At midnight, sounds of a door opening came from the neighboring Room B, as someone lightly stepped on the wooden floor of the corridor, went out the door, and descended the stairs.
Xiao Man was startled awake while sitting on a small chair. She vaguely opened her eyes, only to see Wu Yun, unbeknownst to her, lying next to Zhang Xia's pillow, holding his hands and asleep.
Xiao Man felt annoyed. Throughout the journey, no matter how she tried to please Wu Yun, he heartlessly refused to come close to her, but now he was willing to sleep next to Second Miss Zhang. This was too heartless.
She looked up.
Chen Ji still stood in the same spot, gazing out the window with the Whale Blade held in his arms, his back straight.
Xiao Man thought, if Master were to wear the silver armor and white cloak of the Yulin Army, with white pheasant tail feathers inserted in his helmet, wouldn't he look more imposing than those of the Yulin Army?