Deon, Zerath, and Tarron kept their gazes locked on Lucius. But Bryson's attention remained fixed on the black talent stone lying on the ground before him.
The silence in the room stretched until Bryson finally broke it as he asked the elders. "Do you know what this stone is?"
Deon, Zerath, and Tarron stepped closer and examined the stone. They recognized the object but were unable to recognize it because of the color.
Deon was uncertain about it as he muttered. "It looks like a talent stone, but why is it black?"
Zerath nodded as he added. "I've seen talent stones in the past. Gray when not activated, and then white, green, blue, and red corresponding to the levels of talent. But… I've never seen a black one before."
Tarron frowned deeply as he leaned closer to the stone. "It's impossible. A talent stone can't be black. That's not how it works."