The Historian took a second to respond to Cetas' question. After opening his mouth slightly, he spoke in a soft tone:
"This is a mundane farm filled with hectares of land and crops. It acts as a safe space for people in need and only those that I've allowed can enter. Consider this a place of solitude, perhaps meant for people to live blissfully surrounded by the beauty of nature."
He then scratched his chin, "In contrast, the blackscape you have seen is a counterpart of this tranquil land. A reflection of reality where everything is contorted and twisted as depicted by the Prophet of Perfection in 'Their' pursuit of everything Perfect."
"However, you cannot define Perfection. No individual knows what true Perfection is, they only have pieces of its subjective vision."
"Hence why the blackscape you saw is contrary to that of what's believed as perfect. The Prophet of Perfection believes that 'Their' creations and evolution are perfect. As such, the blackscape is created by the Prophet of Perfection, depicting their own vision of 'Perfect'"
The Historian sighed, and rested his hand atop the soft sheets of the bed.
"Child, you need not worry yourself with these trivial matters. You are but a mere Spark in the world of Zeal. You can only make a difference once you've ascended the ranks."
Cetas nodded.
"I'll.. consider that."
After hearing Cetas' answer, the Historian opened his mouth once more.
"Do you have any more queries?"
Cetas thought for a second but then decided that he was finished.
"I have no more.."
Thus, the Historian stood up and paced towards the exit of the room with his weary bones. However, before leaving completely, he turned around and gazed at Cetas.
In a nostalgic tone he advised:
"If you truly wish to walk upon the path of a Zealot-"
As if something were blocking his throat, the Historian stopped for 2 seconds. He looked down at the floor, and then back to Cetas.
"Learn to live your life in happiness.."
With that, the Historian left the room and closed the door gently.
It was already night time when Cetas went out of his room. At first, he wanted to recollect the events that happened but in doing so, he eventually fell asleep.
He woke up at around 7:00 PM and deemed that it was enough time for slumber.
As Cetas closed the door on his way out of his room, he gazed upon the figure of Skadi, who seemed to be making her way towards his room.
After determining his figure, Skadi gently opened her lips and spoke in a soft manner.
"I was wondering when you'd wake up. Come now, we have dinner."
With her eyes compelling Cetas to follow her, she walked back to the hall and made her way to the dining room. Cetas inevitably did the same and followed her when she vanished from his sight.
After a few moments, he made it towards the long-wooden table with 8 seats - 3 on the right, 3 on the left, and one on each longer end.
Cetas gazed upon an antique candelabra in the middle emanating light all across the dining room. Shadows were casted upon several figures that were sat down and Cetas located a seat where a shadow has not bloomed yet.
To his left side was Elishia and beside her sat Reid. On the opposite side of the table, right in front of Cetas, is Skadi. On her right was Galkan and Jones. The Historian was sat on the edge of the table.
Sitting beside the Historian's left, Cetas gazed at the plethora of dishes atop the table. There were lamb chops glazed with oaky-read sauce and garnished with several herbs. A mixture of vegetables and fruit contained within a single bowl with white sauce on top of it. A big chunk of meat roasted to perfection. A gourmet-style fish that was cut into even proportions. And much more!
After taking a seat, the crewmembers and the Historian felt a sense of relief wash over them.
A long awaited feast has finally come!
However, before they could start, Skadi silenced their urges and casted winds around the room to spiral towards her.
Then, she spoke with her soft yet imposing voice, "Let's pray."
She clasped her hands and crossed each of her fingers. Bringing her hands to a close, she closed her eyes and her hair fluttered slowly.
"Almighty Helios, I beseech thee. I am gratified for the food you've provided. I am thankful for the blessings you've given. I implore you to keep us safe in our travels, and to watch over us in times of peril."
With a heavy breath, Skadi ended the prayer.
With her words, the people surrounding her followed, "Amen".
Her serious mood soon turned into a warm grin.
"Let's eat."
Thus, the crewmembers and the Historian began to feast. They each grabbed their own respective plates and ate at their own pace.
Most of them ate in elegance except for Galkan who seemed to be devouring the large chunk of meat in his hands.
Cetas saw this scene and stared at his plate containing the lamb chops. He grabbed the stainless steel fork with his left hand and the steel knife on his right.
Cetas didn't really know how to use these utensils at first but he learned through the few experiences that he had on the ship.
He imitated Skadi's way of eating which is that of royalty. It contained manners but somehow integrated without the restraints of proper elegance.
He cut a portion of his meat and pierced it with his fork.
Before taking a bite, he looked around and saw the crewmembers enjoying their respective meals.
Somehow, a smile buried itself in Cetas' face.
A new feeling emerged within him, a giddy feeling where his insides felt excitement somehow.
Even though he was at a place far away from his home, Cetas found comfort inside him.
With a joyous expression, Cetas placed the fork inside of his mouth. With a bite, he experienced the juices explode and the sauce enveloping his taste buds.
In his mind, he probably should've taken the time to savor his food. But his actions were the contrary.
Instead of imitating Skadi's way of eating, Cetas filled his cheeks with gluttony.
Elishia noticed his almost-ruthless way of eating and was shocked with amazement.
"S-slow down! Is my cooking that good!?"
Cetas shifted his head to the left and stared Elishia right in the eyes. Then, he nodded swiftly.
Elishia was perplexed and could not say anything.
Seeing Elishia's futile efforts, Skadi put her fork down and imposed her voice on Cetas.
"Slow down, Cetas. You will choke if you eat that way. Be sure to enjoy every bite, for it'll be gone in an instant."
Her voice seemed commanding so Cetas swallowed a mouthful of his food, and slowed his pace.
He nodded like a child being scolded and followed her orders quietly.
With a pleased expression, Skadi softly stated:
As their dinner commenced, the Historian asked:
"How long will all of you be staying here?"
Skadi ingested her food and shifted her head towards the old man, "Not long, we don't want to impose too much. I think our preparations for the hunt will be done by tomorrow. By the next day, we should be out of your hair.."
The Historian held a reserved expression.
"I see."
He moved his gaze towards Cetas, who was eating at a much slower pace, "What about you child? What will you do?"
Cetas contemplated his next course of actions. He could stay here at the farm to learn more about the world, but what then?
Will he gain the necessary experience to unlock his Zeal. Sure, he would gain knowledge but wouldn't it be better to experience it for himself?
Cetas had already come to a conclusion.
With a shy expression, he voiced out his thoughts, "If it's alright.. I want to return to my home-"
Mentioning his longing for his home somehow made Cetas and the room silent.
Yet, Cetas remained determined.
"However, before I go home, I want to experience the world of the surface.."
As if he were a nervous child introducing their wants to their parents for the first time, Cetas looked down the wooden table, avoiding the people's gazes.
After 3 seconds of silence, he suddenly heard a soft yet imposing voice.
"How do you suppose to experience it? By yourself?"
Cetas gazed up and saw Skadi staring at him directly.
"...I do not know. Perhaps so."
"Wouldn't that be difficult? I am not trying to offend, but your appearance is rather.. unhuman."
Cetas saw her eyes gazing towards his black scales. He knew that he wasn't human enough to connect with surface-dwellers due to his appearance.
"It would be difficult, yes."
With the sounds of metal reflecting on the ceramic plates, Skadi firmly spoke.
"Cetas.. Human society is much more complex than you think. Peculiarities such as yourself would gather much attention. If the wrong crowd notices you, they will turn your scales into jewelry, dissect you alive, and potentially cook you like fish. It sounds terrifying, yes, but I've lived for many decades, I know how our society works."
"Although, there is a portion of humanity that seems proper, perhaps when you venture on your own, you will encounter these types of individuals."
Cetas nodded politely, "I will consider that.. thank you."
Skadi sighed, and leaned forward.
"And where do you plan to go after we've parted ways?"
"Perhaps, Helios? This is what the place, the continent, that we are located at right now is called, correct?"
A single strand of Skadi's hair cascaded down her ear.
"Helios is a big place, Cetas. Do you plan on exploring this continent only?"
"Yes. That way, I can learn about the surface better."
"I see.."
Skadi leaned back on her chair, and grabbed a piece of meat from her plate, munching it slowly to savor the tastes.
Meanwhile, Cetas stared at his food, noticing that his plate was already depleted.
"Then, I have a proposition."
Hearing the soft yet imposing voice once more, Cetas gazed up towards Skadi.
"Join my crew."
Her face painted with a serious expression.
" You will explore not only one continent, but the whole world itself. You will learn more about humanity, experience society, and find things that you've never found before."
Cetas' eyes gloomed.
He fiddled his fingers with the metal fork.