Chereads / The Academic In Harry Potter / Chapter 3 - First Classes

Chapter 3 - First Classes

Oliver got out of bed around eight o'clock in the morning, while his new roommates were still asleep. Sunlight shone through the curtained windows as he made his way over to the bathroom to brush his teeth. It was always strange, looking in the mirror -- because he used to own a different, much older face. 

He eventually left the dormitory with his bag, which contained his school supplies and textbooks, over his shoulder. As he ventured down the stairwell towards the Great Hall, he watched the animated paintings on the walls, blown away by their existence. Different from ghosts, these were deliberate creations, which led Oliver to consider researching the method to create them. He thought they might be pretty useful as a method of teaching, if he could somehow store the specific information that he required while making a painting for himself. 

By the time he arrived at the entrance of the Great Hall, his legs were burning from the long journey. Hogwarts was a large castle, and living at the top of Ravenclaw tower was going to do wonders for his stamina. 

'I wonder how much fitness has to do with magic. Although having it gives me a higher endurance, and makes me stronger and faster, would physical training lengthen the maximum amount of spells I can cast in one sitting?' Oliver thought, making his way towards the Ravenclaw table. The atmosphere of the hall was very different than it was the first time he was there, as it was much less crowded and the ceiling showed a clear blue sky instead of twinkling stars.

His roommates were still probably asleep and he didn't really know anyone else besides Harry Potter and the rest of the trio, who were in a different house, so he decided to sit by himself at the end of the table. 

"A stack of pancakes, please? Oh, and could you pour some syrup on that as well, please?" Oliver asked the house elves, politely.

He hadn't quite gotten used to being served without visible waiters or waitresses, and, worse, drinking his water out of a literal goblet made of gold. It felt just as strange of an experience as one would expect. 

By eight forty-five, after he was done with his delicious breakfast, he scavenged from his bag a scroll of parchment which had his schedule on it, written in ink. 

7:30 am - 8:50 am: BREAKFAST

9:00 am - 9:45 am: FREE PERIOD


10:50 am - 11:35 am: CHARMS

11:45 am - 12:45 pm: LUNCH

12:55 pm - 1:40 pm: MAGICAL THEORY

Rest of the day: FREE 

After squinting at it for a minute, Oliver stuffed the schedule back into his bag. It had been a pain to write; he couldn't find any way to practice at the orphanage, so it was his first time with ink and a quill. He then stood up from the polished wooden bench beneath him and left the Great Hall, heading towards the study hall next to the library. 

Oliver decided to prepare for his first two classes, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms, by preparing notes based on the two corresponding textbooks: The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble and The Standard Book of Spells (grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk, which he had already read right after he first acquired them. He wanted to be ready for the homework that his new teachers would undoubtedly give him. 

In addition, Oliver was a shame to all reincarnated people in that he didn't actually know how to do any magic yet. When he threatened Malfoy earlier, on the train, it was merely a bluff since he could not preform the Knee-Reversal Hex even if he wanted to. At least he could say that he was, like Hermione, ahead on the reading. 

Sure, he had attempted Lumos a few times, but he did not want to get started with magic without supervision -- he had asked Professor Snape, who was the one to introduce him to the world of magic, and Oliver was advised strongly against it. Besides, the advantage he had over the other kids his age from having nineteen extra years of memories stored in his brain was incredibly large. His essays were going to be leagues above those of his peers simply because he actually knew how to write.

He ended up finishing his notes right as it was time to go to class, and, after organizing his materials and putting them in his bag, he walked to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. 

The first thing Oliver noticed upon opening the door was the overwhelming smell of garlic hanging in the air. It was disgusting. He already thought it would be difficult to pay attention to Professor Quirrell during the lecture, due to that horrific stutter, and the smell made matters even worse.

There was a black chalkboard at the end of the room, with rows of wooden desks facing it. Quirrell, who's head was wrapped in his purple turban, stood in front of the mostly empty desks, waiting as students filed into the classroom, one by one. 

Oliver decided to sit as far away from the cursed professor as possible, in the corner, and opened up his textbook to the beginning of the first chapter, before getting out his notebook, inkwell, and quill.

'I should probably expect to learn DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts) from the textbook this year...' 

Eventually, he was joined by one of his roommates, Anthony Goldstein, much to his displeasure; he had wanted the desk to himself, though he supposed sharing with Anthony wasn't so bad. At least, in the books, Anthony would become a prefect of their house, so having him as a potential study buddy was probably a good thing, in Oliver's opinion. 

"Morning, mate," said Anthony. 

"Good morning," Oliver replied, leaning back in his chair. It wasn't like Quirrell of all people was going to do anything about it.

After the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor first years settled in, Quirrell began the lecture. 

"H-h-hello c-class, welcome to Defense A-a-against the Dark Arts," he began. "T-today we will begin by learning..."

As the professor droned on, Oliver barely payed attention, the stutter making the professor's lecture unbearably unpleasant. 

"God, this is unbearable," Anthony whispered, turning his head slightly towards Oliver, who grunted in response.

The content was simply a joke; with a focus on dark creatures instead of defending against actual practitioners of the Dark Arts, Oliver simply did not see the textbook's value compared to learning to combat the dark forces which actually posed a threat. In addition, it was taught by Quirrell -- who, as it turns out, did not drop any hidden knowledge of the Dark Arts during the lecture. 

Oliver had expected more from someone possessed by the literal Dark Lord, and was disappointed. 

He glanced around the room to see if other people were paying attention. He noticed a clear split between the two houses in attendance; the Gryffindors appeared to be listening quite intently, and those of Ravenclaw house were nodding off in an odd reversion of the typical academic stereotypes in Hogwarts. 

Oliver supposed that, despite Professor Quirrell being incredibly boring, the lions were so desperate to learn how to fight their enemies that they simply pushed through. He was impressed by such dedication.

The lesson eventually ended as the bell rang, Oliver feeling as though he wasted his time, and hoping that his next class would be more interesting. He glanced down and saw that the pages of his open notebook were empty save for the date and the title he wrote at the top.

Luckily, he had taken notes on the chapter before class, but deep down he was a little ashamed of not being able to pay attention, though this was drowned out by the overwhelming feeling of annoyance at what a terrible teacher Quirrell was.

Especially sense Oliver knew that Quirrell was faking it.

After the sound of ringing left his ears, Oliver and Anthony packed up their supplies and quickly exited the room.

"My nose has finally been liberated," Oliver said with a sigh. The two friends took a left, and began walking towards their next class. 

"Hah! Yeah that was miserable," Anthony replied, running his left hand through his blond hair. 

"Well, time for Charms. This should at least be a little more interesting, seeing as it probably wont just be a lecture for the whole period."

"Of course it will be! It's taught by Professor Flitwick, how could it possibly be boring?"

They rounded the corner, Anthony momentarily pausing upon seeing a particularly haggardly man in a painting now visible on their left.

"Oi, what are you looking at?" the man said.

Anthony blushed, and walked a little faster.

"Ahem. Anyways, Professor Flitwick has to be a great teacher. He is the head of the Ravenclaw house! And, he was even the Duelling Champion at one point for goodness sake," said Anthony, adjusting the strap of his bag over his shoulder. 

"I guess," Oliver replied.

The two eventually reached the Charms classroom, before stopping to catch their breath. 

"Well, here we are," Anthony said, opening the door. 

"Welcome, welcome," the duo heard from the back of the room. Their heads turned as they attempted to locate where the words came from. 

"Down here," the voice said, chuckling mirthfully.

They tilted their heads down, and finally spotted the short professor.

"Sorry, professor," Anthony said, sheepishly.

Oliver smiled. 

"No, no. That's quite alright. Go on now, take your seats -- you made it here a little quicker than your fellow classmates, so you can sit anywhere you'd like," Flitwick said, adjusting some of the many dusty books stacked on top of the floor around him. 

Oliver finally took a chance to look around the small classroom, deciding that he quite liked the atmosphere -- though the room was certainly not clean, he felt as though the messiness gave it a rather cheerful feeling, one which promoted cooperation. 

He was glad that the Ravenclaw first-years shared Charms with Hufflepuffs instead of Gryffindors, who were too rambunctious, or Slytherins, gloomy people who would have disrupted the sense of togetherness that the cheerful professor and his classroom gave off. 

Anthony chose a spot near the professor, much to Oliver's dismay, but couldn't exactly abandon his new friend to sit at the back of the room. 

After Oliver sat down, next to Anthony, he took out his supplies and idly waited as the rest of his classmates filed in.

Oliver was anticipating the lesson due to Flitwick's charismatic nature and couldn't wait to learn his first spell.