Two brothers are escaping from a brother name is Ichigo shiroshaki and another brother name is tanzaro shiroshaki."Ichigo"catch my hand and run with me."Tanzaro"ok Ichigo."Ichigo and tanzaro running fast and Ichigo catch the tree branch swing 3 rounds and Ichigo remove the hand.Ichigo and tanzaro flying fast and fall down in the cave"."Tanzaro"Ichigo this cave is very dark."Ichigo"tanzaro see there blue light is blowing tanzaro come with me."Tanzaro"wait for me Ichigo."Ichigo"this is a sword."Suddenly so many shadow ninja's came"."One shadow ninja"fight with me."Suddenly one man came and kill all the ninja's.Ichigo eyes turn to blue colour."unknown man"Ichigo take the sword."Ichigo"ok."Ichigo take the sword.Suddenly cave was falling down"