Martin's car stopped first; he suddenly slammed on the brakes and parked slightly in front of Trash Dog's house.
The car window in the backseat where Lin Xianghua was sitting had been rolled down, his gun pointed outside. Holding the gun with one hand and resting the other on the door handle, the moment the car stopped, he fiercely pushed open the door, landed on both feet, and immediately rushed towards the house door.
His gun was always aimed at Trash Dog's entrance, ready to fire as soon as he got off the car. Lin Xianghua was quite professional.
Gao Yi exited the car just a step slower than Lin Xianghua.
There were about four or five steps at the entrance. Lin Xianghua, holding the gun with both hands and taking small, rapid steps, climbed up, keeping the gun steady.
But Gao Yi lunged up in one stride; he wasn't about to climb the steps one by one, especially since he didn't need to keep his gun steady.