The teacher clapped his hands together. "Now, we will begin the awakening ceremony. I will call your names one by one. When I do, step forward and place your hand on the Awakening Crystal."
Some students whispered among themselves as they excitedly thought about what talent they would awaken, while the rest sat rigidly, waiting for their turn to step forward and awaken.
On the other hand, Lucius just leaned back against his desk, watching the awakening process with no interest at all.
One by one, names were called and each student stepped forward, placing their hand on the crystal.
Some orbs glow green, signaling a common-tier talent, which was the lowest level.
There were murmurs of disappointment, but no one seemed too surprised, as this was normal.
Then, the unexpected happened. One student placed his hand on the crystal, and a bright blue glow appeared, making the entire class gasp.