€¦ very dependent and reliant on the rules, and abide by them as if it was a map to heaven or wherever they believe in.

Shocker, shocker, but the main character doesn't have any friends! Who would've guest? But obviously I've got to have at least one friendā€¦ right? Well, no. Not yet at least. I end up getting me bag and going to sit by the garden, but the 'less pretty' one by everyone else's standards.

I don't know if it's because I genuinely prefer these flowers and plants, or if it's because everyone prefers the others and these are the ones that come with peace and quietness, but oh do I love these plants.Ā Most of them are prickly and have spikes, but there is a singular bush, just off the center of the garden with the softest and smoothest leaves. Sure, I have to trample through some of the pretty, pretty plants to get there. But having taken the same steps every day multiple times, the plants have grown around my steps to make a desire path for me to not kill any plants, being able to sit in that oh so comfortable bush just shy of the center.

Lunch time is my favorite time of the day, although I do enjoy sports, I'm not social enough to enjoy the class, so when asked, I say art is my favorite. It's independent work, and I'm not bad at it either, it's calming too. I get out my simple PB & J sandwich from my lunchbox and just chill, listening to music and eating. I don't understand why everyone else needs to constantly be doing something, I enjoy having time to my thoughts, if anything it's what I do most of the time.

A few years back I even started to make stories in my mind, they'd change quite often, and I'd rarely have a 'proper' story, more rather just a scene that seems like it'd be cool to read or watch. So that's what I end up doing at lunch, just eating, thinking about some random plot line I made up on the spot, and listening to music.

There was only 2 minutes left in class, there's no point in waiting to pack up, we were just doing basic notes, so I pack everything up, my actual notebook and pencil case being last, just so the teacher didn't yell at me. The second the bell goes, and the teacher dismisses us, I don't run, but I speed through the room to get out as fast as I can without actually running. Speed walking.

My father being at work from 7pm to 3am, but seeing as its night shifts, he's asleep most of the day, also having a side job on the weekends, so he really doesn't see me much, but we need the money, so I guess it'll have to do until I can help out with money.

But for now, I walk home, it's only a twenty-minute walk including crossing the roads with traffic. Getting home I take my shoes off and go down the hall to my room, dumping my bag down next to my desk, immediately changing into a casual hoodie and trackpants before starting my homework.

It's basic humanities work, just finishing off notes I didn't finish in class today, and this time it's not just me who didn't finish so I didn't get yelled at this time!

I go downstairs to make dinner after chilling on my phone, just a re-heating meal from Coles, steak and mashed potatoes. I throw it into the microwave and leave it in for the three and a half minutes as it instructs me to. I heard my father waking up in this time, it isn't a small place, but it's small enough that the rustling around looking for food was audible from his room.

"Sorry dad, did I wake you?" I ask, seeing him emerge from his room. "No, no, all good Ari. What're you making?" He ruffles my hair with his rather large hand. "Steak and mash, what's on for your breakfast?"

Sure, it isn't breakfast time per say, but it is his first meal. He lives the life of a nocturnal, breakfast at dinner time, lunch at midnight, and dinner at breakfast. "Pre-workout smoothie, I'll have it on the busses and train rides." He gets out the milk and other ingredients for his 'breakfast' as the microwave beeps, I take it out and dump it on the counter, the plastic can really hurt if you're not used to it. Grabbing the cutlery, I sit on one of the stools and I eat and watch my father walking around the rather small kitchen.

"Alright, I'm off now Ari, probably won't see you until tomorrow, stay safe." Tightening his cup and giving me a quick kiss on the forehead he goes to put his shoes on. "Alright, love you dad." "Love you too, stay safe, be responsible." He manages to call out before shutting the door and running off to his first of many bus stops.

Per usual, I don't see my father in the morning, I just get ready for school, only having a breakfast bar as it's the easiest thing to eat on my way to school. I get there just over half an hour early, only just beating the school rush, meaning I get a bit of peace to myself. I end up going back to my main spot in the garden, again, just sitting there listening to music and thinking random thoughts.

Not too long later the bell ends up going, the five-minute warning bell to be exact, I end up making my way to my locker to get my books before going to class. Again, shocker, shocker, nobody has done their homeworkā€¦ except me of course.

But because it's me the teacher doesn't count me and acts as if I were also like the rest in the sense that I didn't do my homework. I'm not the only one who doesn't like the teacher, I hear others gossiping about her a bunch so it's not a biased point of view to say that she's strictā€¦ okay, maybe it is, but it's not a singular person, it's not just me.

Like yesterday, classes went my normally, we did have art today though. Nobody really does the actual work though, there is a select few that work, but almost everyone talks and gossips the whole time because the teacher is more laid back and doesn't care about it because he understands that art isn't for everyone and it's not going to help everyone in their life in the way they care about in the moment.

Which means he lets us listen to music as long as we had headphones in, which also means I get to mute everyone and blast music through my headphones as I draw away. Most schools have a curriculum for art, but our school doesn't really, they do want people to do at least one basic sketch every term, but people usually just draw some crappy stick person or something and puts it in their folder and don't touch their folder until the following term. Other than art I just wrote notes and did typical classwork.

I'm not bullied or anything, but I just don't have friends, not at school at least, and definitely not with this identity. What I mean is that I'm a vigilante, in simple terms, an illegal hero, someone who does heroic work without permission by the government, or specifically the hero commission.

I, a vigilante has the oh so amazing privilege of running away from heroes when on patrol. Being one of the best vigilantes around, I've gotten on the newspapers and news before, obviously my real identity hasn't been revealed, but it is annoying having to run away from the law basically.

It is helpful that my father has night shifts, it means I can just leave the house and not have to worry about getting caught, he'd so kill me if he found out.

When school finally finishes, I run home to do homework and chill on my phone, my father is already home, but I'll let him sleep. I do make myself a snackā€¦ a packet of chips and a mug of black tea, apparently black tea is good for energy, less helpful than coffee or an energy drink, but it's still slightly helpful.

I just chill on the couch in our makeshift living room, it's a four-room apartment, two bedrooms, bathroom, and a kitchen/living room, it's basically just a kitchen with a couch and popup T.V, so when I say makeshift living room I mean on the couch in the kitchen.

It's only until when I'm making dinner do I see my father walking out of his room in his work uniform, the place isn't too strict on the night shift's uniform, as long as he's got the red t-shirt, they gave him on, and the logo is visible then he won't get into trouble or anything.

"Hey Ari, you have a good day at school?" I just chilling on my phone at the kitchen bench when his hand went to ruffle my already messy hair. "Yeah, had art today so that was cool. Can't wait to show you my stuff at end of term."

Technically I can show him now, but he gets half a week off during term breaks and I'd prefer to show him my stuff then while we do typical father daughter stuff rather than when he's still tired but has to go to work.

"Can't wait, what's planed for dinner tonight?" "Can't be bothered to think so steak and potatoes again." I turn around and take it out of the beeping microwave, dumping it on the bench before getting cutlery. "So, you going to have a proper breakfast today?"

He ends up rolling his eyes jokingly, he has the time for it today seeing as he woke up a bit early, but seeing him rolling his eyes make me feel like it's a no. "You know what, why not? This way I get to spend more time with my precious daughter."

Wait what!? He said yes! Finally! "So, what 'cha going to have?" Humming thoughtfully as he looks at the practically empty cupboards, he takes out the off bran Weet-Bix and the 1l carton of milk. "I keep forgetting we have that; you know what I recommend when having Weet-Bix?"

"No, what? Let's hear your secret recipe for Weet-Bix?" I get up from the stool and go to boil the kettle, getting out the sugar, a bowl and two spoons, one being a teaspoon of course.

"Okay, so you put the three Weet-Bix in the bowl, then when the kettle is done boiling you pour just enough water over them, so they absorb the water and go soft, but not too much that there's any excess. Then you get the sugar, and a teaspoon, and you sprinkle some sugar on there and watch it kind of dissolve before putting on the milk to cool it down."

Handing him his spoon after making his first bowl, he takes a bite, pretending to be a judge at a cooking show. "Ah, exquisite Ari! Wonderfully made!"

Thing is, he's the one that taught me that, apparently his grandmother taught him and his siblings that and would treat them to it every time they were there for breakfast.

She died before I was born so I never had the chance to taste the real thing from she herself, but I do trust my father when he says that it's better when she makes it.

We end up spending the few minutes together before he packs up and goes off to leave, telling me to stay safe and whatnot before shutting the door and running off to his first of many busses again. Sighing, I finish of my dinner before throwing the container away and putting the knife and fork in the sinkā€¦ got to do the dishes soon, it's piling up pretty quick for two people that rarely eat much here.

Walking over to my room I do a page of math work before changing into my vigilante costume, at the moment it's just a black hoodie with a purple cross on the back with the same thing on the front just smaller and in the corner, and a pair of black leggings and an old black belt that looks more brown now, all together with an old set of runners.

I do have an old black mask from the pandemic that I wear but leaving the apartment and whatnot I leave the hoodie tied around my waist the mask in my pocket until I get up to my usual first building top where I start my 'patrol'.

Once I actually get up there, climbing the emergency fire escape ladder in the alley, I sit on the edge of the roof for a bit, putting my mask and hoodie on. The hood does fall off a few times, but honestly, I've gotten used to it, I just have to either figure out a way to keep it down, or just keep sucking it up.

And for now, that's what I'll have to do. Looking around the city I see all sorts of things happening around me, it's no surprise I see people getting drunk and partying with friends, girls getting hit on, random guys fighting because of some stupid reason, and cars complaining about the traffic I'm sure they've caused at some point.

But none of these piques my interest just yet, so I end up putting my music on and jumping along the roof tops, and no, I'm not flying, the roofs here are just super close I can jump across if I have a run up.

Usually, I get a minimum of one or two hours before a 'legal hero' finds me and starts to chase me down, but that rarely happens, I usually get four to five hours in, a few times I went the whole nightā€¦ I did not have a fun time at school the following three days.

But tonight, oh tonight I end up finding the 'legal hero' before them, I've been curious what will happen if I spot them first, I've had my daydreams about it a few times too, but this is the first time that I've actually had the experience in real life.

Seeing as it's the first time I lay low, following them of course, but from above them on the roofs and staying a block or two behind them, they seem to be wondering around aimlessly or on a specific patrol section because they aren't going really fast, nor do they seem to be going to their agency or anything of the sort.

Meaning that following them around with either lead me to a fight I can join in on and ditch just before they capture them or have me doing absolutely nothingā€¦ that or they notice me, and I start a chase with them being the chaser.

Well, sucks to suck, the hero just led me to a free fight I wouldn't have gotten to part take in, being because they led me out of my usual area, but I guess it helps me seeing as the hero commission will be thrown off after seeing me out of my usual area.

Anyways, it's some low-level guy that doesn't need 'two heroes' but I just really want to throw off this random ass hero, besides, it's not like the guy doesn't deserve to get beat up by two heroes just because he's weak.

I jump down from the building, I'm not trying to die, so I take the safest path and land on a few soft things, I get down, the hero noticing me, I mean who wouldn't notice a random person jumping from a building?

Either way I end up jumping down and joining in on the fight, it was definitely one sided, the hero tried their best to not let me get involved, but I got in a few punches, running off when the guy passes out.

"Oii, get back here!" They try to follow me; bystanders having already called the police to take the guy in meaning the hero was able to chase after me. "Aether! Wait!" That's me, my vigilante's name is Aether, coming from the Greek meaning pure air.

And yes, I chose that name, totally didn't use spray cans and spray paint my name along alley ways, putting up fake posters with a blurry photo of my in my vigilante costume with my name in bold.

Obviously, there's people out there hating on me, questioning why I don't make it legal and become a hero, but they don't know I'm a fifteen-year-old and legally can't become a legal hero.

But why would I choose my vigilante name to come from the Greek meaning of pure air? Why Aether? Well, simply put, in this dimension Earth has supernatural humans, sadly cats and dogs can't speak or have powers, but us humans do.

Mine being one of the more powerful ones, creating the illusion that I'm older with my wider knowledge of my power, mine being, creation and manipulation of the air and earth elements, the power being called elemental.

I use my air power more as it's less noticeable, mainly because it's literally invisible to the human eye, but also because it's just easier to use as I don't have to create it every time due to the, wellā€¦ infinite supply of oxygen around me.

I don't use my power much, but when in chases like these I tend to mostly fly away, creating a slab of solid air beneath me and moving it around to basically create the illusion of flight, which does also mess up the hero commission when in search for me as they have a bunch of incorrect facts about me.

Which all in all, means there's like almost no way they can find me if they don't know the basic things like me actual age and my power.

Sure, it's normal to have a power, but when your body is able to generate and produce your power it's logged in on your medical records as sometimes, they can affect your bodies way of medication and certain medical equipment. Especially the mutant powers.

Father obviously is still at work when I get back home, obviously my costume going back to the hoodie around my waist and the mask in my pocket.

Walking in my house as if I hadn't just broken the law in order to assist a legal hero who was more than capable of doing it themself.

Getting a change of clothes and going to the bathroom to take a shower, braiding my hair when I get out, it's just the cheap and easy way to naturally curl my hair, I have braids in for like two-three days, then when I take them out, I have curled hair.

Being me, I take ages to fall asleep, so I don't mind sitting on my bed braiding my hair while blasting music through my phone, singing along terribly, but I'm alone so who actually cares?

I only finish braiding my hair after like five to six songs, so like about 20-ish minutes. Not too bad for doing the amount I did, I definitely don't have the patience to do a bazillion braids, but doing two is boring and plain, so I do like five or six, I don't even know, I think it's six, but I'm too tired to even tell.

I mean, I'm so awake when listening to music belting out from my phone as I yell out the most random words that only slightly sound like the actual lyrics.

But I mean, I'm only really awake for the music so I don't pay much attention to my hair enough to care how many I was doing.

And that's really my life, I end up passing out at like two in the morning or something, waking up at six in the morning or something like that, walking to school and doing the work the work trying to just pass time. Sitting in my one spot in that garden eating a PB & J sandwich and listening to music at lunch, and walking home, there really isn't much going on in my lifeā€¦ other than the whole illegal heroism I do like three or four times a week in pitch black.

Yes, I know, it's kind of helpful having the sunset at like six over here, the sky being dark enough for me to do my illegal hero stuff at like seven and not at one. I swear if I had to do it that late my father would catch me every time, and again I say, he would absolutely kill me if he found out that I do this.

Life is life, all normalā€¦ well, my normal at least. School, home, vigilante stuff, all goes normally. And only having one friend and them being a friend of Aether, there isn't much going on in my life, it's not like I want something bad to happen.

I just want more excitement in my life, that's the whole reason why I actually starting the vigilantism, sure I've always wanted to be a hero, but the boredom just got to me, and I decided to just get an early start to it and go down the illegal path.

But I mean. This is a story; this is all fictional to you readers. So of course, there has to be some big plot twist right about nowā€¦ right? You guys got to know me, how my life usually works, and a bit of my backstory, and it's obvious I'm the main character, so now's the perfect time for a plot twist of some sortā€¦ yeah got to hold on for that. For now, now you get something small.

"Group up for this one guy!" That's right, group assignmentā€¦ a mandatory partner assignment that's like 50% of my grade for science. "And no, Aris, you can't do this one alone." Wow. No need to say that in front of the class! Almost everyone's laughing at me nowā€¦ seriously, just because it's not directional bullying others go out of their way to do, they'll definitely laugh at a comment like that.

God sometimes I wish I could just like, tell everyone that I'm Aether and not have them be soā€¦ such pricks. But I can't do that, it's a rookie mistake I'm not willing to take, it's one that'll rid me of my only source of freedomā€¦ even if that freedom is illegal and somewhat limited to an extent, it's still better that the life here at school.

Somehow, I get put into a group with the popular kids, probably because I'm decently smartā€¦ you'll understand soon if you haven't understood what I mean.

"Anyways~, you guys are coming over to my place for that sleepover tonight, right?" Stephanie asks the others in the group, it was me, Stephanie, Lacy, Cathrine and somehow Jackson got involved? "Oh my god yes! Your house is like so much better than mine!" that's a no brainer, she's like the richest in the year levelā€¦ her parents are at lease, and if not then whoever it is has decent parents for not spoiling them as much as Stephanies parent's do.

"Oh, I guess you can come tooā€¦ but you're not sleeping over, and you'll be doing the assignment, don't even bother trying to join in." Honestly, even just being invited for an hour or two was a surprise in itself. "Okayā€¦ um, when and where?"

She kind of just scoffs, as if she were the main character and everyone already knew all the details to a party without being told or something. "My god, you're like, actually pathetic, aren't you?" She ends up writing her address on a paper and handing it to me. "I wouldn't care less if you got lost, but I need you to do the project so here, be there at like six I guess."

And that's basically how it went, the rest of the day went by as normal, going home was normal. But instead of having dinner and continuing to do nothing with my life, I end up getting changed into something that's casual, but not comfy casual. A pair of leggings and oversized jumper to be exact, it's somehow the only thing I have that's appropriate for the occasion.

Heading off and starting the walk to her house, it surprisingly being somewhat close to the apartment, close enough I won't even need to take a bus.

*Ring, ring, ring~, ring~, ring~*

Damn that doorbell is kind of annoying, I would knock, but fist off, I've never been and didn't know how annoying that sounded. And secondly, and mainly, the house is more mansion sized and nobody would hear a lousy knock.

"Ah, you must be one of Stephanies friends." A man who I presume to be her father greets, opening the door for me. "Um, probably not close enough to say friends, I'm here to do a project." He gives a knowing look, even though he clearly doesn't know, stepping aside to let me in. "Thanks for having me though." He gives a gentle and sweat smile, the opposite of his daughters smiles when directed at me. "Of course, now I believe she's in her room, down the hallway, up the stairs and third door to your left." He points out his hand in the directions as he describes it.

"Oh, and make sure you knock, that kid is not a fan of people in her room without her knowing." He laughs at the comment, me being polite and copying the short and light laugh. "Thank you." I say, walking down the hall and up the stairs.

*Knock, knock, knock*

"Ugh! What do you want!?" Well crap, she's already in a bad mood. "Um, it's me. Aris, I'm here for the project." She ends up just opening the door rolling her eyes. "Just like, sit in the corner or something." I flash the fastest smile I can, but I really don't think she'd want me to smile at her.

I end up just like, sitting in the corner on a beanbag, getting out my workbook and opening to a new page to get a rough plan of the project. "Oh my god guys, you took your time!" The other girls arrive, bags in hand and all dumping them next to the bed before justā€¦ gossiping? "Girl the second driver didn't get home for like ten minutes!" "Girl, I feel so bad for you." "Same, my butler said I had to like wait?" "Jeez, it's like they're the boss of us." Okay wow, just like, flex your money.

"Wait what's whatsherface doing here?" Wow, so generic, jeez. "I'm here to do the project, I'll only be here an hour or two so don't mind me too much." Scoffing, Stephanie waltzes over to me. "Just like, give us the book and we'll tell you what we want. Mkay?"

Well okay then, just snatch the book out of my hands, and, why, just why does this girl have to have the most high pitches sarcastic voice!? "Yeah alright, thanks." She just rolls her eyes, getting one of her pens, claiming my one was too broken for her, I got them not even a month ago.

The group of them write everything they need or want to, handing it back to me, one of them laughing when the other slides it over to me on the floor, claiming she can't get too close to me, or she'll throw up.

The book was filled with mostly notes about genuine ideas, but a bunch of things about meā€¦ not the nicest things about me. I end up just ignoring it, I ended up just re-writing all the actually important things on another page and tear out the first one.

I ended up getting the majority of the work done, letting the others decorate it, Jackson was probably the only not mean one there, like obviously he agreed and laughed with the girls, but he never said anything himself, just agreements and laughs. Okay, so maybe not the nicest person still, he's justā€¦ tolerable, is probably the best way to put it.

"Okay, so like, you're leaving now, right?" I was already packing up my stuff, of course that means I'm leaving. "Yeah, we've just got to do finishing touches and an evaluation but that can be finished at school in class."

At that I literally just shut the door behind me and walk out of the house, I just like, walk past her parents in the study who try to walk me out, but I just like, shut the door in their faces. I was going to be dealing with their child and her friends and trying to hide it in front of their parents. Too much work. Not enough energy to bother with it.

Walking back home I dump my bag on the floor next to the couch I flopped myself onto. Father had already left, I did message to tell him that I was going out to do a project with a classmate, so it's not like he didn't know I was gone, but he really doesn't mind when I go out, as long as he gets told before I come home, which I do by messaging him. The really only good enough system for the two of us that works.

I make myself a cup of pre-packaged noodles, boiling the water and pouring it in the Styrofoam cup and literally just sitting at the bench watching the clock as I daydream waiting for the noodles to boil.

The only good thing about not having Stephanies parents know that we aren't close at all, is that they gave me a fresh cheese palate, which means that my stomach can handle a smaller dinner tonight.

I finish it rather quickly, staying in the living area chilling on my phone for a bit, debating if I have enough energy to actually go out on another patrol or if I spent enough energy today and just go to bed to get the day over with already.

"Screw this, let's get this over with before I change my mind." I huff, getting my lazy bum off the couch, into my room, changing into my usual outfit, and waltzing out the house.

"Jeez, what am I doing with my life." I groan, walking down the streets, "You know what, free ball, I'm goanna do it." Walking into the store, after putting my mask and hoodie on, I walk into one of the most popular stores known to, Australian, man. Kmart.

The number of cameras in the place is somewhat scary as I'm in my 'costume', but I feel like being annoying to the 'legal heroes' and stirring up some drama.

Like who becomes a vigilante, has no friends, only sees their father like for half an hour per day, and doesn't try causing drama that isn't harmful? Like of course I want to stir up the hero comity, like I need stuff going in my boring life.

I ended up getting myself a better belt for like five bucks, white poster paint for an easy two dollars, and another one but in black for also two dollars, the best deal of a fifteen packet of paintbrushes for only three-fifty, total at ten-fifty, I obviously don't get a receipt, as it somehow may just be something to out me as Aether, or well Aris, depending on who it is they know me as already.

I drop the bag off in the alley besides my building, obviously using my earth creation to keep it hidden in the corner. Jumping back up to the top of the building and continuing my roundsā€¦ well, basically starting at this point.

Oh well, let's just hope something fun happens soon, I'm like so desperate for entertainment. Like I'm risking outing myself for entertainment at this point.

And of course, it just had to be a typical boring night, jeez, honestly at this point I'm going to just convert to illegal stuff and cause the havoc, I mean I'm just that deprived of entertainment in my life! I'm joking! I'm joking! I'm not going to be a villainā€¦ I mean, a vigilante is still somewhat a villain, it's an illegal hero. So, like half-half, I guess.

Making my way back home, I get to the main rooftop I take my stuff off at, going to the alley way and getting my bag before walking back normally to my apartment block and just dumping the bag next to my school bag and again flopping on the couch.

"God, am I tired!" I lay on the couch being lazy for a few minutes, finally mentally just forcing myself to get up to get ready for bed.

And when I say that I mean putting my schoolbag at the door properly and not just dumped next to the couch, putting the shopping bag in my room, whilst in my room getting my pajamas to have a shower before drying and changing so I can finally flop onto my bed. Making sure my laptop and phone is charging, putting on my main playlist as I've listened to it so much I can both sing along to it at the top of my voice, but also just relax and fall asleep to it.

There's like nothing different going on in my life and I don't want to bore you with re-writing the same things over and over again, so, time skip~.


"Stephanie, who's in your group?" I swear she better not forget me. "Me, Jackson, Lacy, Cathrineā€¦ and some random kid." Wowā€¦ okay, at least she knew I was there, partially?

"I'm also in the group miss." The teacher just glances at me before eyeing me and nodding her head. "Okay, anyways, your group was chosen to be the one that presents this to the year level against the other classes so like, make it good or you all fail the class."

That's complete bull, she's just targeting me per usual. I guess if I just keep doing all the actual work and research, then I can leave the decorating and presenting to the others. Which means I don't have to present anything to the class, because I know, Stephanie won't pick up on the fact miss is targeting me, and she'll just want to win and 'not let me' do the presentation or I'll 'ruin it'.


"Okay so like, you're still doing all the work, right?" "If you guys are okay with decorating it and making it look good." "Wait why's she doing all the work again?" See now this, this is why Jackson is somewhat okay. "Because she's a nerd and I need good grades. Besides, we'll be decorating and presenting it so we're still doing work."

Perfect, I didn't have to do or say a thing and she's already claimed the presentation part of it. Which thank the lord for.


Going home at the end of the day, I did the same as the night before, flopping on the couch for a bit before having the energy to get up. Although, today, I end up getting the paints out along with my 'costume', that being the hoodie, the black leggings and my mask.

Seeing as out entire floor is wooden, I just stay in my bedroom as I don't want my father to walk into the living room and catch me painting the Aether symbol onto my clothes that will most likely be put into the news when there isn't much for the news to report.

Like I literally just said, I end up covering the purple cross with the black paint. Going to put my symbol on the leggings while I wait for the hoodie to dry.

The logo being a simple air symbol, adding it on the top left of my left thigh, and once the pain dries, a bigger one on the back of my hoodie and a smaller one on my upper left chest. Also adding it to the corners of my mask.


"Never mind, that didn't take nearly as much time as I thought it would. I'm still bored~." I sigh, hanging my hoodie up in my closet and folding the leggings away and the mask just hanging on a hook I added to the inner side of my wardrobe, obviously once it's all dry.

"I'm going off to work now Ari, make sure you eat dinner." Looking up I see my father poking his head through my door. "Alright, see you tomorrow dad." I flash him a smile before he shuts the door, and I hear him walking off to go.

Sighing, I get off my bed, and stumble into the kitchen. "Jeez, we have like no food but there's like too many choices, jeez." I end up just getting the microwave meals, grabbing the top one and putting it in the microwave before I even have the chance to properly look at what it is I'm having.

*Beep, beep, beep*

Grabbing the plastic tub from the microwave I peel off the layer of plastic cover before getting out my fork and sitting at the bench daydreaming as I eat, still not fully aware of what I'm actually eating.


"Ugh-" I get up from the couch, bored as ever. "What do people do!? Like I'm so bored!" I stumble over to my room and changing into casual clothing that is actually appropriate to wear outside.

I end up walking to the park nearby, chilling on the swings, it's better than being at home, literally only because the vitamin D and the fresh air. Otherwise, I'm doing the exact same thing, I guess the walking to and from the apartment also counts as something different.

"AHHH!" The most high-pitched scream you've ever heard times like a hundred, jeez, whoever that is could be an opera singer I swearā€¦ right, someone screamed.

Manipulating the air around me to boost me, I run home, jumping through the window I always keep open. We live in an apartment complex, nobody's going to break into our place, especially since it's like the fifth floor. Throwing my hoodie on and changing into my leggings, grabbing my mask, not having time to deal with my other pants leaving them dumped on the floor.

I end up making the air below me solid as I fly back over the park and in the direction of the scream, God I hope I didn't take too long!

I swear random guys really need to learn how to not hit on women in broad daylight, like jeez. Like I know guys will be guys, but these types of guys are literally circling her in a group.

I gasify the air below me, falling right onto one of the guys heads. If I had a thicker mask or better vocal range I would ask if she was okay, but I don't. So, I stick to getting the guys distracted with me, so she has a chance to run off.

"I swear, this generation." I grumble to myself, seeing that she only walked to the other side of the road before pulling her phone out to record. Like mate, go off to the police or something!

"Whatever, let's just get this over with." I roll my eyes, elbowing the guy behind me before using the momentum to punch the guy in front of me in the stomach.

I swear if you're going to hit on girls and intimidate them, I'd assume you'd have some sort of fight, but no, they're just like, double downing after one punch. Jeez, I mean there is a bunch of them, so I guess they though quantity meant more than quality. Jeez, guys can be idiots sometimes.

I always leave a marker in my pocket, writing on one of the guys who ended up passing out? and writing 'Aether did this, we were jerks who hit on women' on his forehead. That way when the police did end up coming, they'd see it and not have to try figure stuff out themselves.

I turn around, noticing that the girl was still there recordingā€¦ idiot. I don't understand this generation, sure I'm a part of it, but doesn't mean I have to understand us.

Like she's screaming because of some guys hitting on her, that I get, but when help comes, she does the bare minimum to get to safety before pulling out her phone to record a fight.

I wave in her direction before solidifying the air below me and 'levitating' up higher before flying off in a random direction. I had no idea where I was going, I just needed to be out of eye shot before turning around to actually go home.

When I say going home, I mean going on patrol where I usually patrol near my place because I'm already in my costume and super bored.


"Aether?" Crap. I turn around to see one of my favorite legal heroes, he's an underground hero, meaning he's legal and everything, but does night patrols and tries to hide from the media.

"Nullforce?" I mumble to myself, widened eyes, but my hood covering most of my face, so my expression isn't obvious to him.

"You know me? I'm not a popular hero, surprised you even recognized me." My right hand raising up to rub the back of my neck nervously.

"Same here I guess." He looks me up and down. Not I'm a sexual way obviously. "Speaking of you know if one of us heroes see you, we have to take you in."

"Oh, I know. But you see you have to catch me to do that." I give a salute before taking a step back and off the back of the roof, catching myself with my solidified air before running along the alley ways.


"Alright, I think I lost him." I huff, having ran through a series of twists and turns through the alleys. "Sorry not sorry, but I'm still here kid."

Turning around hearing his voice behind me, I take a step back instinctively. "Huhā€¦ how?" "How what? I followed you like I would a criminal.

Glad he took it that way, because I was questioning how he realised I was a kid. "Leave me alone, if I have to be turned in, you of all people can't be one of them."

Giving me a confused look he steps forward. "What do you mean kid?" "First off, not a kid," lie. "second off, I admire you too much for you to be the one to take this away from me, it'll ruing my view of you too much. May not bother you, but it'll bother me."

"You admire me that much? I'm honered, but it you want me to still be a hero for you to look up to, then I'm going to have to do my job and turn you in."

Using my earth ability, I end up sinking into the soil below me, holding my breath, swimming underground, and popping up on the other side of him. Running out the alley and into the streets.


I end up going into a shopping mall, walking around, assuming I had lost him. "So, what're you getting?" Turning around I see him walking behind me, how long had he been there, when did he find me again, did I ever lose him?

"So?" ā€¦ "Thought I lost you; I was planning on just staying here until it was safe to go home." I huff, glaring to the side.

"Say, how old are you?" I look up at the man, making sure my hood and mask are covering as much as it can. "Why?"

Humming for a second, as if he hadn't known why he asked and had to think about it. "Well, you say you're not a kid, and weather that be because you're not or to keep your identity hidden, you seem to be younger than eighteen."

"What makes you say that? What makes me seem younger than eighteen?" He again hums for a second, the two of us just plainly wondering the stores.

"Well, your height is one thing, but I've seen pretty short adults, your voice pitch is another, but again I've heard people with a voice tone that doesn't match their ageā€¦ and most vigilantes don't become egal heroes because they're acquainted with criminals, they won't turn their backs on. But you, I don't think there's been a single time any hero has seen you turn a blind eye on a criminal that isn't being delt with."

"Okay, I have human decency and don't turn a blind eye to criminals, what's that got to do with anything?" "Well, your morals match that of a hero, everything adds up. But you're not a legal hero, and I'm presuming it's because you're not old enough to be one, so you turned to vigilantism for the time being."

I just stay quiet, I'm not denying his assumption, but I'm not confirming it eitherā€¦ okay I am confirming it by staying quiet, but I'm not going to verbally agree to him. "I'm fifteen." Okay never mind, my mouth has its own mind, I guess!

"That's younger than I thought, how long have you been doing this?" I think for a bit, I can't say I've been doing it for two years, cause like I was twelve.

"No comment." He glances at me for a second before allowing me to keep that to myself. "Alright thenā€¦ but you will be coming with me." This time I'm the one to glare at him. "Come on, you know I have to."

"ā€¦ surely there's something else I can do? Like do you have to turn me in?" He looks at me for a second, making it seem as if he were actually thinking about it for a second.


"Remind me again as to how you ended up at my place." He rolls his eyes as I hand him a cup of coffee. "Heads up, the coffee probably tastes terrible, don't expect much, it's pretty cheap."

"Coffee is coffee." I'm the one to eye roll at the comment, it's getting late but lucky me with a father who comes home at three in the morning, I don't have to stress too much about being caught in my costume with an underground hero in the living room.

"Okay, but back to the main reason you're here, mind explaining properly as to why I brought you here??" He had given me a brief idea, but said he'd explain when we got here.

"Okay, so I'm not going to force an identity out of you, and I'll keep your address and all of this to myself. But if we can agree to rules on your vigilante outings then I won't turn you in, and that doesn't mean I'll stop others from turning you in, this is just the two of us, got it?"

"I mean, that's better than you turning me in right nowā€¦ can I um," He looks at me, waiting for me to continue, but honestly, I don't know how to word it. "never mind." He looks at me concerningly but leaves it alone for the time being.

"Alright, first and foremost, you're not going out every single nightā€¦ probably twice a week maximum." Damn, now what am I going to do!?

"I guess that makes sense." I mean for me not even legally being allowed to do this, it's a surprise he even said twice was okay.

"Do you have a usual area, or do you just go wherever?" Probably going to tell me I can only stay in one area. "Usually within the main city, like I rarely go outside of it."

Nodding, he thinks of other important conditions to place. "I think that's reasonable enough, stay inside the city and I won't mind; oh, and if it's okay with you, mind having my phone number in case of emergencies?"

I stare blankly at him, at this point he's only really seen my eyes, but that means he does notice me staring at him. "You don't have to but-" "No, no it's fine I justā€¦ didn't think you'd be the one to ask me is all."

"Forgot you're a fan." Okay wow, he's not wrong but still! "Still surprised you know me." Okay, now he's being less self-centred.

"I mean me being a vigilante, and you being an underground hero, we have similar fighting styles, and well you're just like. Better than the other underground heroes." He ends up laughing at the comment, nodding, agreeing to the fact that vigilantes and heroes to have very similar fighting styles.


Me: Hey, this is Aether

Them: Nullforce


He leaves not too long after, I end up showering and putting my costume away, making sure to pack everything up so that father doesn't notice that there was someone else here.


Other than getting caught for the first time in like two years, the week goes by pretty normally.

We do the presentation on Friday, it went pretty well, I stood off to the side and gave Stephanie the que cards for her to know what she's talking about, the others repeating what she said to in control of the actual physical part of the project.

The weekend went like any other weekend, but I haven't gone over that in this yet, so here's my typical weekend.


Getting up at like twelve in the afternoon I get up and have brunch, seeing as it's too late for breakfast but too early for lunch.

Making the Weet-Bix I always have, the boiled water, milk, and sugar ones. Having two at a time and having three bowls, I have a total of six, which is apparently a lot?

Scrolling through my phone for the following hour or so. Father having left the apartment at around ten, meaning he left before I woke up, and only coming home until way later, I have the place to myself.

Not that it changes anything, I end up going to the gym, the cheapest one is a decent walk away, but I mean, I'm going there to workout, walking a decent while is basically my warmup.

I change into a loose shirt and shorts, putting trackpants and a jumper on over the top, grabbing my water bottle and a granola bar.

It's a good decent walk, but once I'm there I'm able to start my actual workout, making sure I don't overdo it as I still have to walk back after.

I only stay there for an hour, using the showers there, I mean it's making our money's worth if I shower there and not at home. I change into the trackpants and jumper without the shirt and shorts, as they're grosser.

I still obviously change into another set of clothing when I get home, putting the others in the washing basket.


Father ended up coming home at like nine, so we did have dinner together, they were still microwave meals, but it was better than having them alone.

Going to bed at like eleven, and repeating the whole day on Sunday, usually I'd go on patrol on Saturday night not too long after dad and I have dinner, but because I already went out three times this week and the new conditions with how much I'm allowed to do them.


Nullforce: You able to meet up at that shopping center tomorrow night?

Nullforce: It won't count as a vigilante outing

Nullforce:Ā I have a preponement for you

Me:Ā Um, alright

Me: Earliest I can be there is around 7:30ish

Nullforce: I'll be there at 8 then


And so, on Monday I did as usual, school being the typical pain it always is, going home like always, having the same routine as always.

But instead of going to a roof top, I end up going to the shopping center that I went to when I thought that I had lost him.

"Hey kiddo." Jesus! Spinning around I step back out of habit, glaring at him. "Jeez, no need to creep up on me!"

"Sorry, sorry. But you really should get used to being aware of your surroundings, it'll help you in the future."

"I am aware of my surroundingsā€¦ just not when there's a threat or I have high adrenalin." I huff, looking off to the side.

The two of us end up walking around, going to a small cafƩ, him being the one to pay as he's got a legal job that he gets paid for and I'm a child that goes to school and has an illegal side hustle.

"Soā€¦ you asked to talk to me? Something about a preponement for me?" He stays silent for a moment, pulling out his phone, obviously looking for something before speaking.

He slides his phone across the table, the screen opens to him and who I presume to be his partner. "Who's this?"

"Riley, we got married a little under two years ago." Reaching over her swipes the screen to display the electric hero Electroblast. "Hang onā€¦ wait youā€¦ that'sā€¦"

"You knew me in an instant, so it makes sense you know who Riley is." I simply nod, confused as to why he's bringing this up, but too stuck on the fact that they're married to care too much about the smaller things.

"Fanboying over there I see." Wait what? "Fanboying?" I repeat, my consciousness back and not focused on the married couple.

"You can't tell me you're not a fanboy, you knew me, and underground hero at first glance and I could tell you were thinking about me and Riley being married."

"There's one flaw in that logic," He raises his eyebrows in a questioning way, eager to hear what that flaw was. "I'm a girl." His eyes widening.


"Back to the topic at hand, what's this proposal of yours?" His phone being back in his pocket he thinks for a moment, either unsure of how to work it or debating if he actually wants to go through with it.

"Okay so Riley and I were talking, and she told me that seeing as you're out almost every night you'll probably get bored seeing as you're restricted to how often you can go out."

Damn I'm loving Electroblast more and more, like married to my favorite hero, somewhat understands why I'm out so often, and is hella pretty.

"She suggested that I raise a proposal that if I allow you to go out three or four times a week. Then for one or two of those days I go with you, and on other days if you're bored or something, you come over to our place to train with either one of us?"

I was the one to be wide eyed, did he really just say that!?

"See, fangirl." "No, I'm a fanboy, 'there's no way I'm not a fanboy'." Rolling his eyes, the two of us finish our drinks, talking about the details.


"We're back!" Yes, we, we somehow ended up agreeing that me going to his place tonight would be the best idea so that I don't get lost next time I come over.

"We? Oh, Aether, great to meet you." Extending a hand, Riley shakes my hand, returning to the kitchen to grab Nullforce's coffee.

Showing me the basics around the place we end up making out way to the gym, both of them being heroes and also side jobs they have decent money, so it's no surprise the house is as big as it is.

"Yeah okay, you're like rich, rich." I mumble to myself, him turning around having heard me. "What was that?" "Hm, no, nothing." I give a jokingly obvious smile knowing he heard me fine.

"We're not as rich as you think we are, heroes don't get paid as much as you think we do, we'd be sitting comfortably with an average pay if we both hadn't gotten side jobs." It makes sense, the hero commission does have to pay for the damage from the fights, so there isn't much left over to pay the heroes themselves.

"ā€¦ yeah, but you're richer than I am." Turning around again. "I know, I know, single father with an only child in an apartment going to a government school is below average, but still!"

Rolling his eyes he opens the door to the gym, my eyes widening even more. "Okay Mr 'We're not that rich'." I say, walking inside the gym that's about the size of two basketball courts, like why does any two people need so much room!?

"Okay, I will admit that the gym is over the top, but we're good at savings and we need to train." It makes sense that their savings went to something like this, fathers savings all go to my collage and the rest is all backup money in case he gets fired or there's an accident.

"Okay but why're there just a big, padded section in the middle? Like, it looks like a waste of space for it to be that big."

There for some reason shower heads at the back of the room, obviously drink taps, but like the fountain type as well? Obviously, a long wooden bench and some hooks for bags and jumpers, but like they're in their house, why need bags? And along the left wall were all the machines and equipment, with the right being racked with sparing robots and different weapons.

Ā The only things on the side with the main door was a few lockers, which I guess makes sense for storage like every other gym, and mirrors that you could actually stand in front of without being in the way like all the other ones in the room.

"That's for sparing, the robots just stand off to that side to keep the place neat, one on one sparing too. It's good to have more space so that way we can train with more than the one robot at once."

Okay showoff, being able to fight off multiple sparing robots equipped with weapons at once. "I'm still getting the hang of that though." Okay, that's a bit better.

"So um, what now?" Walking further in so we're not just standing in the doorway.

"You go to the gym?" Nodding he gets out his water bottle from one of the lockers. "Then we'll just do whatever you usually do, I'll be surprised if we don't have something you usually use."

"Yeah, yeah, Mr Rich." I joke, walking off to the left to get on the treadmill to simulate my usual walk/run as a warmup.


"You guys want anything to eat?" Opening the door Riley walks in with a plate of cookies, isn't it bad to eat right after working out?

Nullforce ends up finishing the set before walking over and sitting on one of the benches, grabbing one of the dozen cookies. "Thanks."

"Not a fan of cookies?" Looking over I notice Nullforce watching me, jee I hope my form is okayer.

"Hm, oh no, I just umā€¦ well I get sick if I eat after working out."

I ended up finishing the set and having a 'proper break' having some water instead of the cookies.


I ended up going back home at like twelve, Nullforce somehow convincing me to let him walk me home, to be fair tonight doesn't count as a vigilante outing so if something happens, he'll be able to deal with it himself.


Other than that, one time I haven't really gone back to his place, nor have I asked him to join me, I stuck to the twice a week without him.

It's not that I didn't enjoy having him around or that I was worried about him changing his mind, he knows where I live so not inviting him won't do much to prevent him changing his mind.

I just don't know how to talk to people well and asking him if I can go to his house for training at like midnight or asking him to jump along building tops with me at midnight. That's just something I don't want to do; I'm scared I'd be disturbing him or something.


It'd been a few weeks since I went to Nullforce's house, I hadn't run into him on the streets yet, not that I was expecting to though.

But what I wasn't expecting was to get a message from him on the Monday night. Having just taken my dinner out of the microwave and sitting on the stool, my phone buzzing a few times before I give in and actually check what it is.


Nullforce:Ā Hey kid

Nullforce:Ā You want to come on patrol with me tonight?

Me: Uh, yeah sure

Nullforce:Ā Great, meet you at one of the building tops near the shopping center

Me: Be there soon


Jee, is it really that concerning that I'm not talking to him? For him to be the one messaging me first and asking to meet up with me and go on patrol with him.

Finishing my food, I go up to my room, putting the leggings on with a pair of trackpants overtop, my hoodie and mask in a bag.

"Where're you off to this late?" My father was just about to leave the house, I was so close to not have to deceive him.

"Meeting up with someone, I won't be out too late." Nodding he keeps the door open for me after stepping outside himself. "Just make sure you're safe and get home in time to get enough sleep for school. You got a key?"

Nodding the two of us head off to our different places, him going to the bus stop and me going to an alley.

All I have to do is take the trackpants off, put the hoodie and mask on, and put everything in my bag and hide it with my earth quirk.


"Nullforce, I'm here." I say, trying to spook him, trying to get payback, but no. He just turns around normally not a sign of surprise or shock.

"You're not going to scare me if that's what you were trying to do." Huffing I walk over and sit on the edge of the building top. "You doing, okay?"

"Hm, yeah, why?" Sitting beside me, his expression concerned slightly.

"Kid, you're such a fangirl, you knew me the instant you saw me, and not just recognising me, you knew my hero name. And might I say that's pretty impressive. Also knowing my wife by a singular photo of her in costume, getting told she's my wife you were genuinely happy for me, and was internally fangirling over the news."

Jee okay, I'm a fangirl so what? Like this is all old news to me. But I do pay attention to what he was saying, you know, in case he actually had a point.

"You have the chance to get my phone number and agree, which isn't the surprise, but what is a surprise, is you agreeing to coming to my house once, and never asking to come over again, nor do you ask for me to go on patrol with you."

Wait he's worried about that? Like is he genuinely worried about me not messaging him to the point he thinks I'm like, not safe or something?

"I don't interact with civilians much, but I have a hero wife so I know that a majority of fans will want a heroes phone number. And heroes have given it in the past but stopped and changed numbers because the amount of spamming. But you, no you don't message me once."

Okay, I guess that makes sense, but I don't want to be like all the other fans. Like I don't want to be a pain or annoying to him, why isn't he thanking me for not bothering and disturbing him?

"And even now you're sitting on the ledge of a building top looking down and I've done almost all of the talking. Hence my question, are you okay?" Jee, you ramble on and take that opportunity to claim I haven't talked much when I'm just being polite and letting you talk everything out so I don't comment on anything without other possibly important information you might already be planning to tell me.

"I'm fineā€¦ I just didn't want to annoy you, like the only times I'm free to go on patrol or go to your gym is past sunset, and I don't want to disturb you." He just gives me look, probably more concerned than he was before. "Wait why're you looking at me like that!?"

Instinctively standing up, looking down at him. I don't know why, how or when it came instinct to back away from someone looking at me concerningly, but all I know is that, that, that was instinct, and my body just moved on its own.

"Kid, that, that isn't normal, nor is looking down at a busy street at night on top of a building ledge." Okay, he has a point, but that's all, right now news, this isn't stuff he planned on talking to me about.

"Kiddo," What now? "You going to talk to me?"

"What am I even supposed to say to that?" I just look off to the side, sure, I have unhealthy habits, but it's nothing serious.

"For starters, you answer my question," Back to this, jeez. "are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine, you're making a big deal out of nothing." All he does is rise his eyebrows in a questioning way, looking at me with the look of 'really now?'. "I'm fine."

"Okayā€¦ then how 'fine' are you at school?" What? Why's he asking me that? I've never once mentioned my schoolā€¦ ok wait, I said I go to a public school, but that's it.

"Why?" Raising his eyebrows back he just looks at me with an 'are you serious?' look. "What?"

"Most people answer that question with, 'schools great', or 'schools annoying', you know, an actual comment on school, not questioning why I asked the common question."

"You worded it weirdly though." Rolling his eyes he stands up and walks over to me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Thank, the, lord.

Turning around the two of us notice a villain fighting in the city centre, smoke arising, meaning possible fire.

"This talk, not over." He says, jumping along rooftops to get over to the fight to help any other heroes on their way.

It's obvious that he wasn't planning on letting me join in on the fight, otherwise he would've said something like 'come on' or 'let's go' or 'we're finishing this after', but he never directly said 'stay here' or 'I'll be back' so I wait for him to get a head start before joining him in going towards the fight.


It didn't take long, but when I got there the fires had intensified, and there were more screams. Most fights like these do tent to go super-fast, intensifying in seconds.

I'm still a vigilante, so I can't just run in and save everyone, especially since there's so many heroes around.

So, I opt for the fire control side, using my air quirk to make reverse air bubbles around the fires, cutting off their oxygen supply so they die out giving the heroes a chance to focus on the villains and civilians and not the fires.

It makes sense that one of the five villains has a fire ability, I mean how else would they have started? So, it's not a one and done thing with the fire control, but I prefer it like that, it's so boring putting them out and leaving.

Seeing as the heroes have acknowledged there's someone putting out the fires, presumably not knowing it's me, I decide to keep to the shadows, I love messing with them. So, I keep to the building tops and in alley ways, sticking to the crowd when I need to switch between roofs and alleys without being noticed.

I do end up also helping by subtly tripping one of the villains every now and then, making it so subtle it looks like their tripping over their own feet and are just clumsy, which they most definitely are not.


Nullforce:Ā You're here aren't you?

Nullforce:Ā You're the one stopping the fire's?

Me:Ā I don't have any idea what you're talking about????? šŸ¤”


I laugh at the message, sending my reply and putting my phone back in my pocket before he has the chance to respond with me seeing it.

I go back to jumping around the rooftops, going back to where Nullforce left me, going to dangle my feet off the edge and be a pain and make it seem like I had never left.

"Not so fast kiddo." Welp, there goes my fun. "Pary pooper." Making sure to be discreet the two of us jump down and into an alley, blending in with the crowd as we walk back to his main patrol rout.

"So, I believe you're the ghost firefighter?" I give a fake offended gasp, jeez, that's what they were calling me. "That's what they were calling me? Wow, so uncreative. Zero effort, jeez, I deserve more than that." I jokingly huff, unable to contain my giddy smile.

"Jee kiddo, you really need to be humbled, you are so full of yourself." Okay, I know he's joking, but damn.

"Says Mr Rich."

"What's that got to do with anything!?"

"I don't know, you're just like super rich and it's unfair!"

"How's it unfair? We worked for our money, doing legal stuff that actually pays us."

"Okay, that was uncalled for! And my father is working hard for the money he makes!"

"And looking at the place you live in, the lack of food, and absence of greeting him when you got home. I'm pretty sure he works like 24/7?"

"He has night shifts on weekdays, so what?"

"Kiddo. When do you ever see him? Like, getting money to support a child is one thing, but he really needs to put more effort into interacting with his child."

"Okay, don't you dare diss my father. I see him plenty on the weekends, and when I'm having dinner he's having breakfast, and we get to have a conversation then as well. And besides, he has no choice those are the only hours at the only place he can get into for the lack of education he has."

"Lack of education? So, he's a high school drop out that doesn't interact with his child? And what about your mother? No other relatives either?"



"Alright, joke all you want about me, but when it comes to family, never, and I mean never diss my father, never ever talk about my mother or any relatives. Got it?"

"ā€¦ You okay?"

"Perfectly, I'm going home now."


Walking inside, I go up to my room, changing into my night clothes, not having energy to shower. I just flop on my bed, checking my phone to see that it's already twelve in the morning.


Getting out of bed properly I get ready for school, getting ready I do everything normally, that is until I see Nullforce outside the apartment in his car, waiting for me.

"What're you doing here?" I ask, tapping on the slightly drawn window.

"Oh, hey kiddo, want a lift to school?" I hesitate for a moment, now he knows what my face looks like, and if I say yes then he'll also know where my school is. But if I say no, then he would've driven out here for no reason, and my civilian face will have been revealed to him for no reason.

"Fineā€¦ just, don't try using this to figure out who I am to report me or something." I huff, stepping into the passenger seat. Putting my bag at me feet, buckling myself in before he starts driving, handing me his phone to put the address in.

"Why're you driving me again?" I ask, typing it in and putting it in the phone holder for him.

"I felt bad I brought up a touchy subject last night, knew you walk, and you had a late night, so I thought I'd drive you." All fair point, but still, still slightly mad at him, not his faultā€¦ okay, so I'm just in a bad mood that isn't directed at him but caused by him.

"Yeah okay, that makes sense and all, but why not tell me you're coming?"

"Thought I'd surprise you, do you not like surprises?"

"Suprises, yes, you seeing my full face, no."

"Right, oh well, it's inevitable, I was going to see it at some point." What? What makes him think I was ever planning on showing him?

"What do you mean?" He looks at me for a second, and only a second because he's driving.

"You said you like surprises, and I do too, and it's still in the worksā€¦ so I'm going to keep it a secret for now." Yeah okay, so nice of you to mention something and not explain! Jeez.


"Alright, see you later then." Dropping me off at the front, having gotten caught in the school traffic I end up arriving when most people do, so the amount of people that see me stepping out of a hella expensive carā€¦ that's just got to be confusing to them.

"I swear, you ever drive me again without telling me beforehand I will actually beat you up." I say, shutting the door and watching him eyeroll before leaving, making sure not to keep the other parents waiting.

Making sure to have as little amount of people noticing me, I quickly rush off to my locker, getting a few weird and questioning looks on my way, mostly from people that saw.


Lunch time is when it gets different to normal. Instead of my usual listening to music, eating and daydreaming, I'm texting Nullforce? Well, he texted me first, but that's because he googled the school to figure out when I'm on lunch so he can message me. This man.


Nullforce:Ā You allowed on your phone during lunch?

Nullforce:Ā I'm bored

Nullforce:Ā Paperwork isn't fun

Me:Ā I'll keep that in mind

Nullforce:Ā What, why?

Me:Ā Well if heroes have to do paperwork

Me: then...

Nullforce: No

Nullforce:Ā Aether

Nullforce:Ā Don't you dare say it

Me:Ā Maybe I'll

Nullforce:Ā No!

Me:Ā Maybe I'll not be a hero

Nullforce:Ā I swear!

Me:Ā What?

Me: What's wrong with me saying I won't be a hero?

Me:Ā I never said I would keep being a vigilante

Me: I just said I won't be a hero

Nullforce: šŸ™„šŸ˜’

Me:Ā šŸ˜‹

Nullforce: I swear you're going to be the death of me some day kid

Me: Hope not

Nullforce:Ā You never answered my question

Me:Ā What question?

Nullforce: Replying to: 'You allowed on your phone during lunch?' This

Me:Ā Oh yeah

Me: I mean no

Me: Technically no

Me:Ā But I'm not being an idiot

Me:Ā And I'm quiet and the teachers don't care about me enough to tell me off

Me:Ā At first they did

Me:Ā But then they realized that if they tell me off I'd go to detention

Me: And then realized that meant spending more time with me

Me:Ā Soooo

Nullforce: What the hell is wrong with your school?

Me: Oh no nothing

Me:Ā I'm just ant-social to the point that others have stopped caring about me because it won't bother them what happens to me

Nullforce: Still messed up kiddo

Me:Ā Idc, I like it this way

Nullforce: Whatever you say šŸ™„

Me:Ā Anywyas~

Me:Ā Replying to: 'Paperwork isn't fun' Go do your paperwork

Nullforce:Ā Fine šŸ™„

Nullforce: Oh and if you want I can come pick you up after school and take you back to my place?

Me: And why not back to my own?

Nullforce:Ā Because I have a gym

Me:Ā No

Me: You have 'The Gym'

Nullforce:Ā šŸ™„

Nullforce:Ā Do you want to come or not?

Me:Ā Sure

Me:Ā Fine

Me:Ā Seeing as you know when my lunch is I presume you know when end of school is too?

Nullforce:Ā Yes I do šŸ˜Œ

Me:Ā šŸ™„

Me:Ā Now good bye

Nullforce: See you later then


Me: Hey dad, a friend of mine invited me over for a sleepover, just thought I'd let you know that I won't be home for dinner tonight. Love you šŸ«¶


I can't tell him that I'm going to train at an underground hero's house in their mansion of a gym. And this helps ease him with the worry I don't have friends. I'm not sleeping over, but as far as he's concerned, I am.


"Hey kiddo." Walking up to his car, the group of popular kids not too far away obviously fangirling over him, and not because he's a super cool her, but because he's rich.

"I swear, don't you have any other car? Or does your rich ass does not have any use for them?" Rolling his eyes he opens the door for me.

"Just get in kid, Riley's got coffee's waiting for usā€¦ hot chocolate for you."

"Hey, I'm not three, I'm allowed coffee." I scoff, the girls giving me the dirty look. "ā€¦ let's just go."

He gives me a weird look, noticing my change of tone, going to question but pushes it aside, driving off and letting other parent pick up their kids.


"We're back!" Calling out as the two of us walk inside, the two of us make out way to the kitchen, Riley sliding the two of us our mugs across the bench.

"Hey, you two, how was school?" Right, not Rieley knows my face too, damn.

"Yeah alright, although someone started texting me at lunch not doing his own paperwork." I say, side eyeing Nullforce, him giving a fake gasp of shock.

"You weren't supposed to say anything! And to think I trusted you to not tell her." The three of us joke and laugh for a bit, sitting at the stools at the bench talking about random things.


"Alright, time to go to the gym kiddo, you joining us Rie?" Okay that's a kind of cute nickname, the only nickname I've ever really heard is my father calling me Ariā€¦ although I don't talk to enough people to hear nicknames enough.

"I'll come in a bit later, I'm not avoiding my paperwork and am going to go do it now." She says, laugh at me and Nullforce make out way over to the over excentric gym room.


"Hang on, how come I know Rieley's name, but not yours?" I ask, the two of us having both started the treadmill as a warmup.

"Because I don't know yours."

"But you know where I go to school."

"I'm sure you'd be able to figure out my name."

"Yeah how?"

"You're the fangirl, you tell me."

"Okay, I'm not that much of a fangirl!"

"Mhm, keep dreaming kiddo."

Giving up, I pull out my phone, going onto my trusty hero finder website. It basically lets you figure out basic information on all legal heroes.

"Found it."

"Found what?"

"Your name."


"You wouldn't tell me, and mentioned me being a fangirl, so I took it into my own hands."

"Okay, then what is it?"

"Stanleyā€¦ old man's name."

"Oh my god no. That is not my name."

"Damn it."

Looking back down at my phone I research further.

"Okay, Seth?"

"There you go."


"Yeah, yeah, sureā€¦ hang on, how'd you find that?"

"Oh yeah, there's this website I found a few years back, not too long before I started my vigilantism. Basically, just the basic information about all legal heroes, you know, first and last name, badge number, age, birthday, and quirk name."

"Not creepy at all, show me."

"Nah, I prefer having this, although do you want to see your ID photo?"

"It shows that!? Show me!"


"Oh, I know, that's why I'm not showing you the website, you might find a way to change it."

"Whatever." Rolling his eyes Riley walks in, confused that neither of us are actually working out and are sitting on the benches staring at my phone.

"What're you two doing in here? There're other rooms to stare at your phone in you know." She says, walking over to see what's on my phone.

"We were working out beforeā€¦ but then we got distracted." Looking at Nullforce, then back at my phone, finding Electroblast's blasts one.

Showing the screen to her, she grabs the phone, trying to see what exactly she as looking at.

"What is this?" She asks, confused on how I have that sort of information easily brough up onto my phone.

"Just a little something I found on the internet, super helpful when I used to write hero notes."

"I'm going to need you to elaborate on what you mean by that because to me that sounded like you used to spend your free time to research about heroes and write every bit of detail you could find about them to the point you found this website that allows you to find any and all legal heroes with a click of a button."

Not responding, just staring at him smiling, basically just giving him the answer that all he said was correct, just blankly staring at him with a cheeky smile on my face.

"Alright kid, come show me Seth's one, let's see what him had staring at your phone like that." Laughing, I click off of Riley's profile, going back to find Seth's one.

"Here, Seth Heath, Nullforce." I say, showing her my phone, letting her admire the oh so beautiful photo the stranger decided to choose as his ID photo.

"If I give you my phone number could you send me that photo? You already said you won't share the link but having that photo would make my week." Laughing I agree, putting in my phone number on her phone.


Me:Ā *img*

Electroblast: Thanks šŸ‘


"You did not just send that photo to my wife." Seth asks, staring at me. Me just giving the same cheeky smile without a word, but him getting the answer to the rhetorical question he just asked me. "I swear, you two are so immature."

"Me? Says the one that-" Before Riley had the chance to finish her sentence Seth cut's her off, glaring at her, also just blatantly talking over her.

"Don't you dare. We don't speak of that."

Now because you're reading this and there's only the three of us in the house, I'm going to just explain to you, the reader, that he said it in a tone of jokes and laughter, so keep that in mind as you keep reading the interaction.

"Oh, come on, it was funny."

"Don't, you, dare."

"Come on babe, it was an honest mistake."

"Don't care, don't say a thing."

"Fine~, only because I can't be bothered to argue with you." Well, that was a short fightā€¦ that or all the fights I've witnessed are from people in unhealthy relationshipsā€¦ nah, it was just a short one.

"Soā€¦ I'm just going to assume you did something embarrassingly funny, seeing as you've agreed to not tell me what exactly it isā€¦ yet." I see his eyes darting to glare at me hearing that last word. "Joking, I'm joking."

He just rolls his eyes, getting up from the bench. "Alright, that's enough of a break, you joining us Rie?" He asks, taking my phone from my hands and putting it on the bench, screen faced downwards.

"I did walk in here intending to train with you, why not?" She says, taking her jumper off and putting it in one of the other lockers, getting out her empty water bottle in there and going to one of the taps to fill it up before placing it besides Seth's.


Staying there for a bit longer than I had last time, Seth drives me home again, not leaving the driveway until he saw me enter the house, a common courtesy.

Walking inside I put my schoolbag away, immediately going to have a shower, going to chuck my clothes in the wash, seeing as my only other uniform is also dirty, and this one is filled with sweat.


The next morning walking to school I'm still stuck thinking about how much further I have to get, watching Seth and Riley training and being able to do so much more than me.

Makes me feel so imperator and small compared to them, no wonder he had an easy time keeping up with me that first time we met, I was probably way slower than I thought. Jee, am I overestimating myself.

Recess was like most days, I did get a singular text form Seth, telling me he'll be out on patrol tonight, so he won't be home for the gym, but Riley would if I wanted to work out there, or I could join him on patrol if I wanted to.

Making sure a repeat of the prior day where he tried to get away from doing his work by texting me, I decide to just react to the message giving the thumbs up, opting to properly respond after school.


"Oi loser." Hm, why's someone talking to me? Nobody ever talks to me. Let alone willingly at recess.

"Um, yeah, what's up? You need something?" I ask, taking my headphones off to make sure I don't embarrass myself and not hear them and have to make them repeat myself.

"Got told by someone to give this to you, don't ask who, they told me not to tell you." They say, handing me a folded piece of paper, turning around and leaving, most likely not wanting to be seen with me.

Opening the paper is what seems to be a phone numberā€¦ I know that they're probably going to cyber bully me or somethingā€¦ but I meanā€¦ it gives me something to do, you know, have someone to talk to if they try to be nice to me and make fun of me behind my back thinking I believe them.


Me: Hey I got this number from some kid

Them: Yeah omg, so like I've always wanted to talk to you but like... I don't want to get bullied so I thought if someone else were to give you my number then we could be online friends?

Me:Ā Um... sure, can I at least know who you are though?

Them: Oh um

Them: Well....

Them:Ā You probably don't know me

Me: Do you have a name I can call you?

Them:Ā Oh um...

Them: How about a nick name, I don't really want you knowing who I am... just in case we stop being friends and you tell all my secrets

Me:Ā I mean... okay then?

Me: How about later you tell me your name and I'll tell you my nick name when we've gotten to trust each other better?Ā 

Them:Ā Omg yeah okay

Them:Ā Anyways you can call me Ell

Me: Ah great

Me: You already know this, but I'm Aris

Ell: That's such a cute name šŸ«°

Me: Aw, thanks

Me:Ā Ell's a pretty name too

Me: I'm sure your full name is as good

Ell: You'll have to wait and seeĀ 

Me:Ā Haha yeah

Ell:Ā Well I'm going to get back to talking to my friends

Ell: Talk later okay?

Me: Yeah ofc

Ell: Byee

Me:Ā Yeah see ya
