Chereads / ACE [Billionaire Romance] / Chapter 1 - Episode 01 Alexander

ACE [Billionaire Romance]

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Chapter 1 - Episode 01 Alexander

💦 ACE 💦

 {💔 He's broken... She will heal Him ❤ }


 (🌺 He's arrogant..... She's crazy 🌺)

🔥 Billionaire Romance 🔥

🌼 Alexander 🌼

"Alex, the hospital has chosen you as one of our top nurses to relocate and work full time at a patients home.

They pay very well and you will be making 5 times more than what you make now. It's a very good opportunity however you will have to be there 24/7 and that can be hard to lea-" I cut Trisha, my manager off "Ill take it"

My life is quite boring to be honest. Every morning I wake up and do the same thing over again-turn off my beeping alarm clock, force myself out of bed, take a quick shower, change into my scrubs and rush out the house to the hospital. I Work there for what feels like forever, and come back home to sleep and redo everything over again.

My life wasn't very exciting but I loved my job as a nurse. Being able to take care of people who need help has always been something I enjoyed doing. I sometimes believe it's because I've been taking care of people my whole life.

 When I was around 13, I had to take care of both my mother and little sister. My father left after my little sister was born, I never knew him well and my mother had been diagnosed with lung cancer. 

It wasn't easy for me but I got used to it. My mother passed away when I was 18 and was left alone with my sister to take care of.

I now live alone in New York working at a hospital in

Manhattan. My sister got married at 21 and stayed back in Seattle with her new husband. We never really talked much anymore which is why I decided to study nursing and move out of town.

When Trisha tells me about this new job offer, I don't hesitate to take it. Honestly speaking, I don't have anyone here in New York to worry about.

 I don't have anyone at all to worry about or leave behind. Rent is very expensive and to be able to work with a good salary and live for free is something I would NEVER turn down.

"Are you sure you don't want to think about it first? There's no need to rush" she tells me 

"Trisha, Ill take the job. I don't need time," I confirm 

"Alright then. You start tomorrow, go home and pack up your things. Don't worry about the move, Someone will take care of them for you. 

You will be picked up in the morning by 8am so make sure you are ready to go" she tells me 

"Wow wasn't expecting the move to be so fast" I tell her thinking about all the stuff I have to pack 

"If you need time.." She begins to say but I cut her off

 "Il be fine. 8am tomorrow, sounds great" I say and grab my things to go home

 "Before you leave, I just wanted to let you know that you will be working for a very well known business man. He recently got into an accident and was severely damaged.

He wanted to hire the best nurse in New York which is why we are asking you." Trisha tells me

 "Wow, thank you so much for choosing me'" I say

I can't believe I was leaving the hospital. I'm now 23 years old and have been working at the hospital for 3 years.

 Every year, the hospital awards me for being the best nurse. 

I really do work hard, and take care of my patients. I do my best and make sure everyone is taken care of.

I go home and don't let a minute pass as I start to pack up my things. It was a furnished apartment that I had rented so I didn't need to worry about the furniture. I also didn't really have much, only necessary items and a few clothing. I never really went out, I only went to work and only wore scrubs. 

Packing wasn't a problem for me.


The next morning, I wake up and lock up the apartment leaving the key under the mat for the landlord. I take my suitcase with me and see a limo waiting outside my door. 

Why the hell is there a limo?

I walk up and the driver exits coming towards me "Alexandra Grace?" He asks

 "Yes that's me." I respond, he opens the door for me and

I get into the limo.

I was still confused as to why a limo came to pick me up? Like I was expecting more of a taxi or Uber but not a limo.

The car ride is very silent. I swear I could hear the sound of my own heart beating. The car ride was also very long. I notice we left the city and headed more out of town where the rich folks live.

 The driver pulls up into a huge driveway and scans a card for the gates to open.

He then drives for a couple more minutes until we reach a huge mansion. I was in utter shock.

What the hell is this?

The door opens and I step out of the limo, someone comes up to me and takes my luggage.

"Good morning miss Alexandra, I'm Doctor Ashley" a young man says to me as he shakes my hand.

He didn't look that old, maybe a few years older than me. He guides me into the house and continues to talk to me

"I'm Mr. Anderson's doctor, I'm here most of the time. I however am busy at times looking after other patients which is where you come in.

Mr. Anderson was severely injured after a plane crash he was flying. He broke a few of his ribs, was severely burned as well as damaged his face. He need full time care and someone to look after him. 

I want to tell you that he has also been under tremendous amount of stress recently and is not himself. He may act rude or say things that might offend" Dr. Ashley says 

"Don't worry Dr. Ashley, I'm used to dealing with patients that have been in accidents before" I say 

"Great. That's why we chose to hire the best nurse in New York!" He says 

"Mr. Anderson is still sleeping at the moment. Ill show you to your room and let you organize yourself before meeting him" the doctor says.

He leads me to my new room and must I say, this mansion is huge! My room had a living room and fireplace inside, what the hell?

The doctor leaves and I lie on my new bed. Oh how comfy it was so far, everything has been going smoothly. I just hope

Mr. Anderson won't be hard to handle when I meet him.


Hey Everyone!

Thank you so much for reading the 1st chapter of Ace!❤

Please Like and comment what you think, I promise this book will be a surprise with what's to come!🎉🎉

Thanks again and Happy reading❣