Soon after, Eun-ji and Ricardo eventually arrive at Ricardo's penthouse. The whole ride there Eun-ji kept asking questions but Ricardo simply ignored her
They get out of the car and make their way to the elevator
"What are you doing?? Do you seriously think this is okay?"
"Anything is okay when you're me. Now, what should I do with you?"
The silence fills the air. It's quite awkward for Eun-ji but Ricardo doesn't really seem to mind. He's simply lost in his thoughts trying to figure out what the next move is.
The elevator dings after a long wait and the doors open
"This is my floor. Come with me"
He says with a slight smile on his face
"This is baffling.. you just think it's okay to kidnap me and take me to your house!!?"
"Hey, just calm down. Trust me, you'll come to like me eventually."
Ricardo opens his door and walks in with Eun-ji
"Damn you really listen without a thought dont you? I'm starting to like you even more, although I don't mind a little rebellion."
"Oh my god.. I have to!! You literally have a gun and it seems like you aren't afraid to use it."
"Right right. Say what you want but I know deep down you just like me."
The tension fills the air as Ricardo stares down at Eun-ji. She stares into his Amber colored eyes and almost gets lost.
"Alright. That's enough staring pretty lady. Would you like to wash up with me?"
"What?? We just met.. are you insane?"
"Come on don't be so boring. I know you'll like what you see"
Ricardo winks
"Who do you think you are? Please just stop harassing me."
"Fine fine.. let's have a drink then? How about that?"
"I'm too scared you're gonna drug me.."
"Come on, you can watch me make it if you're that worried. I'll even take a sip before I hand it to you."
Eun-ji reluctantly follows Ricardo to the kitchen and she notices the house seems empty in a way. It seems like nobody even lives there. It's spotless, not a piece of trash or any signs of residency at all.
Eun-ji sits down at the island and Ricardo gets the drink ingredients out. She can see him pull out some rum but she also sees countless other kinds of liquor. They look extremely expensive.
"Just how much was that? I've never even seen it in a store"
"Oh this? Just some pocket change."
He laughs
"No seriously.. like how much was that?"
"I don't know, maybe like 420,000 won. Not the worst if I do say so myself"
He still has a smile on his face. He seems almost cocky that he can easily spend 420,000 won on a drink but Eun-ji isn't phased at all.
"You're right. It really isn't that expensive."
Eun-ji laughs
Ricardo is taken aback. He was simply bluffing. Well, to him it may not seem like a lot because he easily rakes in a little over a billion won a year but to other people? Usually it takes them aback. He was simply trying to impress Eun-ji.
"Uhh, right anyways."
He hands her the drink and takes a sip from his
"So what do you do for a living?"
"I'm not just gonna forget you kidnapped me. You know that right? I'm simply staying because I'm curious what a handsome guy like you could want to do with me. Usually I only have creepy old men come up to me like that. But you? You are one fine man."
She softly laughs
"Why thank you but what wouldn't I want to do with you? You're beautiful. Probably the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on."
Eun-ji starts to feel the alcohol and relaxes a bit
"Well thank you."
She smiles at him and he smiles back
"I'm a sugar baby."
"Excuse me?"
"That's what I do for a living. Im a sugar baby."
Ricardo can tell she isn't proud saying it out loud
"Oh. Well that's not that bad! At least you found a way to make money right?"
He laughs awkwardly
"Yeah I guess you're right. What do you do for a living?"
"Well. It's kind of complicated. Maybe I can tell you another time?"
"Sure, if there is another time."
"Well I sure hope so."
Some time passes and the costly liquor seems to take effect in both of them.
They both laugh together
"Hey, I never got your name. What is it?"
"It's Ricardo. And yours?"
"It's Eun-ji."
They both smile at eachother
"I'm gonna go change. I'm getting pretty hot. Are you okay with that?"
"Yeah of course, go ahead."
Ricardo walks off to his bedroom and Eun-ji starts to snap out of it
"God what am I doing right now.. I mean, I guess it's not that different from what I do with my sugar daddies but he seems dangerous.. not everybody just carries a gun around."
"You know what no. It's okay, I'm allowed to have fun for one night. Then after this I'll just leave and I'm sure we'll never see eachother again right?"
Ricardo walks out of his bedroom in a tight white sleeveless shirt along with some grey colored sweatpants
Eun-ji's eyes start to wander and she notices how muscular he is. She also notices something else but snaps out of it as Ricardo starts saying something to her
"Are you okay with wearing that? It seems uncomfortable, I could get you something to change into if you want."
"Oh no, it's okay. I'm fine until I go to sleep."
"I'm assuming you're gonna make me stay the night here?"
"Well I planned on it but why are you so okay with that?"
"I don't know. For some reason I trust that you won't do anything to harm me."
"Well that's a good choice."
They both smile at eachother
Ricardo sits down on the couch next to her
"Hey. I have a question Ricardo."
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Would you get mad at me if I tried something with you?"
"Wait what do you me-"
Before Ricardo can finish his sentence Eun-ji leans in and she kisses him