Chereads / Abandoned by the Gods:The man was ready to get his revenge / Chapter 3 - The abandoned forest:becoming the master of two Godly weapons

Chapter 3 - The abandoned forest:becoming the master of two Godly weapons

When they reached the forest, they saw that it was covered with purple mist. They were shocked, but as they started walking, they noticed that there were no creatures or insects in the forest. Theodore said to Matio, "Look, there's a cave in the tree." But Matio replied, "Brother, wait! Don't go there. It could be dangerous, so we have to stay alert." Theodore, with an angry tone, said, "You fool! Don't you forget we have the power to kill all the bastard gods. Why should we fear such a small cave?" Theodore rushed into the cave and saw that the purple mist was coming from it. They went deeper into the cave and saw something shining, but a strong force repelled them from getting close to it. Theodore transformed his body into flowing lava and approached the shining object. When he reached it, he saw that it was a badass-looking sword and a godly trident. Theodore picked up the sword and said to Matio, "Here are some powerful weapons. You should get one too; they can be very useful when we fight the gods." Matio got very excited, rushed in, and picked up the trident. When they picked up the sword and the trident, they felt an enormous amount of energy flowing into them. After that, they came out of the cave. Theodore said, "Matio, we have to test them to prove that these weapons carry the power to kill gods."

They jumped out of the cave into the forest. Then Theodore said, "Watch this, Matio," and swung his sword in the air, creating a powerful wind slash that smashed half of the forest. Theodore knew this, but he didn't expect it to smash half of the forest because he swung the sword so softly. He realized that if he swung the sword with all his force, it would devour half of the planet. Now, he was trying to launch a new attack. He put his hand on the sword's blade, infused it with lava, and then swung it softly towards the mountain. He launched a powerful wind slash with lava that melted the mountain in less than a second and dug into the ground where the lava landed. He realized that this weapon had the power to melt gods. Then Matio said, "It's my turn, bro. I'll show you how to use godly weapons, so watch me carefully." He created a powerful cyclone of water in seconds and aimed it at the mountain in the opposite direction of the lava. When the cyclone hit the mountain, it caused a tsunami that blew the mountain into small pieces of rock. Theodore was amazed, and Matio said, "This weapon can blow up this entire planet in seconds and has the power to crush gods. Do you agree, brother?" Theodore said, "Yes, I agree with you, but we have to master these weapons and learn more about them so we can get revenge for our precious mother against these gods." Matio said, "They are gods in name only, not in deeds. They have a cruel nature, worse than most humans, because they think we humans are their toys. We will make the gods regret their decision to burn our mom." Theodore, with an angry tone, said, "Yes, we will be the cause of the gods' extinction. From now on, we will master our weapons. Now, we will part ways. You go in the opposite direction from me, and we will meet here after three months of bone-melting training." The Robertson brothers parted ways for their training. Theodore searched for a hot place to start his bone-melting training, while Matio looked for a place near a river of liquified mana to strengthen his magical powers. He needed to learn more about his trident, knowing only that it was a water-type weapon. On the other hand, Theodore made his sword a lava type that could shoot an unlimited amount of lava. After some days of consistent training, they didn't feel distracted or like giving up. They had to take revenge no matter what happened to them. They had only one goal: to wipe out all the gods from this multiverseTheodore was training to gain more speed and develop new attack moves, while Matio was training to gain better control over his aim and create new counterattacks. After three long months of bone-melting training, they reunited at the same spot. After the reunion, they all wanted to show how much they had improved and watch each other's skills.

Theodore said, "How's it going? Did you learn something new?"

Matio replied, "Yes, brother. I learned to control my aim better and created some new counterattack moves. How about you? How has your training been these past three months?"

Theodore responded, "Yes, I learned new attack moves. Now, I can produce infinite lava attacks from my sword, and I can make my body big and large because I can produce infinite lava."

Matio replied, "That's so good, brother. I also learned a skill to make my body of water. I can transform my body into flowing water and produce infinite water attacks from my trident, just like you."

Theodore said, "That's my brother! I knew you could do it. Now it's time to make the gods suffer in pain. Matio, follow me. We will kill the gods one by one by going to their places. First, we will go to the leader of the gods."

After saying this, the Robertson brothers flew out of the abandoned planet and moved on to their next mission: to kill the leader of the gods.