'Kill...Kill...Kill!!!' He attack The supreme leader of the dragon worship cult His head was filled with emptiness and distorted
"I won't be merciful..." When he finished speaking, he thrusted his spear magic until on the floor a wave of divine energy was formed
"Come in...or I'll have to go see you myself..." he said calmly and coldly
'Please my son...don't hate yourself any more...'The girl's spirit form embraced the mad son She comforted him with tenderness
Mom? Wait...it's not right Do I really want the meaning of living like this? No...no! I can't accept it! it not right!
"There's a spirit emerging from the ritual ring! Big brother, what happened that way! No...Impossible! why holy spirit of the old world to be here!" said by White Dragon Worshiper where the holy spirit that serves the gods is here
"It has happened...The Lord is he has decided to send her to solve this situation... So that we don't use violent against the Chosen..." said the big brother among the three brothers
"Senior… the great one Please take care of him for me..."She begged the priest in front of her There was only him that she could protect her son
"I accept your request! I'm the leader of the Dragonoid tribe! Honorable! As a priest who worships dragons and on behalf of Drago! I swear I will protect your children until the end of their lives!"He made a promise to the young woman He had decided to follow the boy until the end of his life
when finished speaking The young woman was gone For the priest, he held a child who was exhausted not to fall to the ground
"Why, Big Brother...why did you say yes?" said by Black Dragon Worshiper
"I see a great vision...this child will become a great dragon god... he will be a god who will shake all 12 dimensions to fear with the power of the old god..." Big Brother Said, he saw, he could feel that it would be true
"Will the old god be born again?" because they regarded the old gods as the creators of all things The lord rebirth is therefore important
"It will definitely happen The story is over It's time to go back to the Dragon Mountain..." He said coldly before spreading the dragon's wings and soaring into the sky
"The Great Dragon of White and Black must be shocked about this matter" the Black Dragon worshipper said before fly after
"Don't leave me alone!!!" The white dragon worshipper said before flying after