Chereads / Spirit Files: Are you there? / Chapter 2 - Case I

Chapter 2 - Case I

Where am I?

Everything feels fuzzy, and my body feels heavy. Iori knows he is lying on a hard mattress with a slight disinfectant smell. 

Is this a hospital? He absentmindedly wondered.

People are talking above me but as Iori filters in and out of consciousness, he can't focus on what they are discussing. Even though he wanted to ask them what happened or where on earth he was, it seemed like his body had other plans. His mouth didn't seem to want to move, feeling more like it had been sewn shut. 

As the minutes passed, Iori started to understand what was being said around him.

"We asked you to go out to find some clues," A weary female voice groaned out, "how did you come back with an unconscious freshman?"

"He looks very cute though," A younger female voice giggled and Iori felt a cold finger poke him.

"His aura looks interesting," a deep aloof voice joined in, "it's very rare to have someone his age to have a completely white aura. I have only seen it in children."

"Oi, Ren," a familiar amused deep voice cut in, "did you see him in any of your visions about the victim we have so far?"

"How the hell would I know?!" A younger male voice grumbled, "I only saw the guy in the morgue jumping onto the road and the spirit being there. He was not in my vision."

Spirit? Iori thought dazedly as they continued the discussion. What spirit? How would they know that I can -

Gasping, Iori lurched into a sitting position and immediately grabbed at his throat. He breathed harshly as he remembered what happened that morning. The bus ride that led to an accident. The body of a man jumping onto the street. The eyeless spirit that choked him in broad daylight. And, finally, the man who saved him.

"Nice to see you awake, kitten." The familiar voice drawled out and Iori glared into amused gold eyes.

"Not," he rasped out, "a kitten. Bastard."


The sound of a car zooming past the building could be heard through the slightly opened window. It was such a shocked silence that you could hear the shuffling of feet and papers outside the double doors echoing in the room. 

Iori was about to apologise for how rude he was in front of all these strangers before one of them couldn't hold in their laughter.

"Hahaha," Ren bursted out laughing, "haven't seen anyone calling you a bastard as soon as they wake up, Yushi."

"Ren," another male sighed as he rubbed his forehead. Iori noticed that this man looked similar to the one that bursted out laughing. The only difference was the way their hair was styled.

"Hmm," Yushi hummed with an amused smirk, "this kitten has claws."

"He is so cute," A woman wearing a Pikachu onesie giggled as he kept staring at Iori like he was the best show she had seen all week, "I really wanna squeeze him."

"Enough!" A woman with a scar on her face barked out, "I swear if you all don't stop playing I am deducting your bonuses."

Immediately, all of the 5 strangers stood at attention.

She then turned to Iori to give him a small, sympathetic smile, "Sorry you got caught in this kid."

Iori slowly shook his head before grimacing and grabbing his throat. He forgot how hard he was strangled earlier in the day. Feeling around the swelled area, he could already feel the bruises forming. 

"It's fine," He gave a shaky smile in return, "I am used to waking up in the hospital."

"Do you get attacked often then? By ghosts?" Yushi asked curiously as he made himself comfortable on the left of Iori's bed.

Fuck, Iori cursed silently as he gripped the bed sheets tighter as he frantically looked for an opening to escape the room. I thought I could finally lead a normal life here in Tokyo. I was going to move on from being the freak that can see ghosts.

"Well," a voice chirped out to his right, "you don't have to be nervous about that. Yushi here always ends up fighting with a crazy spirit. If only we understand why they are doing it. Like, it'll be so much easier if they speak to us instead of just screeching."

Iori's head whipped up in shock as he processed the words. He turned to his left and stared wide-eyed at the dark-haired male that is smirking at him.

"You can see them too?" He whispered in disbelief.

A wink and a nod was his answer. Iori watched dazed as the light in the room seemed to give this man a glow. Despite the ethereal feel, he cannot help but feel there was something powerful about this man.

Then Iori tilted his head curiously, "But, why can you not hear them?" He asked in confusion, "They never stop talking."

Again, silence.

Iori looked at each of the unknown faces with confusion. Why do they all have their mouth open? He thought as he started playing with a loose thread, Is it that weird to be able to talk to them?

"You can communicate with them?" One of the twins asked in amazement. "They talk to you willingly."

"Hah," Iori snorted in frustration, "they never stop. I hear them moaning about one thing or the other."

He then hugged his legs closer to him, "That lady, the ghost at the accident site, she said he deserved to jump. But, I don't understand why-"

"Hold on," The older woman cut him off with a stern look, "She spoke to you? What did she say?"

Iori paused and looked at her. This was the first time that someone immediately asked him what the spirit had said to him. Usually, others would say he made it all up, or his imagination was too active. Some even wanted to send him to a psychiatric ward. So, why? Why would they believe him?

Not willing to trust them that easily, he stayed silent and glared at the older woman.

"Relax," a disinterested voice sighed out. 

Iori watched as a tall, lean man with glasses walked closer towards his bed, raising his hand in a placating manner. The man was taller than the twins but he was slimmer than them. Despite the placating gesture, his face remains indifferent not letting anyone know what he is feeling. 

"Whatever you are thinking, you can trust us." He continued.

"Why should I trust you?" Iori hissed out as he gripped the sheet tighter. "Tusting people have already caused me pain once."

"Because," The Pikachu lady chimed in, "we understand you brat."

"Understand?" Iori mumbled in confusion as he tilted once again.

"Alright," The older woman once again spoke up, "that was my fault. I probably should have introduced all of us before immediately asking you that question. I apologise. Let's restart."

She then gave Iori a warm smile that reminded him of those kind mothers he usually sees on TV. "The name is Suzuki Maiko. Currently the Chief of the special unit in the Japan Special Forces Group. Skill group, normal. Been working with this rowdy bunch for 7 years now. Unfortunately."

Skill group? Iori hesitated at that phrase. Why would she say her skill group is normal?

"I'll go next," The Pikachu lady happily jumped up and down with her hand up in the air. "My name is Wei Ling and I am a transfer from China. I am the lead Forensic specialist in the team, specialising in toxicology. Skill group, empathy."

"Huh, wait," Iori cut in confusion, "Could you explain what skill groups are? What do you mean empathy?"

"Skill groups are the supernatural capability that each team member has," Chief Maiko explained, "In my case, I am a boring, normal person. Whereas, Wei Ling here can touch a victim's body and understand their last moments a bit better as she can feel what they feel."

"Yup, Wei Ling gleefully interjected, "Which is a good thing to cause eww blood."

"Okay shut up you crazy woman," The guy called Ren glowered out before making direct eye contact with Iori, "My turn. My name is Takashima Ren and I'm a field detective. Skill group, clairvoyance. This is my twin Takashima Rei."

"Hello," Rei waved to Iori, "the name is Takashima Rei. I am also a field detective and my skill group is Telekinesis. It's nice to meet you Iori."

Iori nodded and gave the nicer twin a shaky smile. Both of the Takashima twins are of the same height with very similar face structures. What sets them apart would be the way they style their hair. While Ren has his hair in a spiky updo, Rei seems to have permed his hair giving him a more childish look. One twin also seems to glare more while the other gives his smile away freely.

"Clairvoyance?" Iori mumbled out, "Telekinesis?"

"Don't overthink it, kid" Ren grumbled out.

"Those skills are exactly the ones that you will find in movies," Rei gently explained. "Both Ren and I were made into field detectives due to our skills. It goes well together, doesn't it? Ren can see into the future and I can move objects without touching them."

What? Iori was in a state of shock, these people…

A cough broke Iori out of his thoughts. 

"I believe it's my turn," said the tall man earlier as he adjusted his glasses. "Hello, Iori. My name is Nakamura Yuuji. I mostly deal with the technical equipment and the interrogation within the team. You can usually find me in the labs or the interrogation rooms. Skill group, aura reading. To prevent you from getting confused, I can see the energy surrounding your body. Usually, it will change according to your feelings or your health."

Iori just nodded mutely as he tried to digest all the information that had been thrown his way. When he woke up this morning, he expected a normal life as a fresher and maybe graduate before settling down a normal office job. Sure, he could see ghosts and would be afraid of every shadow he saw, but he wanted to try. Looks like that's not happening after meeting this group of people.

"Last but not least," a deep voice spoke to his left that Iori could not help but turn to, "Huang Yushi, Lead Detective of the special unit. As you know, one of my skills is seeing ghosts but another one of my skill groups is exorcimancy. In simple terms, I exorcise the spirit. Make them go away."

At the end of his introduction, Iori watched him carefully. 

An exorcist, Iori mentally sighed. Great, that's why he has the same vibe as…her.

"I think it would be best if you answer my question now kid," Chief Maiko ordered as she crossed her arms.

Iori sighed before straightening up and staring at all of them balefully.

"The lady spoke," He began, "She said that the man who jumped deserved it. Or, more like she said he needed to die. She also said, "He told me this was the only way to find peace." I didn't understand what she meant."

"He?" Yushi raked his hand across his hair, "And the spirit did not mention who?"

Iori shook his head and shrugged. 

"You think you can ask her?" Chief asked and Iori watched as Yushi stood up from where he settled on Iori's bed. 

"Huh?" Iori gaped hoping she didn't mean what he thinks she means.

"If we bring you to her," Chief gently asked once again, "could you ask her?"

Fuck no, Iori screamed internally. These people are nuts. I am out of here. Who in their right mind would speak to ghosts?!

With no time to waste, and using the free-up space on his left, Iori vaulted off the bed and sprinted to the double doors in the corner of the room. He might be tiny but he is fast. He could probably outrun them and then figure out how the get out of the building.

However, before he could even reach the double doors, a strong arm lifted him and he found himself hanging upside down on someone's shoulders in record time. Lifting his head up he was met with five amused smiles and began to struggle.

"Let go of me!" He hissed at his captor. All he got in return was rumbling laughter which he could feel with his body.

"You recovered very fast. I did not expect you to bolt, kitten." Yushi said with mirth as he carried the boy hissing and spitting out the door into the holding cells.

"Don't call me that and let me go. I do not want to speak to anyone dead or alive." Iori started to hit the man's back and his feet flailed helplessly. "Speaking to them never leads to anything good. Why don't you jus-"

"We won't let anything happen to you," Rei gently patted his head in assurance. "Give it a try and if you really can't do it, we will let you go and you can act like today never happened."

"Trust us, okay?" Wei Ling chirped out as she skipped ahead to wherever they were going.

"But," Iori can't help but nervously bite his lip.

"I won't let anything happen to you," Yushi murmured under his breath and Iori looked up to meet serious golden eyes. 

He didn't want to trust those eyes. He did not want to trust these people. They just met for god's sake. But…it is also his first time meeting people that are like him. For once, his being able to speak to ghosts is not weird or freaky. For once, someone believed that he was not asking for attention.

Grumbling, Iori gave a hard punch to the strong back beneath him.

"If I die of fright," He pouted, "I am haunting you all!"

"Deal!" Yushi smirked out as he tightened his arm around the pouting boy on his shoulder.