Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. All other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. If you recognize something it isn't mine.
Arius' Adventures in DC
Chapter 12: A Goddess' whims
-Clark Kent (Superman/Kal-El)-
Superman had woken up feeling rejuvenated. Sleep though unnecessary for him as he was powered by the sun, had a grounding effect. It was a habit he picked up when growing up in Kansas to fit in and now it was a way to feel closer to the humans he valued so deeply.
As he stood in his apartment, preparing breakfast and dressing in his Clark Kent clothes, he smiled at the thought of first day back at The Daily Planet that had been rebuilt with the generous funding of the Wayne Foundation and his own contributions as the Man of Steel, the building stood as a symbol of resilience and hope after the Apokolips invasion. Sure he was a bit biased helping the construction of where he and Lois worked, but he figured he was allowed to be a bit selfish every now and then.
Just as he sat down to enjoy his breakfast, a gust of wind announced the arrival of the Flash. Barry Allen, in his red suit appeared in the kitchen visibly distressed and as Clark took him in he could see all the visible signs of a panic attack. At first he thought that perhaps the speedster encountered a villain who was too much for him to handle, but as he spoke it seemed he was wrong.
Clark raised a curious eyebrow as Barry quickly relayed the events that had unfolded, focusing on his concern for Batman's mental health and the revelation about Arius spending the night with Catwoman, which shocked even him because Clark didn't even know that Saiyan's were biologically compatible with human females given that the Saiyan never showed any signs of sexual attraction to anyone including Diana or Kara.
Nevertheless Barry pleaded with him to talk to Bruce, "You're the only one he might listen to. I know he's not going to take advice from me and since Diana isn't here right now you were the first person to pop to mind." Barry said.
Clark nodded, equally concerned, "You're right Bruce doesn't like taking advice from many people, but I'll handle it. Barry for now just take your shift on the Watchtower for now and if anything major happens, let me know first I don't want Bruce to make a mistake while his mind is distracted." He said and the Scarlet Speedster gave a nod before vanishing in another blur of red.
He wanted to ensure that this didn't cause any problems with Arius, because if this event led to the rest of the Justice League holding some form of resentment against the Saiyan it wouldn't be good for anyone, especially Diana, he worried how she would react to the news.
Within moments, Superman had donned his suit, the iconic red cape fluttering behind him as he made his way to Gotham entering the Batcave. Arriving silently, he found Bruce already there, seated at the Batcomputer, its screens displaying Selina Kyle's movement patterns across Gotham and its current processing of her current location.
"Bruce," Clark began, his tone even but laced with concern, "We need to talk."
"If this is about Arius, I'm already handling it." Bruce replied without turning from the screen as he continued to type.
"What are you doing?" Superman asked, stepping closer.
"I'm tracking Selina. We need to have a conversation about our... relationship. And I know she won't seek me out" Bruce answered curtly.
"Are you sure this is the right time? Barry told me what happened and I think it would be best if you took-" He got out, but was interrupted by Bruce.
"I'm perfectly capable of having a conversation with Selina, but the more I delay the more it'll weigh on my mind, so I need to get this over with." He said and though Bruce's tone was devoid of emotion Superman could tell that he was hurting and right now even he wanted to visit Selina to ask what made her betray Bruce, but he knew that wasn't his place.
"And Arius? What's your stance on him after everything that's happened?" Clark asked in worry, crossing his arms.
Bruce paused for a moment, and Superman could see his eyes narrowing in the reflection of the screen, "He's both a valuable asset and one of the greatest threats to Earth. For now, I'll observe."
"Just observe? After everything that's happened, I expected more of a reaction from you. Have you made a contingency plan for him yet?" Superman asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I've never liked Arius. He's reckless, primal, and unpredictable. But now? After last night? I feel nothing but apathy toward him and my contingency plan is to drop ten tons of tungsten onto him at terminal velocity before he could power up." Bruce turned to face Clark, his expression unreadable.
"The Rod of God?" He muttered the weapon developed during World War Two coming to mind, but what stuck was Bruce's feelings, "Apathy?" He asked, the starkness of the statement took Superman aback.
"Arius is closer to a beast than a man. He spent the majority of his life on Vyragos, surrounded by animals, relying on instincts to survive and that shaped him. He acts first, thinks later similar to a dog. Diana kept him grounded, but without her, he's a five-year-old with the power to level entire planets. We're fortunate he hasn't decided to act out yet." Bruce's voice hardened.
"You really think he's that unfit to adapt?" Clark was taken aback by Bruce's clinical evaluation and comparison of a being strong enough to kill Darkseid to a dog.
"He's showing signs of trying," Bruce admitted pulling up videos of Arius, "And you can always teach a dog it just needs the right trainer, but it's not something you or I can teach him. Diana can. She has the patience, understanding and most importantly his trust so she can handle him in a way we can't."
Superman agreed nodding, but another thought popped into his mind and while hesitant unsure how to address the delicate topic he knew he needed to ask, "What happens if... if he and Selina continue seeing each other?"
"They won't." Bruce's response was immediate and firm.
The certainty in Bruce's tone made Clark uneasy at why he was so certain because even now he held some affection for Lana Lang the girl who took his virginity, "Why are you so sure?"
For a moment, Clark's super senses picked up subtle signs of tension. Bruce's clenched fists, the faint acceleration of his heart. Then, Bruce spoke, his voice colder than he'd ever heard.
"Humans aren't capable of satisfying a Saiyan like Arius. Selina isn't strong enough or resilient enough. He showed signs of dissatisfaction, so it won't happen again." He said and Superman blinked, startled by the specificity of Bruce's statement. He didn't want to know the details of the video so trusted Bruce's assessment. The image of an unsatisfied Arius standing next to a worn out Selina still popping into his mind and he couldn't shake the discomfort the thought.
As the Batcomputer chimed, indicating Selina's current location had been found, Superman decided it was time to leave, "I trust you, Bruce and if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me." He said and Bruce didn't respond, his entire focus back on the screen.
With a heavy heart, Superman left the Batcave, flying back to Metropolis, silently hoping that Bruce wouldn't let his emotions lead him down a dangerous path.
As he flew back to Metropolis, the crisp wind whipping past his ears, he couldn't help but let his thoughts spiral. He knew for a fact that Arius had no prior connection to Selina yet in one night he ended up in bed with the feline themed thief, so the image of Arius and Lois together flashed unbidden in his mind.
He knew Arius had never even met Lois so he couldn't show any romantic interest in her, but neither had Selina and the mere idea of someone like the Saiyan, with his raw strength and untamed nature, in bed with Lois sent a pang of anxiety through Clark's chest. He shook his head, trying to clear it, but the unease lingered.
It wasn't jealousy… It was him being protective. At least, that's what Superman told himself. Lois was his prospective partner and the love of his life. The thought of her with anyone else, let alone Arius, was unbearable.
Maybe it was time to take the next step in their relationship. The thought of dating her stayed in his mind, bringing a mix of nervousness and excitement. He'd never been more certain about someone than he was about Lois and now the timing had never felt more urgent than now.
As he replayed the earlier conversation with Bruce, a particular detail stood out. Arius hadn't been satisfied with Selina. That revelation painted a clearer picture of the Saiyan's preferences and he connected the dots. If Arius couldn't be fulfilled by human women, then the only logical match for him would be someone more powerful like Diana. They were already close, and it wouldn't be a stretch for their bond to deepen.
He wasn't sure if the two would start a relationship after Arius' tryst with Catwoman and if they didn't another woman also popped into his mind and while the idea of even trying to set them up troubled him deeply, he made his decision. Wonder Woman was his friend, one of his closest allies, so doing something this felt like betrayal.
He let out a long sigh and pulled his communicator. He contacted Kara who answered immediately.
"Kal! What's up?" Kara's voice was bright and curious already having picked up on some Earth slang.
Clark hesitated, feeling a pang of guilt, but pushed through, "Kara... I need to tell you something. It's about Arius."
"What about him?" Her tone shifted instantly to attention that showed even after months of not meeting the man she was still infatuated with the man.
"I know you have a crush on him, so I thought I'd let you know that right now might be your only chance to secure a relationship with him." He said, taking a deep breath.
There was a stunned silence on the other end of the line, "Wait, what? Are you serious?"
"Yes," Clark said, forcing the words out. "Recently I learned that he's not going to end up with a human. And Diana… she isn't with him right now, so if you're still interested in him, this might be your only chance." He said though he knew that his cousin had watched every video with Arius in it and had read every article with Arius as the subject. The only reason she didn't know more was because she wasn't allowed access to the files the League had on Arius.
Kara's voice bubbled with excitement, "Thank you, Kal! I didn't think you'd actually encourage me, but this is amazing. Do you know where he is right now?" She asked and hearing the sheer excitement in the voice of his older, now younger, cousin made the guilt within him fade slightly.
He knew that Kara was feeling the effects of living on Earth in a way he never did because while he never knew anything except Earth, she grew up on Krypton and had only woken up some months ago and though he didn't do anything wrong now was a chance to make it up to her in his own way.
So Superman accessed the League database with a quick tap of his communicator, "He's at the Villa. Near the coast. I can send you the exact coordinates." He said sending them to Kara.
She squealed in excitement and the image of her smiling in excitement flashed in his mind, "Perfect. Thanks, Kal! I'll let you know how it goes!" Kara's voice was full of anticipation before the line disconnected.
He hovered midair, staring at the communicator in his hand, the conversation echoing in his mind. He felt a cold knot of guilt twisting in his gut and a surge of warmth from his heart. Had he just undermined Diana? He shook his head. No, Kara deserved happiness too. He told himself it was for her, not just for himself.
But the guilt didn't dissipate as he resumed his flight toward the Daily Planet. He pushed the feelings to the back of his mind, focusing instead on his responsibilities.
He was already off to a bad start as he was running late on his first day back, but it wouldn't stay that way because the events of today made him decide that today was the day he asked out Lois.
-Selina Kyle (Catwoman)-
Selina Kyle slowly sat down leaning back against the plush cafe booth, still experiencing the pleasant ache from her eventful night. She had just finished taking the morning after pills and was going to buy a weighted blanket, so she could relax in bed all day, but her plans were foiled as she was catnapped by the disastrous duo she knew as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.
After she regained her bearing she scolded the two villains for moving her so suddenly when she was still recovering before letting them lead her to a small cozy cafe on the outskirts of Gotham that Poison Ivy had taken control of.
It had been a common occurrence over the years for the three of them to gather and have some girls talk and this time wasn't any different, so as she sat there sipping on her coffee both she and Ivy listened to Harley ramble on about her latest antics and complaints about whatever nonsense Joker had gotten Harley involved in.
Selina though had a brief thought that made her thank god as it was nearly a week prior that Bruce had arrested Joker because if the clown was free when Arius was patrolling she doubted that it would end well for anyone.
The three of them sat there for nearly an hour before the casual catch-up had turned into a free-for-all gossip session.
"So," Harley chirped, leaning over the table with her trademark mischievous grin, "Are ya' and Bats back together or what? You're walkin' like you had the best make-up sex of your life."
Poison Ivy smirked, her green eyes glinting, "I have to agree, pheromones are practically rolling off of you Selina and I wouldn't be surprised if even Harley could feel them." Ivy said, taking a deep breath for effect, her tone half-teasing.
Selina choked on her coffee at the unexpected question and barely managed to stifle a laugh, "Oh, come on, Ivy. It's not like that. And no, Harley, I'm not back with Batman." She hesitated, then reluctantly added, "I had a... one-night stand."
Harley gasped theatrically, nearly falling off her seat, "Well, look at you, Kitty Cat! Truly a pussy at work. Gettin' some action before running back to the Bat! That's normal, ya know. Little hookups like that give ya' a sense of control that helps ya' not feel so... y'know... dependent."
Selina and Ivy exchanged incredulous looks, their silence speaking louder than any words. Harley noticing puffed out her chest indignantly, "What? I got a doctorate in psychology, rememba'? I was one of the youngest graduates from Gotham State University." She stated, but that only fueled her and Ivy's laughter even more.
As their synchronized laughter filled the cafe Harley eventually joined in after a moment, throwing her hands up in mock exasperation. Once the laughter died down, Harley leaned forward over the table nearly in Selina's face with a gleam in her eye, "So, c'mon, spill! How big are we talkin'? I mean, gotta know what's got ya' struttin' around like ya' just took a baseball bat up the colon!"
Selina, feeling surprisingly relaxed after the laugh, used her hands to demonstrate the size of Arius' sizeable member. Harley burst into peals of laughter, clutching her sides, while Ivy gasped, a faint blush dusting her cheeks. She chose to stay quiet, clearly not used to such explicit girl talk.
Harley, on the other hand, was unstoppable, "Oh, poor Bats! Betcha he was broodin' in his cave while ya' got your insides remodeled, saying some nonsense like, 'Justice for Gotham!'" she intoned in a gruff imitation of Batman's voice, using her hands as makeshift bat ears, " 'Oh no! I hear a moanin' in pain they must be in trouble! To the Batmobile!' Only to find you gettin' absolutely wrecked!"
Selina let out an uncharacteristic loud laugh, Ivy hiding her own smile behind a hand.
Eventually, Ivy's curiosity got the better of her. "Selina, if it's just a one-night stand... think you could, uh, pass along his number?"
She blinked, caught off guard, "Ivy, trust me, you don't want to go there. I only went through with it because he thought I wasn't a criminal. If he figures out the truth, he'll come back to Gotham and toss me in jail." She said knowing that if Arius had known she was a thief in the middle of a crime then last night would have ended vastly different.
"Come on, I doubt he would turn me. Who is this guy anyway?" Ivy waved off the concern.
Selina hesitated, then sighed, leaning in. "It was Arius, the new alien. You know, the one who's always hanging around Wonder Woman?" She said in a slightly smug tone.
Both women froze, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. Harley was the first to recover, bursting into uncontrollable laughter, banging the table as tears formed in her eyes. "No way! You slept with Wonder Woman's alien boy toy? I swear today just keeps gettin' better and better, now I just need him to sleep with that reporter chick Lois so the big three of the Justice League get cucked." She joked and while the thought was slightly to Selina she dreaded it happening because a fight between Big Blue and Arius wasn't something she wanted to experience, but before Selina could respond, a deep, familiar voice cut through the laughter.
"What's the joke?" The voice said right behind Selina and as she turned she saw Batman looming behind her, his cape casting an ominous shadow over their table.
Without missing a beat, Harley jumped up, spinning over and pointed at Batman, "You." The clown said while laughing. Then, with her usual flair for theatrics, Harley tossed a smoke bomb to the floor.
As the cafe filled with thick, white smoke blinding Selina, Harley grabbed Poison Ivy and left, "Later, Kitty!" Harley yelled, dragging Ivy away and the plant-powered villainess also shouted, "We'll talk soon!"
The smoke quickly cleared, leaving her alone with Batman. His piercing gaze locked onto hers, his jaw tight with restrained emotion.
Selina, for once, felt a flicker of guilt but masked it with her usual defiance, "Tracking me down already, Bruce? Didn't think I'd see you so soon."
"Selina… Can we talk." He replied his voice not carrying any emotion, but his eyes held a trace of pain.
"About? I think actions speak louder than words Bruce, and you made where you stand very apparent to me through yours, so I wanted to make my stance clear with mine." She said viciously glaring at the man as he placed down a device and activated it, the area around them shimmering.
Bruce said nothing, his silence speaking volumes as the tension between them hung heavy in the air, before he let out a breath he had been holding and he pulled off his cowl exposing his face. That action alone shocked her as he had never taken it off to talk to her even when they kissed, sure if Selina Kyle met Bruce Wayne then he had no problem, but it was always his playboy persona, so this alone proved that he was serious.
Like she said, actions speak louder than words.
-Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)-
Diana sat rigidly on the throne that pulsed with divine power, her arms bound in chains that glowed faintly with the combined might of the Olympian gods as she pulled against the throne at the arrival of the Goddess. The pain of the shackles stabbing into her already raw skin made her sit back.
The throne itself was a masterpiece, forged by Hephaestus to restrain even the most powerful of deities, so she stood little chance of escaping and all she could do was sit back and observe the Goddess standing before her, Diana's gaze tinged with suspicion.
"Goddess Athena," Diana said, her tone clipped and formal, "while I am honored by your presence here, I am more curious about your intent. What exactly do you mean by offering to help me escape?" She asked unable to hide the glare she directed at Athena, knowing that she couldn't take the Goddess at her word.
Athena, clad in a flowing chiton that seemed to shimmer like silver under moonlight, regarded Diana with an expression of faint exasperation, "Where has this hostility come from, Diana? I haven't personally done you any harm." The Goddess of Wisdom said, her voice measured, "Even your gauntlets, the very ones that grant you the strength to deflect the blows of gods and men alike, were forged by Hephaestus at my behest. Have you so easily forgotten my role in your journey?"
Diana's lips curled into a faint, humorless smile. "Forgive me," she said, her words laced with sarcasm, motioning to the glowing chains that appeared when she tried pulling away from the throne, "I am afraid I'm not feeling particularly grateful at the moment." She tugged at the chains for emphasis hard enough to be audible ignoring the pain, the divine artifact sealing her strength, "Now, I'll ask you again. Why would you even offer to help me?"
Athena hesitated, her usual confidence faltering as a flicker of unease crossed her face. Then, with a self-deprecating smile, she said, "I understand your plight Diana, believe me I do because even with all my wisdom, I find myself at a loss. The other Olympians see Arius as a threat and they want to get rid of him because of that… But I see no path where we successfully subdue or eliminate him. His strength is... unparalleled. I witnessed how he defeated Darkseid as if it were a mere trifle."
Diana's expression softened slightly, at the words of the Goddess, it seemed even she saw the folly that her fellow gods didn't, "At least you have the wisdom to recognize that now rather than later," Diana said, her voice carrying a note of bitter humor, "Perhaps you could appeal to the other gods of Olympus, convince them to avoid the tragedy that will follow if they provoke Arius."
Athena sighed, her shoulders slumping ever so slightly. "Do you not think I've tried? It took the gods two months to summon you here because I was delaying their decision. I pleaded with them, implored my fellow gods to reconsider, but they would not listen. Their fear outweighs their reason."
Frustration boiled within Diana, her fists clenching as the chains glimmered in response. "And now? Are you going to release me?" she demanded, her tone sharp with defiance.
Athena shook her head solemnly, "Even I do not have the strength to free you from these chains. They were forged with Celestial Bronze and empowered with the power of multiple gods, their intent unified against you, so while I cannot free you directly, I can aid you indirectly." Athena said with a mysterious smile on her face that slightly irritated Diana.
"How?" The amazon asked, her eyes narrowing in irritation.
"I cannot reveal my plan," Athena said carefully. "Zeus and Hera, as your patron gods, are likely to pry into your thoughts if you waver in your resolve and if they uncover my plan, they will counter it. For now, I will continue to delay their hand as much as I can. My priority is to ensure you are not subjected to cruelty or defilement. And while you wait, I will grant you something to ease your mind."
With a wave of her hand, Athena conjured a shimmering scrying screen before Diana and the screen flickered to life, revealing Arius seated at a table, eating heartily and singing to himself. His carefree demeanor was at odds with the turmoil Diana felt, but the sight of him brought a surge of relief and joy.
As if sensing the scrying screen, Arius paused mid-bite, his gaze snapping up to look directly at the source of the screen. For a moment, it seemed as though he could see her and Diana felt hope bubble in her chest as he stared intently, scanning his surroundings, clearly saying the name 'Diana', before shaking his head and returning to his meal.
Her breath hitched, her heart swelling with unexpected warmth. She turned her gaze back to Athena, her voice uncharacteristically soft. "Thank you, Goddess Athena. This... helps." She said and it was truthful because it seemed as if the man she was enamored had a sixth sense for her, truly it was fate.
Athena nodded, her expression resolute, "Stay strong, Diana. I will do all in my power to see justice prevail. Place your faith in me, as you always have."
"I will," Diana said, her voice firm once more. "You have my trust." She said despite the nagging feeling in the back of her mind as she focused on the screen showing Arius.
With that, Athena turned and strode out of the chamber, her form graceful yet purposeful. Alone again, Diana relaxed into the throne, knowing that any attempt at an escape would only injure her even more. For now she had to buy time and put her faith in Goddess Athena, so she fixed her eyes on the image of Arius, determination filling her heart as she whispered to herself, "I will endure this. For him." She said with hope that she would see him soon.
Athena strode briskly through the marble halls of her temple, her mind ablaze with calculations, theories, and contingency plans. The grand monument was adorned with intricately carved owls and olive branches that represented Athena herself, and stood as a symbol of her wisdom and foresight.
She sat at her desk and replayed everything she knew about Arius writing it down. His arrival on Earth, his immense power, his victory over Darkseid and the abilities that he used in the fight and his peculiar connections with the mortals known as the Justice League. All these threads intertwined with the ancient history of Olympus, creating a tapestry of precarious possibilities.
Athena's focus was unyielding until an undoubtedly melodic voice disrupted her thoughts, but to Athena it was as grating as nails on a chalkboard.
"Athena!" Aphrodite's voice called out empowered by her divinity which caused it to echo through the halls.
Athena however shut out the noise and didn't even glance up from the scrolls and enchanted charts sprawled across her room. She could already sense the Goddess of Love's presence radiating lust and frivolity.
For hours, Aphrodite persisted, her relentless enthusiasm wearing down Athena's patience as she continued to perfect her plan in disciplined silence, but the Goddess of Love was persistent and finally, with an exasperated sigh, Athena relented allowing Aphrodite to enter.
The Goddess of Love swept into the room with a radiant smile, her golden hair glinting as if catching sunlight despite the room being enclosed, her pink eyes glowing with power and her buxom body radiating sex appeal wrapped in what could barely be called clothing, truly the 'Whore of Olympus', "You're such a dear, Athena," Aphrodite cooed, "Now tell me, did you learn anything useful from little Diana about that scrumptious Saiyan?"
Athena sneered at the palpable lust emanating from Aphrodite, "I was placed in charge of this investigation by decree of Zeus himself, so I owe you no answers," she said coldly hoping the Goddess of Love picked up on the fact that Athena loathed to have her in her temple.
Aphrodite's smile faltered, her eyes narrowing in irritation, "No need to be so prickly, dear. I'm simply curious about the progress you've made. Surely you've uncovered something about Arius?" She replied, her tone sharp.
Athena's eyes hardened and the two had a staredown for what seemed like an eternity, but she knew that Aphrodite wasn't going to leave until she got some answer so Athena replied, "I've gathered sufficient information. Soon, we'll enact our plan to subdue or eliminate him." She paused, suppressing the derision threatening to bubble to the surface.
In her mind, she scoffed at her fellow gods' shortsightedness including Aphrodite who only seemed to think about her next conquest in bed, because regardless of the outcome, whether the plan succeeded or Arius triumphed, Athena would emerge victorious, her bets had already been hedged on both sides.
Aphrodite, blissfully unaware of Athena's true thoughts, leaned in conspiratorially. "Subdue him? Eliminate him? Oh, Athena, such drastic measures. Wouldn't it be far simpler, and far more fun if I seduced him? A child between Arius and myself would be amazing and would secure our future beautifully. Don't you think?" She asked with a dreamy expression on her face.
Athena barely contained her disgust at the fact that she could smell the arousal of Aphrodite, she made a mental note to burn down the temple and build a new one.
But even if she felt disgust with the Goddess of Love, Athena still knew that any seduction attempt would likely succeed especially Aphrodite's given her unparalleled charm, but it would be disastrous in the long run as Arius was not a being to be controlled by lust or superficial bonds and Aphrodite's personality would ruin any potential relationship when she would try and sleep with another man after Arius. The alien seemed like a beast and beasts don't share their mates.
"Arius has shown interest in Diana and Diana alone," Athena stated firmly having seen the way he disregarded everyone save the amazon and that caused Aphrodite to laugh, her melodic voice grating Athena's nerves as this specific tone made it seemed as if she was being looked down upon.
"Oh, darling Athena, you truly are blind in your wisdom. Didn't you know that Arius slept with a woman named Selina Kyle just last night? And he's with another as we speak." Aphrodite spoke in a chiding tone.
Athena froze, her mind racing. She had been so engrossed in her plans that she briefly ignored the target, having assumed she already knew everything about the man and summoning a scrying screen, she gazed upon the Saiyan. He was in the midst of cheerful conversation with a striking young woman bearing the symbol of Superman, most likely a relative. He was showing a similar expression to when he was with Diana.
The sight gave Athena pause. Arius was relaxed, confident, and undeniably close to the Kryptonian woman. Her instincts and mind told her this development would be useful for speeding up her plan. A sly smile crept across her lips as she realized how this could play into her hands.
"You see?" Aphrodite said smugly, breaking Athena's thoughts, "Diana may have her heart set on him, but Arius doesn't seem like one to limit himself. Perhaps I could still sway him." Aphrodite teased and Athena knew she couldn't let the deity with more boobs than brain stay so smug.
So she turned to Aphrodite, her expression neutral as her mind calculated all the possibilities, "I already anticipated this. It's why I set up a scrying screen for Diana. To let her see Arisu with another woman, it will break her resolve faster and allow me to get more information on the man."
Aphrodite blinked in surprise before bursting into laughter, "Oh, Athena, I should have known you'd be steps ahead of me." She said, but the tone in which she spoke wasn't lost on Athena. Even now it felt more mocking than admiring, so Athena's eyes narrowed slightly as she resolved to keep an even closer watch on the Goddess of Love and ensure the blank headed bimbo didn't ruin her plans.
"With this happening I see the rest of the plan being complete within a week. Diana will break before then." Athena said smoothly already picturing the torture Diana was being put through, seeing your loved one slowly becoming closer with another in your absence would break her resolve.
Aphrodite clapped her hands, her delight childlike, "Wonderful! And if you could arrange for me to have a night with Arius before we subdue him, or gods forbid we kill him, I'd be ever so grateful. Think of the potential! A child between god and Saiyan..." She said once again hoping Athena would relent.
"I'll see what I can do," Athena replied neutrally, knowing full well she would avoid that option at all costs.
Aphrodite, satisfied and ignorant, skipped toward the exit, humming a cheerful tune. Athena watched her leave, her disdain carefully masked. The idea, while strategically intriguing, was too unpredictable and risky to pursue. She discarded it from her mind as she turned her attention back to the scrying screen.
On it, Arius laughed and chatted easily with who she assumed was Superman's relative. Athena's mind whirred with possibilities. She knew the sight of this scene would gnaw at Diana, fueling the amazon's jealousy and despair. It was a tool Athena could wield with glee as another piece in the ever-evolving chessboard fell into place. Truly now all she had to do was play her role and reap the rewards.
AN: Alright… Well no Arius this chapter, but this was rather important for the plot. The part where Superman told Kara about the Arius situation, I know it isn't in character for the Big Blue Boy Scout, but oh well, he's just being a good wingman for his cousin and at least the knowledge of Batman getting cucked pushed him to finally ask out Lois.
Also with Athena playing the two timing God, I changed her personality from what it shows in the comics because this fits the story better, but whether she's successful or not is yet to be decided, so like always I hope you enjoy the story and if you have any thoughts let me know.
Speaking of which rather shameless plug, but if you like the story and want to read advance chapter consider joining my patreo n to support me, I am 5+ chapter ahead for each story over there and with some news of The big P site being wonky at times I also made a subsribestar where the same thing will be posted moreover as a backup.
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