In less than half a second, hundreds of thousands of words mercilessly flooded into his mind, instantly accessible, all data detailed and vividly clear.
Ji Jue couldn't help but nod.
It seemed that besides crying and shouting, Miss Naive did have some uses.
"Okay, let's go."
He picked up the clipboard and beckoned, "Stop dawdling, delaying over ten minutes is also a violation."
The door opened, and the rounds began...
The lights in the corridor flickered.
Amid the intermittent wails of eerie silence, footsteps resounded.
The patients or their family members, who had seemed as lifeless as corpses, suddenly all opened their eyes and stared intently in their direction.
Some were already lunging forward, clinging to his clothes like they were wailing, "Doctor, doctor, it hurts so much, can you please check, I really feel terrible..."
But those eyes, they stared fixedly at him from beginning to end.
Desperate and insatiable.