With such a great favor, not to mention staying on the mountain for a while, even if I continued to live on the mountain permanently, the other elders would not oppose it at the moment.
People change with time, which is normal. In the morning he was eagerly being chased out as a sect offender, but by evening he had become the sect's honored guest.
The only issue was that the turnabout in attitudes was so swift that even the upper echelons of Wukang Mountain found it somewhat difficult to adapt.
Not to mention the disciples of the Punishment Court.
Bian Weiyin summoned someone to arrange a suitable residence for Shi Chun, but Shi Chun declined, saying he had grown accustomed to living in the Punishment Court and would prefer to stay there.
And so Pang Tiansheng, who was bossing people around at the Punishment Court, was taken aback once more, and then he emptied out the best room he had for Shi Chun.