1 year has passed
Yusuke and Boton continues to study and train also despite everything that has happened in his life he still has somewhat of a child's innocense Koenma wants him to be a kid as long as he can be he realizes that sooner or later the apparitions will track him down so halfway through last year he changed his mind and gave Yusuke his first training mission it was nothing big just to spy on a camp of small time demons and report what he saw without getting caught he did the job well.
Since then he has done a dozen training missions all on the lowest difficulty King Yamma doesn't understand why his son is taking this approach with him or why he has the training wheels on with this boy but he also realizes that perfection can't be rushed also to date Yusuke has only used two detective items the demon compass as well as the whistle to catch one of his targets instead of worrying about the other items she has him focus on his studies and his training also she begins his education in karate just regular karate so he can fight more experienced opponents later on.
next year she starts him on his spirit energy training as well as puts weights on his body also he starts at the police academy while also going to regular school they not only teach him about their laws about police procedure how to shoot a gun basic self defense but they teach him boxing as well both kinds also they make him lift weights in a weight room under supervision low weight lots of reps also they have him go swimming in their pool he does this every two weeks for 3 years while also trying to learn his normal school work while also trying to do everything that Boton wants him to learn.
He graduates from police academy as well as learned not only from Boton but from an actual dojo all 3 forms of martial arts that he was taught once he stops at a green belt in all 3 also his spirit energy has come along actually quite nicely despite all of everything else that he was doing he looks at Boton then asks do i have to do detective school right now she says no you don't you can put it off for awhile but it must be completed before you gradute high school.
He nods then says i will do it then and just stretch it out over high school she says okay now Yusuke remember before i take you to your next teacher before school starts next year we must go ver what i taught you regarding spirit energy he nods then closes his eyes gathers it around his body like an aura he channels it into his index finger opens his eyes then fires it at the target next he uses what's left of his energy to form it into a ball then do the same thing she says good now the person i'll be taking you to knows more about spirit energy than i do.
She summons her paddle gets on it then has him get on it then they fly to her Genkai's house it takes them a whole day to get there even though Yusuke has no idea who he's meeting she can sense him coming as well as other people with pathetic spirit power as well as a few apparitions before anything else can happen though Yusuke jumps off the paddle and kills the apparitions who were a few levels above where his training missions are currently ranked Yusuke is still on F class the monsters he killed were D class almost C class.
4 huge hulking brutes who's total spirit power combined is no stronger than a makai insect angrily come up to Yusuke they threaten him to leave or they'll kill him he asks the old woman behind him what's the rule on humans she says do what you want just don't kill them on my property he smirks then asks do you have a preference on how these idiots should be taken out she says i don't care as long as you don't damage my property he smirks then cracks his knuckles as well as his neck then addresses the big hulking brutes then says leave now.
They laugh at him Yusuke says take your men and go this is your last warning i'm not used to using my real strength against humans so i hope none of you die on me they get tired of the talking and just rush him Yuske smirks then in an instant a sparkle shines in Genkai's eye as she sees him bloock every move they throw at him while also break several bones in their bodies then launching them hundreds of feet in the air to her eyes he was moving in slow motion but to them he was a blur she can tell that he has been trained for quite sometime.
She sees Boton land next to him then understands he's with Koenma they both walk up to Genkai boton says it's an honor to meet you master Genkai instead of just a voice who trained us reapers she says i remember you out of all of your friends and collegues you chose to be both offense and defense said that someday you might need it boton says yes i think that we might i even taught Yusuke everything i could but i'm no teacher unfortunately when it comes to spirit energy Genkai says from the feel of his energy i'd say you haven't done too bad of a job.
Genkai asks what does Koenma want me to do Boton says we want you to train Yusuke until he graduates high school Genkai says that's doable but what will he be doing when not with me boton says he will be going to school getting tutored by me on the weekends he will train with you after the school year is over he will be with you all summer after that i will go back to my reaper job during the summer then appear to hand him his cases also she says Yusuke you won't get your first official case until you turn 14.
Yusuke asks does that mean that everything i've done up until now has been a lie Boton says no Koenma wasn't sure what level you would be at so he's made sure to start you out on training cases to build up your skills and to give you an idea as to what you would be getting yourself into he nods Genkai says good i don't have to worry about him risking his life just yet boton says just because they're training cases doesn't mean that he can slack off Genkai says no but it also means that they won't take as long either.
Yusuke asks do you have any books or scrolls on spirit energy Genkai says hundreds of each and thousands of different techniques also a special way to tell what kind of techniques best suit you also we're a long way from learning new techniques Yusuke says i don't want new techniques to fight atleast not yet unless it's a fighting style no i want you to teach me about this energy of ours the history everything she gasps in shock then looks at Boton who confirms then says he has been asking tons of questions that i just don't have the answers to.
Genkai says don't worry in time i will teach you everything i know without thinking he hugs her boton is shocked at this Yusuke apologizes after he lets her go Genkai opens up her game room gives him 4 rolls of quarters then says go play every game then tell me the scores on the karoke the punch game rock paper scissors as well as the fighting game the racing game the shooting game and the sports games he nods then goes to play games Genkai sees that Boton is still stunned by what he did she takes Boton to a private room makes them tea then puts up a privacy barrier.
Genkai asks why are you so shocked that he did that koenma appears then says it's because of how his life turned out before he met us Koenma shows her Yusuke's file it shows everything including the fact that on several occasions that not only did his own mother beat him but because of his gender she tried to kill him if not for the male neighbors who only kept him alive to use him as criminal later when he got older Genkai scowls then says it's stuff like this that makes me question why i protected humanity.
Koenma says us too but it's people like Yusuke who make it worth it Boton says i doubt that he even knew what he was doing until he already did it Genkai says it's fine i'm not mad at him for hugging me i could tell right away that he thought he would get pounded into the dirt if he didn't immediately apologize Genkai says that's not a healthy attitude towards women or people in general if you believe that verything you do will be met with violence then what's the point in trying.
Koenma says that's why i paired him with Boton and not a pervert hater because the last thing he needs is one of those screwing him up more Boton says too late every person who's given him his missions up until now has been one they all assume he's checking them out when really he's making sure that they aren't carrying any weapons or trying to kill me or him Genkai asks what do they have to say to you when you correct them boton says that first something you both should understand is that each and everyone was killed by a man who took them against their will.
Genkai sighs then reads the rest of his file including how his own mother would abuse him and try to kill him when he was younger she also sees his academic record until now B's C's and the occasional D pretty standard Genkai is shocked to see a diploma from the police academy as well as 4 more from dojo's atleast at the children's level he is trained in boxing kickboxing self defense and karate she sees that he's at a green belt which isn't bad.
Genkai says not bad Koenma you have trained this one quite well compared to your last one he says maybe so but from now until he graduates highschool i'd like you to pick up where Boton left off even though he has those diplomas he was actually trained by our people under Boton's supervision Genkai says i kinda figured i mean no real police academy is going to let a minor into their school so what do you want him to learn Koenma says everything that you would be teaching your successor.
Genkai scoffs then says i doubt that he's the one i've been looking for plus we don't even know what his element is Koenma asks what do you mean she says follow me both of you she takes them to a grand hall with lots of candles that has a golden statue in it she channels her energy into it takes out a crystal ball as well as a crystal shaped like a zigzag she puts it into the crystal ball then says Koenma channel your energy into the crystal ball he does inside the ball it shows a tornado then it shows a rock then it shows a fire ball then it shows a lightning bolt then it shows rain.
Koenma asks does this mean that i have every element Genkai says no the crystal that i put inside the ball is an elemental sorting crystal that i've never used before this crystal ball is made from the same material but each one can only usually be used to show one element at a time merging the two together will show two hopefully anyway as Genkai was talking boton was sending what was being said to spirit world Boton says thanks George uh huh i'll tell him.
Boton says master Genkai you missed a step apparently you have to tune both crytsals to each elemental crystal then mix them all together Genkai says i knew i was missing something but before she can do anything someone drops off what they need then leaves she says however spirit world intelligence didn't mention an order or how long it would take to do this Genkai says i could rush it and get horrible results or i could do it properly and wait a year Koenma says do that also if he is your successor teach him elemental techniques last.
Genkai and Boton asks why Koenma says well lots of people are looking at Yusuke to closely and one bad move and my father and i will ose our positions Genkai freaks out as does Boton Koenma says this can't get out nobody can know that i told you two this they nod also Boton change of plans from now on Sayaka will take over your duties instead of doing paper work from now on Yusuke will be your priority until he reaches high school after that someone else will give him his assignments you'll just do your duty as a reaper and tutor him.
Boton agrees they head back to where they left Yusuke to see him still playing games Genkai sees that he saved the 3 spirit games for last first is the karoke game this tests spirit adapability he scored 80 next is the rock scissor paper game this tests spirit awareness he scores 70 last is the boxing game unlike in other arcades this actually requires spirit energy to score on it the game tests the destrective power of a person's spirit energy Yusuke scores 150.
All three adults are stunned at Yusuke's scores they were expecting him to score alot lower for being 11 almost 12 years old Genkai says okay with scores like that i can definitely work with him Koenma says i don't think he realizes what he was doing i think that he was just trying to beat the game on the last two Genkai says maybe so but if given enough time i can train his adaptability and awareness to be as high or higher than his destructive score Koenma says train him however you want.
boton calls Yusuke over to them he walks over to them Koenma says Yusuke i gotta leave soon but this is genkai a world renowned martial arts master and expert in spirit energy she's agreed to train you until she says otherwise Yusuke looks at her then looks at Koenma then says i just thought up my final condition before my missions for you are official Koenma asks what is it Yusuke says you me in a spar with Boton as referee first one to bruise the other or knock them out wins.
Genkai smirks Yusuke sees the smirk then says you're not escaping this you old hag after him you'll be next she chuckles then says you're a hundred years away from challenging me Yusuke says with you i'm not trying to win just land one blow on you that's the challenge i've set myself Yusuke points to Koenma then says with him i'm giving myself a handicap no spirit energy.
Boton says okay Yusuke i'll put the seal on you again Genkai asks what seal Boton says sometimes i put him in scenarious like what would happen if he couldn't use his hands or he was out of spirit energy or sometimes i use certain places to simulate what an actual demonic wasteland would look like i even have trained him in stealth missions but the seal makes it so he can't use his spirit energy doesn't mean that his punches hurt any less.
Koenma says lets do this they go to Genkai's dojo area in her compound they take off their shoes Genkai sits down awaits her turn koenma transforms into his teenage form Koenma says i can only hold this form for 10 minutes so lets do this Yusuke nods then gets into his fighting stance boton gets into her place as the referee she says the rules are no eye shots no throat shots no groin shots no kidney shots and no sternum shots other then that i want a nice clean fight ready both nod she puts her hand down then says fight.
Koenma charges towards Yusuke thinking that his size gives him the advantage Koenma goes for an overhanded chop Yusuke takes advantage of this both of the move he chose as well as his size and throws Koenma to the ground then backs away Koenma gets back up then charges again sending a bunch of random chops and kicks at Yusuke hoping to catch him off gaurd but Yusuke saw everything waits for his moment then slams Koenma hard enough on the floor to knock him out.
Yusuke picks up Koenma carries him out of the room then comes back in Genkai says not bad i could tell that you were only using self defense on him and none of your other skills including your street fighting genkai says you don't have to worry nobody told me it's evident in the way you move and perform certain techniques it's almost like certain fighting styles are just all wrong for you he asks what do i do then i don't want to be a brawler all of my life.
Genkai says relax you won't be there's as many fighting styles out there as there are clouds in the sky we'll find something that fits you also we don't have to fight but we can if you want to but our fight will end the same way as yours did with Koenma except that instead you winning it will be me winning Yusuke nods then says i'll fight you next year until then i guess we got training to do she nods then says before that i've got a gift for you though you won't think of them as a gift "Non moriar omnia perfer et obdura et hic dolar proderit tibi olim!".
Yeelowish golden lightning like cuffs encased his limbs but they weren't working like Genkai expected until she saw another seal on his limbs Genaki asks are these weight seals boton says yes they are Genkai says remove them what i put on him is a thousand times better also remove any other seals you have on him as well she does as told before genkai could say anything she was almost kncoked over by a huge wave of Yusuke's energy Genkai says channel your energy into the cuffs he does the cuffs take away all of that excess energy that was just released.
Instead of taking it away completely the cuffs are seeing how much his body can handle Genkai says that's why you don't use energy seals like that if it wasn't for these Yusuke could have died along with a good chunk of the planet Boton says sorry i didn't know Genkai says most people don't then asks how long has he had those seals on his body she says almost 4 years now Koenma says Boton maybe you should have reached out a little more.
She says probably but you wanted him trained and i did so i even prepared him for every training mission he went on Genkai says you did a good job i'll take over from here Koenma goes back to spirit world Boton goes back to Yusuke's apartment Yusuke asks what happens now Genkai says now i will train you for the summer when school starts back up every weekend i will train you up and you won't be going on any new training missions as you have graduated from them but you can't take your first mission until your 14 so until then we will train together.