Whether this approach was right or wrong, Gao Yi truly didn't know.
Just like the blind men feeling the elephant, he had only grasped a small part of the truth, guessing the rest.
Since it was a guess, it couldn't possibly be 100 percent certain.
With no 100 percent certainty, whether they fought or fled, the outcome would be the same.
So they just fought and didn't worry about the rest.
The sound of a gunshot shattered the forced calm.
A man who had just vaulted over the gate immediately fell, then another immediately turned back and without a word climbed over the locked gate with more agility, and even faster than when he had entered.
At the moment about to leap over the gate, another shot from Feng Biao rang out, and the target fell, dropping at the gate.
Several agents from the National Intelligence Bureau rushed out from the house; they didn't know what was going on or what Gao Yi's plan was.
"What's going on? Why the shooting?"