Chapter 35 - Midterms beginning

Midterms were 2 days away and i was pretty darn exhausted. It was almost Painful just how Exhausted i was.

II slept like a Log these 2 days and got up today. All fresh.

It was the day of the exam.

In the last 1 Month weird things have happened.

While i was too focused on the entire Tournament we got to know that the entire Currency system has been completely changed into a Note manner.

It was because of the fact that huge Chunks of silver were stolen and because of that both supply and demand of Silver was lost to a huge degree.

The supply of Silver was almost half of it's usual and the demand was almost non existant.

Every other citizen of this Country was surprised that a piece of paper was a replacement for A silver Coin.

They decided to use these notes instead of waste their remaining resources.

J mean it's understandable that people don't want to waste resources for something like Currency.

So they want to change their means of Exchange. But, isn't it just a piece of paper?

And, it's even more weird for me that I feel like this idea isn't new and it feels like I've heard of it somewhere before.

Maybe it's just my imagination.

Anyway, the thing is it appears that each silver coins is about 500 Imperial CR.

Which is the currency of the Imperial Bank which has been newly made.

This currency is currently applicable only in the human realm and it won't be applicable in the Elven or dwarven Nations.

Nor will it work in the Ogre's nation.

Well, Entering the demon realm Is like death so there's no point talking about them.

This Academy is for Humans and just like the Imperial Academy there are Academies for different Species also.

Back to the topic.

I am Currently a B Ranked Individual so my basic Salary is around 56,100 which is about 28 gold Coins since each gold Coin is worth about 2000 C's.

A bronze Coin is worth 100 C's.

Meaning, about 5 bronze coins will make a silver and 4 Silver's make a gold.

Which was Completely different from the usual Currency.

My Current Lieutenant Salary was about 56100 and i had a service pay of 15,200.

Which was about 7 and a half gold and 2 Bronze.

So my Current salary was about 35 gold and 3 bronze every Month.

Or 70,300 C's.

And a meal at an average was around 300-400 Silvers.

We had to pay Monthly rent now because of Housing expenses made by the Acadeny but Instead they decided to Decrease the prizes of Food products.

Becauze, Supply of Grocery Ingredients has become quite cheap.

I had to pay around 7000 a Month for lodging.

So taking out the 7000 out of thr 70300 i'd have around 63300.

I Intended to give 40000 which is around 15 Gold coins to my mother.

And Keep the remaining 23300 since I get free Ration in this scheme.

6 times a year i can stock up on Ration for free. Which helped alot.

Considering Rations have been permitted free 6 out of 12 Months and the Prizes of Canteen food has decreased quite a bit.

It's Understandable to say that they are being sponsored by a food production Agricultural Complay.

Probably a big one at that.

Well this is only applicable for B ranks and Above.

And after Intensive training I'm currently B Rank.

All ready for the Tournament.

My only problem tho is Chosing My profession.

One more problem here is that I'm Kinda dirt broke. Though except for the 300 Gold which wre almost as good as over.

I had No Spare Change.

Well. I'm getting My salary now anyway.

Being a winning team in a tournament i got an Increment of 5 gold which meant that My total salary was 81,300.

Well, this was another one of my Intentions.

I wanted this additional gold to Survive every day life considering my expenses.

And glad i won it and receive An additional 5 gold Increment.

Well, it depends on the sport you play.

If you played football or Basketball you'd get an Increment of 10 Gold Every Month.

I'm at B rank which means I get this Much Money.

I think it's time i go shopping considering My clothes are almost done for.

Well, the last time i went for shopping was to buy the Cricket Dress.

So, I'm not well versed in the art of Fashion.

I aLso need to buy a Uniform. Well, i already got an allowance from the Academy.

It appears that you get around 10000 C's or rather 5 gold Coins every year to buy a new uniform.

That is another benefit of being a aprt of this academy.

You might be thinking why these people would burn so much money on fledglings who haven't even got out of their nets.

It's pretty Simple.

beating a D ranked Monster will get you around 2 lakh C's by selling all of it's body parts.

And by order the Money just keeps on Increasing.

Where you Kill an S rank Monster, even if it's a goblin it'll easily fetch you more than 50 Million C's.

And beating these Monters In bulk is the entire Point of this Exam.

You'll Go through 5 rounds in total. And in the first round you need to Kill atleast 15 Monsters.

The moment you go to the 2nd Round you need to beat atleast 50 Monsters.

By Round 3 you need to beat atleast 100.

Round 4 will require 300 Monsters.

and by round 5 You'll have to kill atleast 500 D rank Monters.

And the People who remain Until the end will face off in the final exam for a Prize of 10000 Gold Coins.

It's a Tournament that is held Once every year where all the species except the demons come together in an exchange programme where the top students face off in a Knockout format.

Imagine the things i could do with 10000 gold coins...

But for now, i should try and do my best to beat as Many Montsters as i can in the 'Open battle.'