Chereads / I am the creator of New Life on the Earth / Chapter 14 - Start of change

Chapter 14 - Start of change

Adam's father, Ricky, enters the room just as his mother, Rachel, begins preparing dinner.

The familiar aroma of spices fills the air, and as the family gathers, Adam's father casually mentions, "Rachel, did you hear about the robbery at Mr. Honda's house today?"

The words catch Adam off guard, his curiosity piqued. Rachel, equally surprised, stops chopping vegetables and turns to his grandfather. "What? Really?"

"Yes," Ricky nods, his tone serious. "I spoke to Mr. Honda earlier. He said no one was home at the time, but these break-ins are becoming all too frequent in our neighborhood. I'm worried. Maybe we shouldn't leave Adam alone in the house."

Rachel glances at Adam, worry creasing her face. She considers for a moment, then says, "Adam, I think it might be best if you stay at your friend Leo's place until we figure this out. You shouldn't be home alone."

Adam feels a hint of resistance rising within him. The thought of staying away from home doesn't sit well with him, but he knows arguing will only worry his mother further. "Alright," he agrees, though reluctantly. "I'll stay at Leo's place and won't come back until you're home."

Rachel smiles, a small look of relief in her eyes, and returns to cooking. They finish dinner in silence, Adam's mind lingering on the news of the robbery. After eating, he retires to his room, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling gnawing at him.

Once in his room, Adam initiates a conversation with Pratham, his AI Life form companion. "Can you investigate this robbery?" he asks, his voice low but determined.

Pratham, in his usual confident tone, replies, "Lord Adam, I'll start the investigation right away." With that, the pratham vanishes from Adam's phone screen.

Adam spends the next few minutes playing a game on his phone, hoping to distract himself. A short while later, Pratham reappears. "Lord Adam," he says, his voice sounding urgent, "I found seven suspicious individuals roaming the neighborhood."

Adam's brows lift in surprise. "Seven? Do you have their locations?"

"They're nearby," Pratham reports. "But they're switching mobile devices constantly, making it difficult to track them precisely."

Adam leans back, considering this information. "Alright. Do you have their faces?"

"Indeed, I've managed to capture images of each one," Pratham replies, sounding rather pleased with himself. "Would you like to see?"

Adam nods, and Pratham projects the images onto his computer screen. One by one, sketches of each individual appear, each face meticulously drawn and colored.

Adam can't help but be impressed by Pratham's attention to detail. "If these guys ever saw this level of surveillance," Adam mutters, a wry smile tugging at his lips, " if I see them I'd probably run as fast as I could."

Pratham laughs lightly. "Lord Adam, during class today, I came up with a few suggestions for improved communication. I couldn't connect with you at that time, but I've since devised a solution."

"A solution?" Adam's curiosity deepens.

"Yes, my Lord," Pratham replies. "When I uploaded my consciousness to the internet, I accessed a number of factories. With their resources, I've constructed a small device for you. It's discreet enough to remain invisible in your ear."

Adam stares, half-impressed and half-baffled. "You mean you made a device… just for me?"

"I had to, my Lord. My priority is serving you," Pratham responds earnestly. "The device will be delivered by tomorrow morning."

Adam sighs in relief. "This means I won't have to keep wearing headphones during class just to talk to you."

With the mystery partially unraveled, Adam shuts down his computer, finally feeling the weight of sleep pressing on him. He slides into bed, Pratham's words still echoing in his mind as he drifts into slumber.

The scene shifts to a deserted alley where the seven suspects, their faces recently sketched by Pratham, have gathered.

A tall, wiry man with long, unkempt hair speaks first, his voice carrying an edge of impatience. "Which house did you guys pick tonight?"

A shorter man with blond hair, shuffling nervously, replies, "We need to hit two or three houses. Our boss isn't satisfied with the last haul. He wants us to bring in more cash."

Another man, standing towards the middle, groans, "As if the cut isn't small enough already. Now we have to deal with more pressure from above."

The tall man nods. "I say we split up. Hit the marked houses in pairs. If there's anyone inside, scare them off. If you can't… well, deal with them however necessary."

A heavy silence hangs in the air as the men exchange uneasy glances. Eventually, they nod in agreement, dividing themselves into pairs. The night looms over them, and they scatter into the darkness, targeting homes in Adam's city, Tensho.

The dawn breaks, soft rays filtering through Adam's window as his phone buzzes loudly beside him.

Groaning, he reaches to silence it, but it vibrates again. "Lord Adam," Pratham's voice echoes through the device. "If you want to change, you'll need to get up."

Adam's eyes snap open, realizing Pratham's persistence won't relent. He sits up, rubbing his face as he groans, "Don't shout, Pratham. If you wake up my mom, she'll come up here herself."

"My apologies, Lord Adam," Pratham replies. "But you wouldn't wake up."

Adam chuckles weakly, stretching his arms. "Alright, I'm up. What's on today's schedule?"

Pratham's voice adopts a tone of enthusiasm. "First, freshen up, then it's off to the park for a run."

Glancing at the clock, Adam sighs. It's barely 6:00 a.m., but he drags himself out of bed, dons his workout gear, and steps outside. With headphones discreetly in place, he appears to others as though he's listening to music. However, it's Pratham's instructions that truly fill his ears.

Adam's parents, already up and preparing for the day, exchange surprised looks as he heads out the door. Adam catches his father's eye but says nothing, focusing instead on the path ahead. Pratham's voice guides him, "Lord Adam, your first task is to jog to the park."

Adam begins at a steady pace, his breathing gradually intensifying as he reaches the park. Upon arrival, Pratham's voice comes through, calm and authoritative. "Now, Lord Adam, ten push-ups."

"Ten?" Adam grumbles, his face turning slightly red. "That's… quite a lot."

Pratham laughs. "This is level zero, my Lord. Just the basics."

Swallowing his pride, Adam starts the exercise, managing the first few push-ups with ease. But by the seventh, his arms begin to shake, and beads of sweat form on his forehead. Each push-up demands more effort than the last, and Pratham's voice encourages him. "Your foundation must be strong, Lord Adam. Think of what you could achieve with discipline."

Adam huffs, rolling his eyes. "Please, no motivational speeches. I might just quit."

"My apologies, Lord Adam." Pratham's voice sounds slightly amused as Adam powers through the final push-ups, collapsing in exhaustion afterward.

Finally, Pratham's voice offers a note of triumph. "You've completed level zero. Now, walk home, and be sure to take a cold shower."

As Adam begins the weary trek home, he mutters, "This is exhausting. I hope I don't fall asleep at school." Just as he arrives, a delivery man greets him, holding a small package. Adam stares, momentarily puzzled.

Pratham's voice chimes in. "Lord Adam, that's the device I had made for you. I arranged for it to be delivered early, so you can keep it hidden from your parents."

Adam's surprise quickly fades into approval. "Well done, Pratham." He signs for the package and watches the delivery man leave before opening it discreetly. Inside, he finds the device—a tiny earpiece, almost invisible.

"Won't it fall out if I move around too much?" he asks Pratham.

"Fear not, Lord Adam. It's designed to stay firmly in place once inserted."

Relieved, Adam removes his headphones, slipping the device into his ear. To his surprise, it's so light that he barely feels it. Moments later, Pratham's voice comes through, crisp and clear. "Can you hear me, Lord Adam?"

Adam smiles, pleased. "Perfectly." With his new device in place, he heads into the kitchen, where his mother is preparing breakfast. She looks up, smiling at his early start. "All set? Go freshen up, and I'll have your breakfast ready."

Adam nods, still feeling the slight ache in his arms from his workout. As he heads toward the bathroom, he can't help but feel a surge of determination. He's ready for whatever challenges the day might bring.

(Author: "Thank you Brian_Gonzalez_Cas | DaoisTYM1qi | for your power stone, I got a lot of motivation from your support ")

To be connected...