After a long week of work, Violet woke up without an alarm and went downstairs from her room. But was surprised to see the house empty.
She immediately called Cameron while having breakfast.
- Hello my dear boyfriend, are you with Trevor? Are you meeting the sister yet?
- No I'm at work. Trevor and I have planned to meet up at the end of the morning.
- Oh okay. Then I'll let you work, I won't bother you any more.
- You never bother me Violet.
- But yes, come on kisses I love you.
After hanging up, she got ready in a hurry and called her friend on the way.
- Hello my beauty.
- Are you ready?
- For?
- To meet Elodie's grandmother. But where are you exactly? I hear a man's voice.
- Oh yes, no I haven't forgotten. I was just… having a good time with your boyfriend. Yes, I understand. I'll pick you up, send me the address.
A few minutes later, Layla got into her friend's car with a little apologetic smile.
- Don't apologize, it's completely normal to want to spend time with your boyfriend who is also very nice and very charming.
- Violet, you're in a relationship.
- I didn't say I was interested in him, I'm just saying he's a good man for you. Maxime treats you well and I can see that he loves you a lot. He's having a hard time letting go of you.
- Just like my brother is having a hard time letting go of you.
- Very well, I'll stop bothering you. But more seriously, he's a good man for you and I'm delighted to see that you're happy with him.
- Thank you, that touches me. Besides, I know you have her number.
- I'm just taking care of you. Are you ready?
- Yes, let's go meet this old and kind lady.
After a few hours of driving, the two young women rang the doorbell of a modest house and it was the brother who greeted them.
- Hello girls, can I help you?
- Yes, we came to see your mother.
- Do you have so much free time to come and visit a lady?
- Can you speak better than that? It's your mother, a little respect.
- Don't pay attention to him, he's still so... adorable in his own way.
- No ma'am, I don't call it adorable but disrespectful.
- It's okay Layla, we're not here for you to argue with George but to talk to ma'am.
- Go on in my dears.
She closed the door before turning to face them.
- What do you want to talk to me about?
- The circumstances of your daughter's death. We think it was murder.
- Excuse me?!
Violet put her hand on her friend's shoulder before smiling at the mother.
- I suggest we talk about it in a more private place and with a cup of tea to take the shock.
- Oh... yes, good idea.
- Where is your kitchen? I'll take care of it. Layla will stay with you and explain the details.
- George will accompany you. Thank you.
- More seriously, what are you doing here?
Violet continued to stir the teas while ignoring George's repetitive questions. She placed them on a tray with small biscuits before finally turning to face him.
- I asked you a question, Violet.
- And I don't think I have to answer you. I know you well enough now and I'm sure if I told you the reason for our visit, even with proof, you wouldn't believe me. So don't insist and mind your own business like your classes.
- You're in no position to criticize me about my classes when you yourself weren't any better in your final year.
- Have you forgotten that it was precisely because of you that my grades had dropped at the beginning of the year because you enjoyed harassing me with your gang?
- But that didn't stop you from succeeding, right? So what are you complaining about?
She walked slowly towards him and looked at him harshly with an icy look.
- I advise you not to mess with me George. I may have this always smiling and naive face but believe me it's not just an impression and not reality. I didn't come here to talk to you but to your mother. And our discussion is none of your business so don't try to get an answer from me by insulting me. On that note, I have things to do.
When she arrived in the living room, she surprised her friend trying to resuscitate the mother and ran over, putting the tray on the side table.
- I guess what happened was supposed to happen.
- That's exactly it.
George appeared frightened and rushed at her, grabbing her by the neck. He violently pinned her to the wall, which made her unconscious. Everything happened so quickly that Layla only had time to kick him in the cheek. She drove her friend to the hospital as well as the mother and called her brother on the way.
- Layla? Is everything okay?
- No, and I want to kill George. Where are you?
- We're with her and we're getting ready to take her to the police station.
- You managed to make her confess?!
- You know how convincing I can be, right? And Violet?
- Exactly, your presence is required at the family hospital. I prefer that you come yourself to find out what happened otherwise I know you you'll break your phone.
- I'll be there in five minutes.
- Is she okay doctor?
- Yes Cameron. She was just unconscious because of the pain and the shock to her head.
- And the mother?
- She's okay too. She just needs rest. On the other hand, I'll start again, miss, that you rest and don't exert yourself too much in the future. Otherwise your health and that of the baby will suffer.
Cameron and his sister remained silent for a moment while Violet stared at the doctor in surprise.
- I guess you didn't know given the faces you're making.
- She's pregnant. Cameron was surprised.
- That's it.
- Well, if I had expected it. Oh yes... it's true, I forgot to take the morning after pill after our night.
- Because you didn't want to...
- Don't worry doctor, don't pay attention to what he said. Thank you.
The doctor left after congratulating them and closed the door behind him.
- Can you explain to me now why Violet came back unconscious from your visit?
- After her mother fainted, Georges rushed at her and threw her against the wall so quickly that I didn't have time to react. I then took responsibility for it with my kick to the face.
Cameron went behind his sister and went towards Georges sitting at the back of the room, to grab him by the collar of his shirt and pin him against the wall.
- I'm sorry ok? I didn't know she was pregnant. I panicked, I was afraid she had hurt my mother.
- You don't need to know she's pregnant before you decide if you can hit her or even touch her. There's no reason or even excuse that justifies you raping a woman. So let me tell you one last thing, dare to touch her or even do that kind of thing again with another innocent woman and believe me you won't see the light of day again.