I moved within the shadows and sent one attack after the other. I always wondered what those blessed felt when they used their abilities.
Now I knew how it felt. It felt exhilarating every time I created an arrow from the shadows and felt the mana moving through my body.
I always thought you'd have to go through a learning process to be able to use your abilities but as it turns out, you just have to imagine what you want and it's automatically done. That's how I am currently creating the mana arrows and shooting them at Blaze.
Although it seemed like I flipped the tables and currently had the upper hand, the situation was anything but that. I was constantly burning mana staying in the shadows and those shadow arrows also cost mana, While Blaze looked like he was hardly spending any mana spamming those fireballs.
If I wanted to win, I had to find a way to end this fast. Stopping behind one of the broken pillars where I was relatively safe (I think) and pulled up the described on shadow construct.
Shadow constructs (Rank S)
Description: User can create anything he can imagine from shadows. These constructs will be solid and can be moved into the light.
Mana cost: 10
NB: mana cost increases for more complex constructs.
NB: shadow constructs used in the light have lessened power and dissolve quicker.
Right, so I can create anything I can think of and the more complex it is, the higher the mana cost.
The shadow arrows cost me 10 mana points and so far, I've shot 10, meaning I've spent 100 mana points. Taking into Cloak account which I've been using for the past 3 minutes, my remaining mana should be around 70 (just enough to do what I'm planning).
I jumped away from the pillar just in time to avoid the fireball that struck I was previously standing. Since he has been training long enough, his instinct might have been high enough to notice me even with cloak on.
I looked to find Blaze preparing another, much larger fireball (guess I'm getting on his nerves) and beneath him formed a shadow of him —that's exactly what I needed.
I imagined what I wanted and from his shadow rose a couple of hands which restrained him.
"What the hell !?" He shouted in shock. I made the hands wrap around his hands and feet.
{Ooh bondage play}
(What the hell is wrong with you?)
I ignored the author and turned my focus back on the now tied up Blaze. I could feel my mana plummet to zero when I created a sword but I didn't care, this was my chance and I was going to take it.
I rushed towards him with the sword, hoping to make him surrender or smack him unconscious but as soon as I got close enough, he exploded— Literally.
'Is this guy f*cking nuts? Why would he kamikaze in a freaking spar' was all I could think before the force of the explosion sent me flying into one of the pillars.
"Are you okay?" I heard Blaze's voice from above which confused me, didn't this mofo blow himself up just to win the spar.
I raised my head and looked towards the direction I heard his voice. Blaze was comfortably sitting on one of the still-standing pillars (since the temple didn't have a roof) looking down at me.
"You must be confused" he said seeing my confused expression.
"You see, when you used your disappearing skill I couldn't see, hear or sense you which made it harder for me to attack you but easier for to spam those weird black arrows" he paused for a moment and then continued "But for some weird reason, you seem to have turned off the ability when you moved behind that pillar" He said and pointed to one of the pillars.
'I turned off the ability?' I thought, not remembering when I did so.
"That gave me a breather and the chance to think, 'since the disappeared from my senses when you entered the shadows and your attacks were coming from there as well, your blessing might be related to shadows ' I thought " he paused again and looked at me with a grin
"So I knew I had to draw you out somehow. That's when I use my ability [Flame clone] , it allows me to create almost perfect clones of myself which I can detonate whenever I want. My plan was to let my clone reach you from behind that pillar and detonate but you disappeared again before I could give the order" He said.
"I decided to wait for you to make your move first and I gotta be honest, if you had trapped me instead of the clone, I might have struggled a bit but you checkmated yourself" he finished explaining / bragging and then offered me a hand.
I took this outstretched hand and pulled myself up.
"I guess I was too confident in myself to think I'd win" I said with a light smile.
"Don't beat yourself up, with your skills you can win against most of the first year and some of the second year students. I still find it hard to believe you just awakened a few days back " he said, his grin still hadn't disappeared but I could tell he meant his words.
The room transformed back into a coliseum (I guess that's the default setting?) and I noticed Mia approaching us. I was so invested in the spar that I forgot we had a spectator.
"That was a great match. Do you now understand why I said this place was the most fun?" Mia said facing me but she suddenly turned to Blaze.
"And you flame boy, weren't you supposed to take it easy on him. Why the hell would you use your exploding clones?" She scolded him, which was funny to watch.
"Are you two dating?" I couldn't help but ask, observing their interactions. My question caused Mia to immediately to red but she replied anyway.
"W-well although Flame boy and I are engaged, we're just f-friends. For now" she replied while stuttering and whispered the last part.
"Yeah, but I'm trying to get her to fall for me. I guess it's not working since she still considers me a friend" Blaze said in mock sadness.
"I see, then I'll return to my dorm and get some rest" I smiled and prepared.
"W-wait, we were planning on visiting the cafe, would you like to tag along?" Mia asked, her face still red from our previous conversation.
I glanced at Blaze and instantly understood his plan. He might have planned the Cafe visit as a date and me joining would ruin that (plus I'd just feel like a third wheel, which I hate) so I replied.
"Maybe next time, I'm feeling completely drained from the spar right now"
"Oh okay then, see you tomorrow Alex " she said and waved me good bye.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow Mia, you too Blaze " I waved at both of them and exited the combat room.