Bane shook his head, but followed the man until they reached the large cave entrance. There were a few Eagle Folk guards stationed outside the entrance, who looked at Bane like he was a monster.
"Back! This is our most protected cave, outsider!" One of the guards shouted, but all the workers rushed forward.
"Do not speak to the great chosen one like that! He has been sent here by the gods!" One of the workers shouted, and all the guards looked at each other, clearly not knowing how to react.
"You heard them, step aside. If you don't, I am going to assume you are working against the gods," Bane said as he walked up to the guards, but one of them held out his spear.
"What makes you think that I would just believe a Featureless? We must send for the Matriarch, and she can confirm if this man is who you say he is or not," one of the guards said, and Bane frowned.