Kairos : The Controller of Time

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Chapter 1 - Grey

"This world is so gray."

"Glad that I'm your world then." I said amusingly.

Elena glared at me, but I swear her cheeks turned rosy for a split second. She was wearing a black hoodie that was obviously too large for her. Her hood was off and she wore shorts that stopped at three quarters of her thighs but they were covered by the hoodie itself as they stopped at the end of her thighs.

She's around 15 years old. Her white hair with black edging stopped at her elbows but they were currently tied up in a ponytail for convience. She was pretty to say the least. Her eyebrows were light and expressive, her cheeks were also soft and her lips were pink in color. Her eyes were blue and she stood at 1.7 meters(AN: 5'7 for fellow Americans).

Sighing, she looked at me in a more serious manner. "You know what I mean, Grey. What we're about to do, this could ruin our lives you know?"

It was past midnight, around 1:45 am and we were standing in a alleyway. While looking out of it, there, there was a graveyard with walls that surrounded the whole thing.

"That's like, the fourth time you've mentioned this and this, is going to be the fourth time that I have to reassure you that this will be a piece of cake." Giving my best confident smile as I said that, I also couldn't help but worry about the possible consequences.

Elena stared at me silently with a pondering look on her face. This girl seriously, ugh. Even after knowing me for like what? Eleven years, she still looks at me like that.

Ever since I was taken in by a orphanage, Elena was there. Well for the most part anyways. Back then when I first met her, she was only four and I was three. I was younger than her by a few weeks but there was also a chance that I wasn't as well. Afterall my circumstances were pretty strange.

Ever since I had the ability to use my brain in a literal sense, my oldest memory was of a vast black expanse. Which is pretty weird to be honest but my second oldest memory was of Ms. Clare. She was the owner of the orphanage I belonged to, which was the place where I grew up in.

It's already been fifteen years since I was taken in by Ms. Clare and that also means I turn sixteen in about six months(My birthday was when Ms. Clare took me in). That's right; I've never met my parents and have no idea who they are and I also have no idea when my real brithday is, which doesn't really bother me as much as not knowing my parents. I have tried asking her multiple times over the occasions but they never really bear fruit.


"Ms. Clare, can you pretty please tell me who my parents are?"

Panicking, she almost tripped over her broom at the sudden question before swiftly stabilizing herself. Standing straight up, her full figure was in view. She's lightly tanned and wore a casual and modern outfit she was only around twentyish years old back then and she was fairly pretty.

Her brown hair that stopped at her shoulders came to a halt from the previous blunder and her hazel eyes that previously had a tint of panick, but now a serious attitude. She looked at me. Sighing, and coming to a conclusion after pondering for a few seconds, she responded. "Grey, I knew this would eventually happen but to think it would be this soon, sigh."

"To be honest Grey, I have no idea as well. I was out on an errand to get some groceries and when I came back, you were there on the front porch of the orphanage in a basket. There was a note there that said: Please take care of him, his name is Grey. And ever since then I've taken care of you."

End of Flashback

Looking back, I was only six when I first asked the question and I had no clue why she was so honest to me about it, afterall at the time I couldn't even understand half the things she said. But she did end up realizing her blunder and quickly said some fairytale of a bird bringing children in a basket.



Elena was staring at me with a tint of worry. "You're spacing off again. You know, it's happening more often now that you're older. What are you even thinking of anyways."

I stared at her with a stiff smile and quickly made up an excuse. "Uhhh, just going over the plan mentally, don't worry about it.

Although my attempt at making an excuse was obviously very butchered, in the current context it made her seem to believe it enough. Afterall, we were about to do a crime punishable for death, disturbing the dead.

The plan follows:

A. Sneak into a graveyard of dead nobles.

B. Dig and loot as many graves as we can, taking all valuables.

C. Erase all traces.

Well there was more to the plan but that was the basis.

As we walked towards the graveyard, the graveyard itself was around 80 meters wide and 50 meters in length. It was surrounded by pristine white walls that stood four meters tall. The walls were chiseled in weird runic patterns that pulsed in blue once in a while, aka a automatic magic detection spell, which luckily only detected what's inside of the walls, otherwise it'd be a major inconvenience to pedestrians.

The neighborhood that surrounded the graveyard was to be as expected, filthy wealthy. Nobles truly held up to their name, geez all of these houses, or should I say, mansions, well even that is an understatement; they're ginormous!

But this is also reassuring that we probably won't be in danger of being caught, afterall who would cause trouble in a place like this, especially when nobles basically rule the world. The only real danger is the magic detection spell on the walls and luckily, I have an Elena. A one in a billion prodigy afterall, ehehe..

"Ahem, Elena its.. time."

Looking at me like I was her worst fear, Elena walked up to me and stopped a few inches away before holding up both of her hands and placing them on my chest."Ew, can you please stop talking in such a dramatic way?"

Her hands started to glow in a light gray color shortly after and a few seconds later, my body had a invisible coating around me. How I knew? It was a type of thing you couldn't explain unless experiencing it firsthand.

She quickly turned her hands and directed them to her own chest and soon after, her hands glowed gray and she became slightly harder to see in the night.

"I made it so we can detect each other but anyone or anything else, can't." She said with a slightly proud face, but it was hard to make out.

"Alright, then let's get this show started!" I exclaimed, a little too loud, luckily there was no one around us to hear us, probably anyways.

Glaring at me for my blunder, she swiftly turned to the wall and walked to it and then quickly jumped. Surprisingly, well not really, she easily jumped over the four meter wall and landed on the other side. Now, it was my turn. To be honest I suck with magic. It was never really my thing but that doesn't mean I don't know even the basics of body enhancements.

Snickering to myself and feeling slightly proud, I thought: 'All of those efforts and bothering Elena to teach me magic, they won't be wasted today ehehe..'

Using magic depended on the user. For some it could be as easy as breathing and for others it could be like using your toes to write backwards, inverted and while upside-down. For me, it was the latter half for the most part.

'Ok, just.. breath in, gather the mana, command and jump.'

There were three main steps in using magic.

First you gather your mana depending on your wishes, for example, Elena had to gather mana towards her hands to cast her stealth barrier.

Next was commanding the mana. Commanding the mana is normally the hard part. Again, using Elena as an example, after she gathered her mana towards her hands, she commanded the mana to have hide my presence towards everything except for me and her. She also had to command how long the order would last and how strong the stealth properties are.

Speaking of order, its the last step. After gathering and commanding the mana, you would have to order the mana to do said commands. This isn't all though, ordering also takes account of your mana capacity and how much mana the command uses. If you don't have sufficient mana to order the command, the command normally fails.

A person's capacity for mana is purely random. Some people also think it's genetic wise but.. proven til otherwise. Your capacity is literally just your entire body. The more mana you can fit in your body, the higher capacity you have. Mana itself is air. If you breath you gather mana. Even if you don't breath you gather mana, as they can go through your tiny gaps in your body, such as your pores ears, eyes, nose, uhh your behind and the.. "thing". Depending on your gender you can think what that is, after all, all of us have a hole in there eitherway.

Taking in a deep breath I prepared myself to order out this fairly simple command. 'First gather the mana to my legs..'

Now that I was ready to command and order I began. 'Commanding the mana.. make my legs have the jump power of a human sized frog.'

As I commanded this, a small greenish glow appeared around my legs, it was the mana inside that slightly seeped out from my pores that created this glow. The green coming from the frog command probably.

Double checking my mana capacity which was slightly below average, I reassured myself and began the order. 'Okay time to jump.'

As I said that I jumped over the wall and landed on my feet, a slight thud sounding upon my impact with the moist soil.

I looked around before my eyes landed on Elena who was staring at me. She looked me up and down before scoffing. "Took you long enough slowpoke. Seriously, 15 seconds for a simple spell like that? You are so unbelievably talentless."

Unamused and unsurprised at her behavior at ridiculing me, I simply muttered: "Well maybe if I had a competent teacher who wouldn't complain about every lesson and didn't blame the student instead, then maybe I could be better at magic.."

Even though Elena heard that, she simply walked towards the first grave she saw, which was right in front of us. It was of a standard grave with gray coloring but it looked extremely clean, unusually so considering most of these graves were hundreds of years old.

'Probably an effect from the outside magic detection spell barrier thingy on the wall, maybe it also cleans the graves.' I thought while staring at the grave.

The grave had three lines of text on it, the name which was Adam Harrison, the date of the death which in this case is July 2nd, 2782, and a brief sentence that described the person who died.

"Well then Elena, time to get to work." I said with a smirk, looking at her.

Her hands glowed a second time before two standard shovels appeared in her hands. She quickly threw one at me and began digging. "Just don't hold me back."