main character- Tamori Shishiba
-height 167cm ( 5 '6) .
- skinny as a stick but has puffy cheeks which give him a baby like appearance.
-jet black hair with the front of it all curly
-genuinely friendly but has trouble understanding others
-light brown skin tone
female side character- Serena Lilian
•height 5'2
•light brown skin tone
•loves drawing , hanging out with her friends and posting on social media
male lead- Tenaka Hiri
-height 5'9
-rumored to be the delinquent type
- has a straight forward personality
-well toned lean body type with light brown skin
second male lead- Julian Vance
-height 180cm ( 5'11)
-fair skinned with a sharp jaw and visible cheek bones( as handsome as it gets)
- carefree personality and likes to have fun
- neat brown hair
female lead -Luna Abroger( pronounced abrojer)
height 5"3
-fair and pretty with a great body
-outwardly friendly and caring
-jet black hair
age -17
second female lead-Saria lloyd
height -5"2
-likes to read books
- jet black hair
side character-fukari ito
-one of the "kool kids"
-gangster type
-light brown skin
height 183(6'0)
country origin - Belasia , a developing county in south east asia