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Chapter 1 - Family Of Four

Note: this novel contains a lot of jokes that some my find offensive. So if your sensitive you should probably not read this novel.

Location: Zenn State Brandywine. (Pool Room)

Date: November 7 2024

Time: 12:30 Pm.

Everybody is vibing out in the pool room. Their playing pool and....playing pool…and….um….oh! They got ping pong over….nope never mind the dungeon and dragons nerds are over there. Yeah I mean it's not like there's like 30 tables up stairs in the student union or anything….anyways…uh….Listen just know they are vibing out ok? But little this they know...

Guy in a ski Mask: Ayo twin.

Other guy in a ski Mask: What's good twin?

Guy in a ski mask: You ready for this?

Other guy in a ski mask: Hell yeah! This way better then stocking them boxes.

Guy in a ski mask: Alright bet say less. AYO OTHER NI**AS!

Everyone else with a ski mask: WHAT'S GOOD!

Guy in a ski mask: Y'ALL READY?

Everyone else with a ski mask: HELL YEAH!

....there was a bunch of people with ski masks, hoodie, red shirts and guns trying to run up in that jawn! Talking about

Guy with a ski mask: ALRIGHT BET! LET'S GET THIS MONEY!


——————-One day ago———————

Location: New Haiti (New Haiti is located outside of reality. It's pretty much the exact same as Haiti. About the same population, same places. The only difference is that it has better technology, better environment, and is pretty much Haiti just before all the bad things happened.

Daytime. (Sometime in the morning)

Year: 2024

We start off in a interview room with two people talking.

Interviewer: So…Mr NTJ Tank....

NTJ Tank: Sak Pase! [What's Up!] And you can just call me NTJ.

Interviewer: Tell us about yourself.

NTJ Tank. Well. As you know my mame is NTJ I am 52 years old my full name is none of your business. As you know me and a good friend of mine named Boppe Harlloww. The richest person in the world I may add owns the company NTJ Wrestling. Where I became Famous and I became the NTJ Champion for infinite plus 3 years and—

Interviewer: Wait...

NTJ Tank: Yeah?

Interviewer: WHAT!

NTJ Tank: Wassup bro you good?


NTJ Tank: Yep. Well it's actually now four years but yeah. That's unique or something?

Interviewer: HOW??????

NTJ Tank: What you mean? I just simply held the belt so long that I broke the time barrier that's all.

Interviewer: WHA—-OU FOU????? [ARE YOU CRAZY????]

NTJ Tank: Uh. No? Ummm anyways. I've also held this belt so long that I….pretty much retired as champion.

Interviewer: Yeah no s**t next question. So NTJ You basically created New Haiti

NTJ Tank: Yup.

Interviewer: How did you…even do this?

NTJ Tank: Well. My Paychecks are like 100 decillion dollars per millisecond and—-

Interviewer: WHAT??????

NTJ Tank: What?

Interviewer: 100 DECILLION??????

NTJ Tank: Yeah. Why is this so surprising? People in new Haiti are paid millions a hour what's the problem?

Interviewer: THEY DO?

NTJ Tank: Yeah. We rich rich up here.

Interviewer: NOT ME! I get paid like 9 dollars a hour!

NTJ should talk to your boss about that. We being getting money up here. You can't even pay for a Disney plus subscription that's crazy.

Interviewer: Actually matter of fact who pays YOU!?!?!?

NTJ Tank: Boppe Harlloww. Like I said, he the richest person in the world. He's my good friend but he also writes my checks.

Interviewer: what type of money he be getting?

NTJ Tank: He's a infinitare.

Interviewer: WHAT THE F**K

NTJ Tank: Language.


NTJ Tank: Yes, like I said, you should talk to your boss about it.

The interviewer gets upset after hearing the bullcrap that came out off NTJ's Mouth. Shoot I be upset too if I was him.

Interviewer: I definitely am! Matter of fact, IMMA DO THAT RIGHT—-

NTJ Tank: After this interview. I didn't come all the way here for no reason now.

Interviewer: But-

NTJ Tank: Aye. Don't forget who I am.

After a few moments of silence the interviewer decides to calm down and they both finish the interview.

Interviewer: Fine. Let's finish this up.

NTJ Tank: All trynna skedaddle mid-interview. That should be me! You know I'm a busy man, come on now next question!

Interviewer: Ok ok! So you're the reason of New Haiti right?

NTJ Tank: Oh yeah.

Interviewer: So why did you create New Haiti?

NTJ Tank: Welp, for starters both of my parents are Haitian making me Haitian.

Interviewer: Were you born in Haiti?

NTJ Tank: No I was born in America but—

Interviewer: So you're an American.

NTJ Tank:...…..


NTJ Tank: Do you wanna die?

Interviewer: I'm sorry I'm sorry go ahead.

NTJ Tank: I always wanted to visit Haiti but as you know Haiti went to….it got bad over there and America is slowly and slowly getting worse. So after I retired and looked at my bank account I said "You know what? Screw it. I am going to build a state outside of reality and it's going to look just like Haiti." So I brought a drone to scan all of Haiti so I can know what it looks like and boom, New Haiti.

Interviewer: exactly did you build New Haiti?

NTJ Tank: Oh. Money.

Interviewer: Fair enough. Ok, so Mr NTJ, talk about your family, man.

NTJ: My Family. Ah, you know I've became a champion for infinity years, beaten the best of the best. One of the highest paid people in the world, made New Haiti, but the thing I am the most proud of doing is starting my family.

NTJ Tank starts talking about his family.

It's a family of four. Me and my three boys.

24 years ago I had my first babyboy. His name? Jinaro. And boy I tell you I raised him right. He about 6 ft 4 about as tall as me. The boy is smart too. He graduated Harvard university with all As, and boy he got his attitude from his old man he knows how to talk trash just like me. Some people even mistake him for me too. The only difference is that he a lil less muscular than me. And not to flex, but that lil boy's beard ain't gonna get on my level any time soon either. But yeah, now he the owner of B hold and B hold owns a lot of grocery stores and malls back on Earth. He owns stores like Fresh Topics, Mallmart, Bullseyes. Cole's, Winterfeild mall, but the main place he claims is ginormous food store. That's where he settles most of his business. But other then that, That's my boy right there, raised him right.

6 years later I got myself another babyboy and I named him Kage. [This Kage is a completely different character from Enter Reality Kage] He's the middle child of course. He's 18 years old and he is about to be on his way to college. He's like 6 ft 3 and a half and he is also muscular, but like a skinny muscular. He's a lil cocky man, he even dyed the top of his hair gray once but he went back to black hair when he turned 18. Also while Jinaro has my personality traits making him smarter than Kage, Kage got more of my physical traits. Kage is about as fast as an unprepared father. My boy got first place in all his track meets. Yeah, he just more of an athletic person compared to Jinaro. Though I'm pretty sure Jinaro is stronger. Another thing, Kage has a lot of charisma. Because of that he be getting all the girls ya feel me? Almost every week I hear my boy glazing them donuts in his bedroom every week.

Interviewer: Wait so...what do you mean by glazing—

NTJ Tank: Sex, Dummy.

Interviewer: Oh. You….you cool with saying that on live tv?


NTJ Tank Continues talking about his family.

You know Kage and Jinaro would always fight and argue about the littlest of things. One time I got tired of them arguing over who gets to play with the PS5 so I just brought Kage his own PS5, but still man they love to argue. Even then, I know they love each other at the end of the day, cause if anyone bullied Kage, Jinaro would be right on top of that. Jinaro would always say "The only person that can bully Kage is me!" And if someone tries to talk trash about Jinaro's businesses, Kage would be the first one to defend him. So I know it's all love at the end of the day.

Now, six years after I got Kage, there was a new member added to the family and his name is Shaqkeem. He is 6 ft 3 making him the shortest out of my boys. But you don't wanna say that to his face. Like man, he's only 12 and he got more muscle than me! But all you really need to know about Shaqkeem is that he not one to play with.

NTJ Tank Finishes talking about his family

NTJ Tank: Yeah, you knew to stay quiet when I was talking about Shaqkeem, huh?

Interviewer: Yes…..sir. Shaqkeem is indeed not one to play with…..I had to learn that the hard way...My wife had to learn the hard way too....

NTJ Tank: Yeah she did. So, are we done here? Like I said I'm a busy man.

Interviewer:Yeah, wait no I actually have one more question.

NTJ Tank: Hm?

Interviewer: You talked about you and your three boys right?

NTJ Tank: Yes, we were literally talking about it five seconds ago.

Interviewer: So...what about your wife? You didn't talk about her at all?

NTJ Tank:...…
