Scott woke up and glanced at Allison, who was still sleeping beside him. Smirking, he gently used her hair to tickle her face and whispered. "Wake up, sleepyhead. We're going to be late for our first day back to school."
Allison groaned, covering her face with the blanket. "Just a little longer." She mumbled.
Scott chuckled. "Didn't you say you needed to pick up Malia from your house?"
Allison peeked out from under the blanket. "Nope. Stiles said he'd pick her up."
Scott sighed, getting out of bed. "Alright, I'll call you after I make breakfast." He headed to the bathroom, took a quick shower, and then made breakfast.
Just as he finished, Allison walked into the kitchen, joining him, Isaac, Melissa, and Erica who had spent the night with Isaac.
Melissa sipped her coffee and asked. "Scott, why was Derek looking for you?"
Scott leaned against the counter. "His two betas were kidnapped by a new pack in town."
Allison said. "And guess what? They're all Alphas."
Erica blinked in surprise. "Another pack of Alphas?"
Scott grinned. "Exactly. Which means you, Isaac, Malia, and Uncle Noah finally have the opportunity to become Alphas yourselves."
Isaac smirked. "Great. When do we hunt them?"
Scott shook his head. "There's no rush. If we take them down, we need to do it all at once and make sure none of them escape. But what really concerns me is whatever's making the animals go crazy."
Erica frowned. "Lydia told me her dog attacked her yesterday. She thought it was weird since her dog has never been aggressive before."
Scott exhaled. "I just hope whatever it is doesn't kill too many people before we can stop it."
After finishing breakfast, the four of them drove to school.
Arriving at school, the four of them met up with the rest of the pack in the hallways. After greeting each other, Allison walked over to Lydia. "What's up?"
Lydia smirked. "Just checking out the new freshmen."
Allison chuckled. "Are you looking for a boyfriend?"
Lydia scoffed. "Not really, no. Just… looking."
Meanwhile, Scott turned to Malia. "So, how does school feel so far?"
Stiles, standing beside her, frantically shook his head, silently begging Scott not to ask.
Malia groaned. "It feels like I'm in prison, and they're going to torture me by making me read. How do you think I feel, Scott?"
Scott scratched his head awkwardly and quickly turned to Boyd. "Uh… Boyd, say something."
Caught off guard, Boyd shrugged. "School's not that bad…"
Malia narrowed her eyes and let out a low growl. Boyd immediately shut his mouth.
Allison sighed. "Malia, remember, no growling at school. And if you really don't want to be here, you can always go home and let Mom homeschool you."
Malia visibly shivered. "No, no, no. She's way too mean. I actually like school."
The group burst into laughter.
As they laughed, Lydia suddenly stopped and glanced down the hallway. Two identical boys were walking toward them. She tilted her head. "Wow… twins. But I don't like the way they make me feel. They're not evil, but they're definitely not good people either."
Scott followed her gaze and smirked. "Oh, they're both Alphas. I think they're part of the pack Derek warned us about."
Boyd crossed his arms. "They look arrogant. Should I teach them a lesson?"
Scott shook his head. "Not now. Let's just get to class."
Scott and his pack entered the classroom and took their seats. Moments later, everyone's phones buzzed simultaneously with a new message.
Soon, their new English teacher walked in. She placed her books on the desk and began reading aloud the text she had just sent to the students:
"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky…"
She paused, sensing something was off. Looking up, she found Scott and his pack staring at her with unsettling smiles and Malia's eyes even glowed.
Scott smirked and smoothly finished the passage for her. "…seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness."
Jennifer coughed awkwardly. "Than... thank you, McCall."
Scott leaned back in his chair, still smirking. "You're welcome, teacher."
Jennifer's heart pounded. She swallowed hard, her eyes darting between Scott and his pack. 'Damn it. I need to get out of here. I can feel it, these monsters want to kill me. But how do they know what I am?'
After that, she began teaching but kept a close eye on Scott and his pack, especially Malia and Stiles. Malia was watching her like a predator stalking prey, while Stiles gave her one of his signature creepy smiles.
Not long after, a crow smacked into the closed classroom window, leaving behind a smear of blood and feathers.
Jennifer turned from the blackboard, where she had been assigning homework, and walked to the window. Her eyes widened as she spotted a massive flock of crows rapidly approaching the school. A thought flashed through her mind. 'This is my chance to escape.'
Then, the crows began striking the windows with relentless force, their bodies slamming into the glass until a few shattered. Chaos erupted in the classroom, and students screamed and ducked for cover. Amidst the panic, Jennifer seized the opportunity and bolted from the classroom.
At that moment, Lydia snapped back to her senses and quickly used her ability to control the crows, mentally commanding them to disperse. As the birds retreated, she spoke to the pack telepathically. [They were here because of the teacher. It's like she's something unnatural, that's what I felt from them.]
Scott scanned the room and sent a telepathic message to his pack. [She escaped. We need to find her. Isaac, Stiles, and Boyd, come with me. Girls, take care of the students.]
With that, Scott and the boys rushed out in pursuit of Jennifer.
But despite their efforts, they returned empty-handed. The girls immediately approached, and Allison asked. "Did you find her?"
Scott shook his head. "No. She knows how to cover her tracks. Even her scent is completely gone."
Lydia frowned. "What is she, anyway?"
"I don't know." Scott exhaled sharply. "But you all felt it when she walked into the classroom, right? She doesn't feel right."
Before they could speculate further, Chris and Sheriff Stilinski arrived. Scott quickly filled them in about the teacher.
"Her name is Jennifer Blake. I'll put out a BOLO for her." Sheriff Stilinski said.
After the bird incident, the principal dismissed Scott's class for the rest of the day, instructing them to go home.
As Scott and his pack exited the school, a woman came running toward them, looking frantic.
"Which one of you is Scott McCall?" She demanded.
Scott stepped forward. "That would be me. What do you want?"
"I came to warn you about Deucalion." The woman said, catching her breath. "He's here for you."
Scott asked. "What does he want from me?"
"He wants to get rid of you." She replied. "He's afraid of what you are, a True Alpha." She hesitated before adding. "Yesterday, I managed to save one of Derek's betas, Jackson. But there's still two others being held captive there, you can tell Derek."
Before Scott could respond, the woman's eyes darted past him. She stiffened.
"They're here." She whispered.
Scott followed her gaze and saw the twin brothers approaching. And before she could bolt, he grabbed her wrist gently but firmly.
"Where are you going in such a hurry?" He asked. "You still haven't told me your name or where you found Jackson."
The woman said. "I need to go. They'll kill me if they catch me."
Scott smirked. "Don't worry about them. With us here, they won't dare lay a hand on you. Because if they try, they'll lose their lives."
Hearing this, one of the twins Aiden, growled and took a threatening step forward, but his brother, Ethan, held him back.
"Aiden, stop." Ethan said. "Remember what Deucalion told us. Let's go."
Reluctantly, Aiden backed down, and the twins turned away, disappearing into the crowd.
Scott released the woman's wrist and asked again. "Your name?"
She hesitated before answering. "Braeden."
Allison narrowed her eyes. "You're not supernatural. Are you a hunter?"
Braeden shook her head. "No. I'm a mercenary."
Stiles raised an eyebrow. "A mercenary? Then who hired you to save Jackson?"
Braeden's lips pressed into a thin line. "I can't tell you that."
Scott sighed. "Fair enough. Let's get out of here first. We'll meet up with Derek. And by the way, you can stick with us for a while. You'll be safer that way."
Braeden considered his words, then nodded. "Okay. I have nowhere else to go anyway, and the Sheriff confiscated all my weapons."
Stiles grinned. "Let's see if you're actually a good person first. Then, maybe I'll ask him to give your stuff back."
Malia scoffed. "And how exactly would you know if she's a good person, dork?"
Braeden smiled charmingly at Stiles. "I am a good person, little dork."
Malia's eyes flashed, and she growled at Braeden. "Don't call him that. He's my little dork. And don't smile at him either."
Braeden raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. No need to growl at me."
Allison chuckled. "Relax, Malia. No one's trying to steal your idiot boyfriend."
Malia huffed. "Good. Because I will kill anyone who tries to take away my idiot little dork."
Stiles smirked. "Ouch, Malia. Your words hurt."
Malia shot him a glare.
He quickly corrected himself. "I mean you can call me whatever you want, babe."
Braeden laughed. "You'd kill someone for him?"
Allison nodded knowingly. "If I were you, I'd believe her. Malia doesn't do sarcasm. She always says exactly what she feels."
Scott shook his head with a small smile as he pulled out his phone and dialed Derek's number.
As soon as the call connected, he said. "I assume you already found Jackson?"
Derek's voice came through the line. "Yeah, but he's with his parents. I can't get to him right now."
"Meet us at your old house." Scott said. "We have the girl who saved him with us, and she knows where Deucalion is keeping your other puppy."
Derek exhaled. "Got it. I'll meet you there."
To be continued... 😊