Lynn kept tossing and turning on her bed, but no matter what she did, she couldn't seem to fall asleep... it had been hours since she last saw Alex and when Marcus had come to call her down for dinner she had declined because she didn't want to see or talk to him... She sighed deeply and her eyes slowly fluttered open and was met with the white ceiling in her dimly lit room... she kept staring at her ceiling for a while before she finally turned and glanced at her bedside and clock to see that it was already midnight... in a few hours a wedding would be taking place..... her wedding and she would have to hold his hand once again....
she would have to make up a face smile and pretend of be happy with him... she would have to act out her part accordingly and not make any mistakes... he had asked her to stay by his side the whole time, but Lynn wished she could do the opposite of that because the thought of staying by his side made her even nervous than the fact that she was getting married...
Her eyes then travelled to her closet, and she got... she walked slowly to her closet and stopped in front of where her wedding dress was... A slight smile appeared on her face as she stared at the beautiful dress that felt like perfection to her... she ran her hand along the soft fabric and then "pretty" suddenly popped up in her mind... Alex had said it, but she didn't want to accept what he was saying to her... Did he think she was pretty? the smile on her face dissipated, and she ran her hand through her hair, tugging on it a little... "I have to be ready," She muttered and started to imagine herself in the wedding dress, walking down the aisle all alone... The imagination wasn't a happy one for her but a sad one... because she knew she would be deceiving everyone... she was someone whonwas desperate for a way out of her predicament and without considering the repercussions she had jumped at the opportunity...
Lynn trailed her finger over her wedding ring on her hand which she hadn't taken off and her heart skipped a it when she thought about how Alex intertwined their fingers and looked at her in the garden earlier... his eyes were soft, and he was warm, and she... she felt warm... her heart felt warm... "I must be nervous, nothing more" She muttered and proceeded to take her ring off... she placed it on her vanity table and let out a deep breath to calm her.... "I'm just nervous... he makes me nervous..." She muttered over and over again trying to convince herself that it was nothing else except nervousness... that the feeling she had when she thought about him would go away with time... when they finally parted ways, she would forget him then and get to life as she wanted...
This was suppose to be a happy thought for Lynn, but even when she thought about it, it didn't feel like an happy thought for her anymore...
Lynn had finally fallen asleep late, but she had to wake up really early to get ready... Vance and his glam squad arrived at the house before seven am... Lynn stared at herself in the mirror as they did her makeup and her hair... Everyone was busy and looked super excited while she sat there like mannequin, her hand fisted on her lap and her heart racing... her eyes kept darting towards the door of the room, hoping that that one person who weighed on her mind would walk through the door, but he never did... "All done," the hairstylist said when she was done with Lynn's hair, and lynn managed a small smile at the woman... The hair stylist and vance exchanged confused looks but said nothing because they knew it was none of their business and they only had to do the job they were paid for... "Do you like it?" She asked, and lynn nodded. she couldn't deny the fact that they made her look really pretty... her hair was tied up and adorned with beautiful ornaments, that was simply and elegant, and her make was stunning but simple like lynn had wanted... She wanted to look and act excited like everyone, but it was hard for her to do so when her heart was heavy and she was super nervous... she was afraid that if she tried to act like that, she might burst our crying because of how she was feeling... "I love it," Lynn said, and vance nodded...
The hairstylist left, and vance walked to the lynn side and stared at her in the mirror... "Are you alright? is it cold feet? it's not rare for someone to have cold feet, you know... it's okay for someone to be nervous when they are getting married to the love of their life... you are going to alright, " He assured lynn nodded. He left to get the wedding dress ready, and lynn felt a little lightheaded... "The love of my life," She muttered and scoffed... as if... she wondered how vance would react if he found out she was doing this for money. She would immediately be labelled as a gold digger by everyone who learned about it, she was sure...
People would probably criticised her and think Alex was the victim, at the end of the day she was the one who had her life at stake and not him... A gold digger who tried to seduce a rich CEO for her own personal gain
A few minutes later, vance was ready to lynn to put her dress on... Lynn took a deep breath as they helped her put her drees on... all she just had to do was be calm. Everything would work out then... she reminded herself that she was now Mrs. hult...