"Uurgh. I know it burns. I know it's cold! I know you're dying. But I'm dying too. Right here with you. Even if we both have tp die together, I won't leave your side… because… I… love digging my disgusting fingers into your flesh."
jolting within my restraints, my breathing gradually slows.
How… dare they!
How dare they corrupt the image of my Jade!
I'll kill them! Death isn't enough! I won't be satisfied until Jade's rotted carcass is digging into their hot, lively flesh infecting them with god knows what!
They'll pay…
(Door creaks open)
The caretaker again. I hold back a gag and restrain my instinctual expression of fear.
She's… my only point of contact.
The only person I can talk to, and maybe influence.
The question is, how do I get her to take off this gag
What do I know about her? What… does she desire?
My mind recalls her finger digging into my flesh, and the sadistic expression on her face as she did it.
That was the only time I saw any trace of a smile on her face…
Are you kidding me universe?
She walks over to a corner of the room and removes a blinder flooding the roof with light and blinding me.
I jolt in my chair reactively, as if the light elicited the reaction from me.
Then take a deep breath…
And bite my tongue. Hard.
God this hurts… Why the hell did I think this was a good idea again?
The woman walks towards me, presumably to check out what happened.
We lock eyes, and a wretched smile stretches across her face.
God… help me.
She takes off the gag, looks inside my mouth, and presses on my half-severed tongue with her finger.
I can feel myself slipping, ready to revert to the state I was in before Jade saved me.
I have to… get revenge!
My restraints are off! I have to think! I have to speak!
I have to push through this!
As soon as she takes her finger off my f****** tongue, I get into character.
"It always hurts… when they didn't give me food, I'd writhe in this chair all day… demons are different from humans. When we take over a vessel, or hunger is 10x greater than theirs… no human has ever felt as great of a pain as a demon's hunger."
I just wanted to express how grateful I am for the fact that I can eat… It's not enough though. I just wish… someone would bring more food.
Still smiling, she puts the gag back on my mouth and walks out of the room.
F***, I failed. I can't believe I failed that once in a lifetime chance!
They're going to send in the deaf man to feed me again, and I'll stay stuck like this forever! The same trick won't work twice on anyone.
I'm sorry Jade. I… I failed you.
I had one job, and I'm useless until the end.
A failure like me doesn't deserve you… I should just provoke them to kill me.
(The next morning, the door creaks open)
It's the sadist. And she's brought!