Within Mingquan Garden, Wu Yun lay quietly on the windowsill, his eyes tracking Xiao Man's movements back and forth.
As Xiao Man wiped the table, she hummed a folk song from the streets of the Ning Dynasty, "Resentment towards others' wealth and joy, calamity befalls the carefree folk. Some things are beyond our control, a pity to mar one's good nature. Not all words spoken are true, heed only a fraction of what you hear. Don't make enemies with the petty, for those kinds of people have their own adversaries..."
The lengthy song never reached its end; Xiao Man, like a little bee, fluttered about the room, even cleaning each and every corner meticulously.
Seeing nothing more of interest, Wu Yun slowly closed his eyes to sleep. In a twenty-four-hour day, a cat must sleep for sixteen hours; sleeping effortlessly saw the day pass.