每一次离别都不可避免地伴随着对下一次重逢的期待.陈夏已经离开了青州,但他又一次遇到了那只大黄狗.靠在门上,鲜血从他的身体里渗出.那痛苦,就像一股无情的力量,撕裂着他的每一根肢和骨头,仿佛决心要把他撕裂.这无疑就是未来的陈夏所提到的代价.痛苦难以忍受.他微微皱起眉头,看着眼前的黄色大狗,嘴角抽搐了一下,不顾疼痛,还是抬起了手."帮我一把,"他虚弱地说.这一刻,灵气就像无数细小的刀刃,划破了他的血管.这比被一把细刀割伤要痛苦得多."是谁?"屋内传来张道明的声音.那只大黄狗太忙了,没时间回答.随着陈夏的身体歪斜,它睁大了眼睛,朝着门外坠落,仿佛被卷入了晚霞中.它全速冲向门口,试图抓住陈夏.但陈夏已经陨落了.血染红了夜色,他似乎无法站起来."陈夏!"陈霞!那只大黄狗焦急地吠叫着,走到了他的身边.它脸上的担忧是显而易见的."冷静点,"陈霞虚弱地说."我只是累了.我休息一会儿就没事了."真的吗?"大黄狗看着血迹——浑身是陈夏,几乎不敢相信他.陈夏勉强露出淡淡的笑容."只是轻微的致命伤.""他到底是谁?"身材矮小的张道明从屋子里走出来.没有用神识去检查,他根本就不知道情况.当他看到时,他的脸色僵住了.然后他赶紧喊道:"快!救命!那只大黄狗回过神来,抱起了陈夏.它的皮毛在冲进房子时沾满了血."快点!" The sight of a dog carrying a person was quite unusual. Zhang Daoming was stunned for a moment, then rushed to get the best blood - nourishing pills he had refined and fed them to Chen Xia. Overwhelmed by the pain, Chen Xia fell asleep. This was clearly sleep, not a faint, as his breathing was steady, and he even turned over in his sleep. The big yellow dog stood by, worried. It turned to Zhang Daoming. "Old Zhang, will Chen Xia be okay?" "He should be,"Zhang Daoming replied, looking concerned. "What did he say?" The big yellow dog furrowed its brows. "Just a minor fatal injury." "Hmm..."Zhang Daoming was at a loss for words. Thankfully, after taking the pills, the bleeding stopped. Chen Xia was still asleep, likely using his divine sense to heal. The big yellow dog paced restlessly, its expression a mix of hope and worry. "Old Zhang, I heard dragon race spirit meat is very nourishing. Should we get some for Chen Xia?"it asked. Zhang Daoming shook his head. "With our limited resources, we can't even afford a dragon scale, let alone the spirit meat." "See? I told you not to waste money on alcohol. Now we can't buy supplements for Chen Xia,"the big yellow dog said, annoyed. "Even without buying alcohol, our spirit stones are not enough. And without connections, we can't buy it in the realm. Aren't you afraid of the dragon race's revenge?"Zhang Daoming countered. The big yellow dog thought it over and nodded. "Then are there no wild dragons we can hunt?" "Wild dragons? In this realm, wild dogs are rare, let alone wild dragons,"Zhang Daoming replied. The big yellow dog sighed and sat down, feeling helpless. Zhang Daoming sat thinking. He wondered how Chen Xia left the Celestial Sword Sea and what had happened to him since then. Did he fight continuously in the Celestial Sword Sea and only just escape? Chen Xia, meanwhile, had a dream. As a Sea - Overturning Realm cultivator, he could usually control his divine soul and avoid dreams. But this time, he had an extraordinary dream. In brief, it was "Damn, black silk!" Yet, he knew a dream was just a dream. He woke up, his divine soul clear, and sat up. The first thing he saw was Zhang Daoming looking at him with concern. "Feeling better?"Zhang Daoming asked. "Need a few more days to recover,"Chen Xia replied calmly, moving slightly and wincing in pain as he leaned against the bed. Zhang Daoming offered him pills. "Were you injured in the Celestial Sword Sea?" "More or less,"Chen Xia answered, not elaborating or mentioning Qingzhou. Zhang Daoming then asked, "What happened to the Celestial Sword Sea?" Chen Xia shook his head. "I didn't see it, but it's bound to end with darkness, the fall of the great era, and the collapse of the sects. It's an eternal cycle." "True,"Zhang Daoming said, sighing. "I never thought the sect - protecting elder would use you to prolong the Great Emperor's life." "I knew that,"Chen Xia nodded. "Otherwise, the Fourteen Sons of the Celestial wouldn't have only me left." Zhang Daoming sighed again. "The Fourteen Sons of the Celestial may no longer be mentioned." "Doesn't matter,"Chen Xia said indifferently. Just then, the big yellow dog entered with a pot of boiling thick soup. "The supplement is here!"it said. Seeing Chen Xia awake, it paused, then quickly said, "Hurry and drink. I just made it." "What is it?"Chen Xia asked warily. "A mix of herbs,"the big yellow dog replied, smiling. "I tried it. It's very nourishing." "Where did you get the herbs?"Zhang Daoming asked, frowning. "Yours. We may lack spirit stones, but we have herbs,"the big yellow dog said. Zhang Daoming was shocked. "You didn't consider the herbs' properties, pharmacology, or combinations? You just boiled them all?" "Exactly,"the big yellow dog nodded, looking at Chen Xia in confusion. "Isn't this how Chen Xia makes pills?" Zhang Daoming was speechless. Chen Xia could roughly guess what he meant from his lip movements. Probably something like "I love you".