YEAHH! Im so excited it's the day we were waiting for! It's the day that we will explore the forest of sphinx.
Heyy, class, keep this in mind: do not explore on your own; make sure you have a guide when exploring that place.
Yess! Prof
Okay, get in the bus.
*After five hours of traveling, they arrived at two in the afternoon at the forest.*
Okay! In class, we will form two people in a group, and you choose your partner.
Start the exploration, and remember, do not get too far.
I think it's going to rain; we willpitch a tent.
Tomorrow we will continue the exploration.
*Mina and Hikaru explored the forest.*
Mina! Did you see that? Look, it's a parrot. Come on, give me the camera.
Whoo, nice shot! Hahahaha
This place is cool!
Hey! Hikaru, look, isn't that the cave in the article? Let's go inside.
Wait for me!
Whoo! It's so dark; did you bring a flashlight?
Yeah! Here.
Whoo, this is so scary in here, Hikaru. We'd better go back now.
Class! It's getting dark; you'll better go to your tents and eat.
Uhm! Prof., can I ask?
Yeah! What is it, Hikaru?
Before we got here, Mina and I found a cave. Did you have an idea what was inside that cave?
Ah! That cave is forbidden, by the way. I forgot to tell you all don't go near that place, and don't you dare to go inside of that cave! UNDERSTOOD!
Yess! Prof
Oh, it's raining; you'll better go go to your tent now.
*After a while, Mina and Hikaru didn't go inside; they wanted to explore more in that cave; they're curious what's inside of that.*
Hey! Mina, did you notice when I asked the professor, he didn't answer my question; instead, he just warned us.
That is why my curiosity is forcing me to explore this cave.
Aren't you curious too, Mina?
Not at all; I'm scared we'd better go back now, Hikaru.
I feel something strange in this place.
Shhhhhhh, did you hear that, Mina? I think they're someone talking in that dark area.
Is that professor? Why's he here?
Let's approach him, Hikaru.
Wait! Don't I let's wait here? I think he's doing something.
Is he doing a ritual?
Who's there? Are you going to hide yourself forever?
Ah, prof, we're your students.
Heyy! Why are you guys here? Didn't I tell you this place is forbidden?
Ah, wait, professor, and why are you here too? You'd said it's forbidden.
Ah, that is none of your business. I'm your professor, so don't dare to disobey my command. Go back now and go to sleep!
Huh! Prof., what is that? Isn't that a human heading on us?
Huh, where, what, so the story is real? Let's head back now!
*After heading back to the camp area, the professor woke up his students.*
Hey guys! Wake up, get in the bus now, and make sure no one leaves behind! GO!
*They'll enter the bus heading back home.*
Uhm! Who's that man, by the way? Why were you so nervous when you saw him?
A long time ago, there was astory about a scientist who turned his son into a nonhuman being, and after that, they'd be killed by his son.
I read that in the article, and I'm so curious about it, so I decided to go to this forest and explore.
Isn't we safe now, prof?
No, as long as we're still in this area, we're not safe!
Then, why did you bring us here if you know that there's a monster in this forest? Do you want us to die, aren't you?
Guys, I'm so sorry I made a fucking mistake.
Guys, this isn't the time for blaming; we need to get out of this place first!
Yes! Hikaru is right, safety first!
Prof! Look, someone's on the road!
* The bus bumped into a tree and all the students' unconscious*
Uhhh, guys, wake up! Hey Mina, wake up!
Uhhh, Hikaru, what happened?
Wake the others, and I'll go see Prof.
Huh! Prof isn't here, Mina. I think he leaves us and saves his own life. Such a selfish man alive.
What the heck, guys? I'll check the bus to know if it's working!
Okay! Guys, it's still working. Did anyone of you know how to drive?
WHAT THE HELL! Okay, I'll just try myself. I just learned this at the mall!
*Everyone shouted in fear*
It's better to try than to be killed without doing anything. Okay, I think it's working now!
Let's Go!
HIKARU! Look at the side mirror; they're somebody's chasing us!
What! I think that's the monster we'd better make it fast!
W-wait! Hikaru!
*Classmate shouted*
W-why, look, I think that's not the monster!
W-wait! What isn't that, Professor?
Go back! Go back!
Prof! Get inside!
Haaa, haaaaa, haaaaa, prof, drink this; it's water.
We thought you're the monster.
It's okay, it's okay.
So, prof, why did you get out on the bus? By the way, aren't you going to leave us?
What! No! After we get bumped on that
tree I got thrown up on the window; look, I have a lot of scars.
Ohh, I'm so sorry for that, prof!
Okay! Focus on driving; we're still not safe.