Luna tightened her grip on Karion's wings. Her claws dug deeper into the joints as she pressed her feet harder into his back.
The pressure was unbearable and Karion's body strained under the force. The tension in his wings was also on the verge of snapping.
Karion roared in pain. He gritted his teeth and cursed Luna. "You bitch! Get the fuck off me!"
Luna only smirked as she pulled even harder and mocked sadistically. "It feels good, doesn't it? Let's make it even better, shall we?"
She flexed her legs and pressed them down harder, forcing Karion's body to twist unnaturally.
Karion could feel the pain and growled while trying to push everything he had left into his body. "FUCK YOU!"
Karion's thunder grew unstable as his instincts were screaming for him to break free.
With a growl, he slammed his body backward, aiming to crush Luna against the ground, while flexing his wings violently to shake her off.