Lucius stood calmly at the Volcaria estate's main balcony. He observed the distant glow of flames that consumed the auction building.
Behind him, Ragnar and Savra joined him, both watching the scene with various expressions.
Ragnar glanced at Lucius and frowned deeply. He was irritated about this accident. He couldn't help but think it had to do something with Lucis. "Is this part of your plan, Lucius?"
Lucius glanced back at Ragnar and smirked. "You could say that. I left some barrels of 4-Star oil unguarded on purpose, knowing it would tempt our intruder into doing exactly this."
Savra also glanced at Lucius. She clearly didn't like this sudden plan. "Why the hell would you deliberately set things up for him to start a fire?"
Lucius's smirk didn't waver. "A couple of reasons."
Lucius then raised his index finger. "First, I wanted to ensure he wouldn't use his beast. The last time I met them, they were all 5-Star Tamers."