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Purple Soul

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After an eventful night, Alyssa Williams finds herself forced to live in a world where everything that seemed to be a myth turned out to be reality. A world where she clearly doesn't belong. However, she has a goal and plan to achieve it. Alyssa will then have to try to learn about this world without raising any suspicions to survive in this hostile place while trying to get close to a certain young man.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Night out

You who usurp your place,

You who don't follow my laws,

On you will fall the divine punishment.

The Heir's place has been defiled,

For the crime you committed,

Your reign will finish in flames,

So I have decided,

I, who on the souls will reign for eternity.


"Cheers !"

The sound of glasses clinking reached me faintly. The club's music practically drowned out all the surrounding sounds. Therefore, I had to lean in as much as possible to be able to discuss with Gabriella. It is her who had the idea to come here, to celebrate my last night in the city. My roommate being really stubborn, I didn't really have a choice.

Well, in reality I did, it is not the first time that she wanted us to go out and I refused. I constantly have this soft voice that I affectionately call the 'Mother voice', pushing me to focus on my study and research. But tonight, that voice decided otherwise and before I knew it I was sitting at the bar.

It's not that going out bothers me, it's the opposite, but I was really hoping to be able to finish packing my things so I could leave as soon as possible. But it is true that I don't regret coming here. One last night out before leaving forever, it's not that bad.

The ambiance is incredible. Rock music in full swing. The dance floor where people dance like there is no tomorrow. The drinks that are, yes expensive, but delicious. Like everytime I come here, on the rare occasion Mother voice allows me to go out, I can't help but close my eyes.

I let the sound coming from the speakers rush into my ears. My heart began to beat in rhythm with the notes that reached me. A smile appeared on my face. I love this feeling, it gives me this incredible desire to dance. I glanced at my friend and noticed that she was staring intensely at the dancefloor.

We exchanged a long stare, understanding that we both wanted the same thing. So I got up and offered her a hand. She accepted with a big smile. We mingled with the people dancing. My feet moved to the rhythm of the music and I felt good, free. I moved my hips, turned around, almost fell, quickly caught by Gabriella.

Then began a wild dance for two. Hand in hand, we let ourselves go, smiling, laughing and moving as if we were alone in the world.

I will miss her.

She was a good roommate and friend.

But I have to leave. I have to find answers before starting my mission. And I don't know how much time I have left, so I have to hurry. As a matter of fact, I think I have to go now.

I was about to inform Gabriella when I noticed that she was staring at a point behind me. I turned around and saw a young brunette walking towards us, a drink in her hand. I immediately recognized Rachelle, my roommate's girlfriend. Before I had time to say or do anything, she threw the content of her glass in my face.

My eyes widened in surprise. Gabriella reacted immediately, calling Rachelle crazy while screaming. The two got into an argument. I noticed that we were now the center of attention. The people around had stopped dancing and were staring at us.

I sighed. I took a tissue out of my pocket and wiped my glasses, fuming because I hate when they're dirty or wet.

It's obvious that jealousy was behind this drama. Rachelle couldn't stand it when Gab' hung out with someone else than her. Especially if that someone else is me as she is convinced that I'm trying to steal her girl. Hell, I'm sure she is convinced that we already have an affair.

Which is ironic because the one who is cheating isn't Gabriella, but Rachelle, and everyone knows it.

"I'm so done with you Rachelle ! I don't belong to you ! Besides, I don't understand why you are so mad, I told you that I was planning go to the club with Alyssa. I even offered you to come with us and you're the one who refused !"

"Exactly ! How dare you go out with her, without me ! If you really loved me you would have canceled your plan for tonight !"

The argument intensified and I stood here, admiring. A movement in the crowd caught my eyes. A young blonde woman pushed past people to make her way to us.

"Well, well, Daphné." I said without taking my eyes off her.

Gabriella and Rachelle turned around in a single movement. While she was playing the victim for a few seconds earlier, the brunette suddenly went quiet. Daphne stood in front of us, clearly angry. I suddenly noticed that her and Rachelle are really well dressed. Like for a date. Obviously, it is important to note that Daphné is Rachelle's lover.

"Daphné, I..."

"So that is why you left so suddenly ? You told me thing were over between you !"

"Wait, what ?" Gabriella asked, stunned.

"Yeah, she affirmed to me that she had broken up with you, and she wanted to celebrate by going out tonight."

"Ah, I see." My roommate laughed bitterly. "So, yesterday when you told me that you had cut ties with her, it was a lie ? And you have the nerve to make a scene ?"

Where is my popcorn ? It's becoming so interesting. And very entertaining. Rachelle tried to explain herself but Daphné cutted her short by announcing that she is leaving her, and that she never wants to hear from her again. Then she turned on her heels and leaved, tears streaming down her face. Rachelle turned to Gabriella, no doubt hoping to make up for it. But my roommate doesn't listen to her anymore. She grabbed my wrist and forced me to follow her without looking at the brunette, shoving her away in the process. However, just before walking away, she stopped and simply blurted out "I hate you" before leaving.

I gave one last glance to a completely defeated Rachelle. Honestly, serve her right. I would like to say that I hope she will use it as a lesson. But let's be honest : people like her never change.

We left the club. Gabriella leaned against a wall and sighed. I would almost have pity for her, but I am simply disappointed that the conflict ended so quickly.

"I'm sorry, Alyssa."

"It's not your fault, don't apologize."

It was even more amusing than I anticipated. I won't say it out loud of course, at least not in front of her.

"I... I need to be alone for a bit, I need to think. You don't mind going back home alone ?"

I looked at my watch. It's 11:15 p.m. Normally, there should still be buses at that hour. I confirmed that I don't mind and headed to the bus stop, cursing myself for not having a jacket on. I'm cold, so cold. I rubbed my arms with my hands, hoping that it will warm me up, but it wasn't really working. I arrived at my destination and sat on the graffiti covered bench, shivering. It's not normal, why is it so cold tonight ? When it started pouring I let out an annoyed groan. I hoped the bus wouldn't take long, but instead of the vehicle, it was a young man who looked around my age who arrived at the stop. He remained standing, back to me, hand in his pockets.

While I wondered if he was here for the bus, or just to sheltered himself from the rain, he abruptly turned towards me. His eyes were fixed on me but he still didn't say anything. I looked down, eyebrows furrowed. I prayed inwardly that he was just a little weird but not dangerous. His shoes came into my field of view all of a sudden. He moved closer and was now standing in front of me. I looked away, not wanting to see him. After several seconds he opened his mouth to finally express himself. However, the words he said didn't reassure me at all :

"Alyssa Williams."

I froze. How does he know my name ? Slowly, I turned my head towards him and stared at him. Except for a slight frown, his face was completely expressionless. I was about to speak but he didn't give me time to say anything.

"I have received the order to bring you with me."

I blinked, not understanding at all what he meant. He seemed to understand that I was completely confused and added :

"Elyon's order."

He studied my reaction. I tried to stay neutral but that name gave me goosebumps. I had already heard it. My father often talked about him.

And always, he would say the same thing : He is going after people like us.

But it can't be, I was extremely careful, he can't know about me. I refuse to believe it. So I tried to understand, thinking that it's time, my mission will begin, when I heard the Mother voice, quiet all night, resurface, accompanied by an icy wind which tickles the back of my neck : It's still too early. I did absolutely nothing. I have a bad feeling about this.

My breath got stuck in my throat. If it's true then the fact that He sent someone after me can only mean one thing. I have to get out of here. I got up, keeping my cool as much as I could.

"Sorry, but I don't know any Elyon, there must be a mistake. Excuse me but I have to go."

I got around him and started to walk away but he didn't seem to agree and spoke up again :

"You have to come with me. I have received orders."

"Tell whoever send you that I refuse to come."

"I can't do that. Sorry but you leave me no choice."

I turned around, just in time to see him lunge at me. I managed to dodge, but my assailant quickly returned to the charge. I shifted and kicked him in stomach with my leg. He stepped back. I can't thank Gabriella enough for teaching me fighting skills. It helps to have a roommate who boxes.

I got into a combat stance, ready to fight. He did the same. We observed each other for a few seconds, then I suddenly broke the distance and sent him a right hook which he managed to dodge. He responded with an uppercut, I dodged with a step back. I executed a middle kick that he failed to avoid, but it didn't seem to hurt him that much.

The fight continued and neither of us wanted to step back.

I received a front kick and wobbled. The guy is strong, and visibly very durable. I was already starting to get tired while he showed no signs of weakness. His attacks were more and more numerous, more and more rapid and more and more powerful.

But I refused to give up. So I continued to fight. I concentrated, I stared at him. I was trying to find an opening, something that will help me get back on top. Unfortunately I couldn't see anything that could help me. Si I opted for a simple solution : save time. I raised my hands in the air in surrender. He froze and stared at me.

"You are strong, very strong."

He didn't blink. He kept his defensive position and observed me without moving.

"Look, clearly if we keep fighting we're not going anywhere. So I suggest we forget everything and we go out separate ways. Does that suit you ?"

He raised an eyebrow, shook his head, and pulled out a dagger. This, I don't understand. And even less when he rushed towards me again. I ducked and narrowly avoided the weapon. I got around him and ran away.

A fists to fist fight, okay. But a fight where the opponent is armed ? Too dangerous.

Either way, clearly that this guy is stronger than me, continuing to fight would just be a waste of time. Especially if he's determined . Which obviously he was, since I could hear him running behind me.

I almost tripped but caught myself at the last minute. I accelerated. Him too.

He violently pushed me to the ground, I let out a groan of pain. Damn, this guy really has a problem. He turned me around and tried to stab me. I grabbed his wrist before he could. Unfortunately, his weapon was gaining ground, so in a burst of determination, and I little desperation, I head-butted him.

Although it didn't make him dropped his weapon, it a least had the merit of surprising him long enough for me to gain the upper hand. I reversed our position. I was now on top of him and turned the blade against its owner.

I expected him to fight back a little, except it seemed he decided to take revenge for my surprise attack and suddenly let go. I didn't have time to understand what's happening, the dagger sunk into his heart.

I widened my eyes. Is he dead ? Did I just kill him ? Damnit, what now ? Is Elyon going to send someone else after me ? How did he even know where to find me ?!

As my brain boiled with questions, the corpse before my eyes disappeared to give way to a mass of insects which quickly dispersed. I suppressed a gasp of disgust and focused on something more important instead. It was a trap.

That bastard !

As I was about to get up, I felt a handkerchief being pressed against my face. Feeling sure that there must be a product in the fabric ton put me to sleep, I tried to fought back like a lioness but my assailant refused to let me go.

Worse still, he instead whispered something in my ears. A word, a simple word that made my heart rate accelerate and gave me the certainty that they know.

That I'm dead.

Just then, I felt a icy wind tickle the back of my neck.

Alyssa. Don't fight back. Surrender.

My eyes burn, my body is overcome by hot flashes. A mix of emotions overwhelmed me : despair, fear and determination. She won't let me die. I know She won't because I'm not just anyone, I'm important. I'm important to Her.

So I obeyed and gave up.

It was then, with tears in my eyes, that I felt my strength leaving me. I managed to exchange a look with the stranger. His yellow eyes are the last thing I saw before falling into the darkness of unconsciousness.