******* Rebecca*****
I woke up showered got dressed in my uniform and went to the museum I took the fake book he gave me to replace it. I got the book it was so easy I was shocked It's never so quick in movies but it was so easy I took the keys Told the security I'm here to collect another artifact for the auction I switch the book and left like I was never there when the auction was done left it was so shocking I was still waiting for something to go wrong nothing happened I left the museum to the grill And kept calling Alex number but it was not reachable I stay in the grill with some friends till six I decided to go home I tried Alex number he picked I told him I collected the book he told me not to tell Anyone or open it and gave me more instruction I hid the book in my room Under a camouflage box I came down I had a knock I open and saw a stranger with white Hair, very muscular And pale" Come in How may I help you" I said looking puzzled " When I went to the museum today For the crypto book I made sure that I didn't let anyone pass without being searched I kept wondering how you did it only to realize that you duplicated the book and you did not do it alone you had help from Alex" he said I was so scared that the museum knows About the book I'm sure it was the CCTV camera Here comes the drama, I spoke too soon "I don't know what you're talking about" I said with confidence " Really Rebecca Pierce you don't know what am talking about Where is the book" he asked with command " I don't know what you're talking about "he broke my vase
Rebecca:What do you want
Stranger:The book
Rebecca:who are you
Stranger:your worst nightmare
His eyes turned black his eye bag were dark He had piercing gaze and fang liked teeth it was protruding From his mouth I fell to the ground He was no human he started breaking things and asking me where the book is I ran for my life he held me
Stranger:Where is the book
Rebecca:I don't know
he looked Furious he threw me on the ground I hit my head very hard I started bleeding I stood up ran to the kitchen lock the door I sat there thank God my phone was with me I called Alex and he answered the kitchen door fell down to the ground I screamed help me He held me up
Stranger:It was wrong for to enter a kitchen in such situation
He took a knife and stabbed me in my shoulder Oh f**k!! "Where is the book" he said i gave the same answer I can stab you all night he removed the knife from my shoulder I can't believe Alex was right that vampires were deadly and was going for my heart when he fell on the ground and there Alex stood I was so happy then he knock Alex down,Alex stood up so fast He raise him How did he do that He threw him A pleasure seeing you again the vampire said Xander Mac That name rings a bell Of a century old vampire Who did not have much biography He then threw him from the window He came back immediately He then turn to me his eyes were red and sunk His eye bag where as dark as that guy he Had fan liked teeth He is also a vampire he came close to me and started crawling for my life Then the guy stabbed him and he started bleeding Alex turned and looked at him and smirk Then remove the knife and it healed immediately he then grabbed him by his shirt Threw him on the ground and he stood up then Alex went behind him and pulled out his heart He didn't turn to me I was so scared I started moving Stay away from me I said he kept coming close and my view was getting blurry I kept moving I stopped Everything was completely blurry and then slowly pitch black.
****** Alex *******
I was so wrong when I said sleeping pills had nothing on vampires I woke up past six guess that what happens when you take a whole bottle of sleeping pills I got dressed I was about to leave when I got a call from Rebecca she told me she got the book I gave her instructions she should follow she told me were she kept the book camouflage whatever in her room I went down met Kai and the rest told them The good news I was about To rush out when they started asking questions about the book after some minute of writing an exam from Kai I got my car I was about to leave when I found out I was out of fuel I got another one then drove off I was Still driving when my car tire got punched I got it fixed I was so worried all these drama happened today she retrieved the book I got into the car and continue driving when I got a call from Rebecca I picked it" what's up" I said then she started screaming I then a voice in the background saying we're is the book she told him she doesn't know that was a relief I can stab you all night he said then she started screaming again I knew my car Wouldn't get me to her House on time So I decided to use the trees When I got there she was crawling and bleeding profusely he was about to Go for her heart when I entered And to my fucking surprise It was not a museum stuff it was Daniel Natasha's minion I looked at her when. knocked me down I stood up And raised him by his collar "Pleasure seeing Again Xander Mac" I threw him from the window I couldn't help but transform Daniel stabbed me I started bleeding I looked at him Took out the knife It's healed immediately I grabbed him and threw him "I think we have played around for today hmm"Then I rip his heart out" It was no pleasure seeing you again Daniel" I turned to her she looked shocked and was was screaming and trying to run away from me Humans I'm sure she finally Lent her lessons about vampires She blacked out After trying to run so Pathetic l Feed her my blood to heal her wounds got my car and drove her home I left her in the care of Amelia While I go back to get her stuff Because She already invited a vampire in Which gives room For more To come after her I got her stuffs pictures Clothes And Books then I took the crypto book and left .