An expression of interest flashed across the Mother's face, as her eyes landed on the two clones of Chu Wuyao.
Although the fact that the clones had the same exact appearance didn't mean that the two were actually the same person, with the Mother's extraordinary eyesight, she was able to sense the connection between them.
This was true even if this was merely a phantom of hers.
Of course, for the Mother, the fact that Chu Wuyao had some clones was not special at all and would not interest her.
Instead, what attracted her attention was Chu Wuyao herself.
Many thoughts went through the Mother's mind, until finally, she opened her mouth to speak.
"Come on. I'll give you a reward if you are able to survive the next attack.", she said and the moment she finished these words, Wu Feng, who had been hiding his presence all this time, had a bad premonition.
"Not good!", he thought, as his intuition warned him of danger.