During the Third Shinobi World War, Konoha produced several renowned figures whose names echoed throughout the ninja world. Among them was the brightest star, "The Yellow Flash" – Minato Namikaze, the future Fourth Hokage. Yet, another figure, though younger, also emerged with a title that sent ripples across the battlefield: Shisui of the Body Flicker.
Shisui Uchiha.
A prodigy and a true leader of the modern Uchiha clan, Shisui's talent was admired by countless others. As a descendant of Kagami Uchiha, who served under the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, Shisui held a unique position of respect. Because he was the son of a trusted comrade, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, placed deep faith in him. Unlike most in his clan, Shisui held a profound understanding of the "Will of Fire," the essence of loyalty to Konoha.
After the war ended, Shisui openly supported Minato Namikaze's selection as Hokage. Rejecting any attempts to push him as a rival, he humbly returned to the clan to serve in the Police Force. But after Minato's sacrifice and the suspicions cast on the Uchiha following the Nine-Tails' rampage, Shisui rejoined the service of the Hokage, knowing his actions might stir anger among his kin. Still, he was willing to distance himself to maintain the peace.
It was in the young Itachi Uchiha that Shisui found a kindred spirit, someone who shared his ideals. He saw potential in Itachi and hoped that they could one day serve Konoha together, ensuring lasting peace. This vision drove Shisui to mentor Itachi, instilling in him the ideals of the Will of Fire, hoping Itachi wouldn't fall into the resentment that tainted other clan members.
After leaving the Hokage's office, where he had received the village's response to the Uchiha's promotion request, Shisui decided to visit his clan. However, he noticed a marked streetlamp—an encrypted signal from Itachi. He followed it, joining Itachi at a secluded spot to hear what his younger comrade had to share.
Listening to Itachi's concerns, Shisui maintained a calm exterior, though he sighed inwardly. He knew Fugaku well; though he was the clan leader, he wasn't a radical. That Fugaku had even allowed his son to serve as an ANBU informant spoke volumes about the pressure the clan was under.
"Itachi, repeat everything you discussed with your father," Shisui said, his expression serious but softened by Itachi's worried look. For the eight-year-old, caught between his clan and the village, it was a burden that came far too early. These matters, Shisui thought, should rest on his own shoulders.
Itachi nodded, relaying his conversation with his father in full detail.
"I see. But you also mentioned something about meeting the Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki?" Shisui asked, raising an eyebrow.
Itachi explained his recent encounters with Naruto, including the time he saw the boy practicing shuriken techniques by the riverbank.
"He's training himself? With shuriken?" Shisui blinked in surprise. As a trusted Konoha jonin, secretly a member of the Hokage's elite forces, Shisui knew Naruto's background well. But hearing about Naruto's self-driven practice piqued his interest. Still, he wouldn't risk suspicions by getting too close to the boy.
After a thoughtful silence, Shisui looked back at Itachi. "Itachi, you should join the ANBU," he said finally.
Itachi remained quiet, waiting for Shisui to elaborate.
"Yet I don't want you to become a spy for the clan or blindly follow the village's orders," Shisui continued. "Use your own eyes to see things clearly and carve your own path."
As he spoke, Shisui's Sharingan began to change, shifting into an eerie shape resembling shuriken blades—the legendary Mangekyo Sharingan.
"I use these eyes to see my own path forward, Itachi. You're not meant to be my shadow or subordinate. Use your own vision, and make decisions you believe in."
Shisui's words struck Itachi deeply, his gaze hardening as if he had reached a critical decision…
Time slipped by, and six months passed swiftly.
"Well, it seems this is all for today," said Minato Namikaze, smiling as Naruto's image faded away, though a trace of melancholy remained on his face.
Unlike the Nine-Tails, Minato's chakra clone could only exist within Naruto's mental landscape, limited by the seal that bound them. He could not roam freely or observe the outside world, as if trapped in a prison of his own design. It was possible this was Kurama's way of exacting a subtle revenge for being sealed away by both Minato and Kushina.
Yet Minato felt no resentment—if anything, he was grateful to Kurama.
As a father, Minato regretted his inability to be there for Naruto, his absence leaving the boy isolated. As a Hokage, he felt the weight of the warnings he had learned from the Nine-Tails about a looming threat.
An entire clan of extraterrestrial beings, each one capable of devastating the shinobi world… Minato couldn't deny that his first thought upon hearing this from Kurama had been skepticism. But the Nine-Tails had no reason to deceive him, and he soon realized the gravity of the threat was all too real.
To protect Naruto and prevent this bleak future, Minato resolved to aid Kurama in shaping his son's destiny, using whatever power remained within him.
"Why didn't you continue correcting Naruto's Flying Thunder God seal?" Kurama raised his head, his sharp eyes watching Minato closely. "Without consistent practice, he's likely to forget everything within days. But these past three months, you haven't taught him any further…"
"Flying Thunder God…" Minato paused, a slight smile returning to his face. "Naruto has already mastered it."