Finally, Lintang was overjoyed to discover the beautiful lagoon of the Mediterranean by sailing the gondola through the city of Venice."When we get to the mainland, let's look for the street where Marco Polo lived.""Of course, I'm also interested in what really happened to the princess who married Mark because the legend is still alive", she said. "That legend remained as a presentation of memories of Marco Polo's life and exotic travels in Asia, he visited all the places from China to Sumatra, where he spent several months waiting for more favorable conditions to continue his journey by large ships of the fleet. Thanks to Marco, Venice had a successful trade exchange with the countries of Asia and today's ASEAN members.""Exactly, Marco Polo should be respected more, we should even make a film about his cooperation and successes in the diplomatic trade of Venice with Southeast Asia.""That's right, thanks to our export of pepper, paprika and cinnamon, and especially cloves, life was good, especially prosperous during the Majapahit empire.""Unfortunately, Venice was often ravaged by the plague, which resulted in several outbreaks, and the princess died of the plague, modern factbook ", her voice was sad. "Although Marco Polo's manuscript was considered by everyone to be a phenomenal piece of literature that almost all libraries wanted to have in their collection as a fun read about an adventure trip around the world, especially Asia, that book is brilliant in many ways.""It was first well illustrated with historical maps according to Marco Polo' geography, who was a guide for Columbus in his travels around the world.Second, he is an educator who helps explain who the carriers of the black plague are and how to defend against the plague virus through prevention and hygiene in primitive environments.Thus, at that time, Venice had the strictest control, quarantine and inspection of foreign ships that sailed in order to protect themselves from virus carriers.The third is that it is a book of the highest artistic value in the range of medieval literature, and not just an easy read about unicorns and monsters.If Marco Polo wrote about the world's wonders and achievements until then, then the manuscript of Marco Polo is also a world's wonder of literature.""It's a pity that Marko didn't write a sequel to his book, because his life after returning to Venice was quite turbulent, and we would have known the real truth about the death of the princess and the daughter of Kublai Khan and would not have followed the tragic legend.""To understand this legend, we must also understand the soul of the city of Venice.The Veneti were an ancient people, for whom love was the motto of life, that is, the source of life.That's why they wear a ring on their left hand, on the finger where the vein of love is.Without the love of loved ones in legends, the main characters die of sadness.""It's not just a legend, look at the women dressed in black to show how much grief and mourning for their deceased husbands is a black and painful picture of life. Here and throughout the Mediterranean, people are so emotionally attached to their loved ones and deceased family members that they mourn loudly at funerals, even becoming so sad that they have to go to hospitals after the funeral of loved ones who have passed away.""The legend talks about this tragic aspect of life. According to legend, the Chinese princess died after Marco's sisters said Marco was dead while he was a prisoner of war in Genoa.Look at this in the news:Last December, a father died after falling into a coma while mourning his wife and son, who died of grief for his son who died of lung cancer.All of them died within a month. It is a typical family of the Mediterranean tradition of mourning the dead.""Sadness.""Just like the story of Romeo and Juliet, too tragic, but a legend of love that lives forever in the hearts of the reader.""It is not just a legend, but compulsory literature in all schools of the Mediterranean countries.""Come on Lintag stop crying", he wiped away her tear, "your tears will turn into pearls of ice.Better to visit Marco Polo's home, I have a feeling that the story has not been told to the very end."